Within A Grey Twilight

Chapter 8

Sitting in his new study a room that he set aside for it. It was still quite s.p.a.cious that he did find a place to store books. Even if he didn"t bring a whole lot of them.

Although he did feel that he has forgotten something rather important. Before asking himself to remember how many days has it been since Shinrou left. It was almost the week and the deadline was today. Maybe he should also count in the exact timing, but it did vary. Besides, it wasn"t that bad.

He didn"t exactly forget. Although it vanished from his mind completely until today. And it wasn"t as though he could not recall him.

Masami looked at him. "Why are you leaving?"

"Because I need to meet with Shinrou."

"It"s today?"

He nodded. Before she also knew that she had forgotten. "Keep an eye on the house and make sure that Yuki doesn"t bring any strangers in."

He left in a hurry. Not even in time for Masami to reply. Going out and quickly heading into the same inn that he went a day ago. With his house finally in a state that was tidy.

Well, at least that was somewhat of a valid reason why he should not have been held responsible for forgetting. This was an easy matter, as he was moving and finding down suitable lodgings. Taking care of what was left of it.

When he arrived, just in time he heaved a sigh of relief.

Only to find him already there.

And Kazuho did for a moment wonder how he will be able to answer. Since he couldn"t really come up with an explanation that wasn"t along the lines of abandonment.

Which made for finding a real excuse difficult. "Well, at least you showed up." Shinrou looked at Kazuho. He stood up from the chair and left. "You did find a place if you forgot all about me."

He nodded. At least that was certain, and well he did think that watching his words was a lot more important now. Well, not that Shinrou will have minded that it was the truth. Seeing that he was more than well aware of the fact that it was a likely outcome. Much more than anyone, that knew Kazuho.

"And if you didn"t come here at this time, I was going to just leave you waiting while I get myself some food." Holding the piece of paper, which he could guess was filled to the brim with the map of the city.

Before he presented the map of the city. The city was changed, and much of it was cluttered and smaller. Unlike the larger city that he once knew. He looked closely at all the location mapped out on it. Some things remained the same, but others were largely changed.

The current city didn"t seem like a capital. When compared to the other capital cities of the world. Which was far larger, and more wealthy. Even in countries which had a geography similar to theirs.

Curiously he looked at the map again. Remembering that earlier on, he had spent his time looking at the western part of the city. Which was a much safer location as compared to the others.

"What are we going to do now?" Shinrou looked at him. As Kazuho simply smiled. He never really told Shinrou what his true thoughts were. And the last time he met her was in this city.

Although it was even debatable whether she was still here. But he still had other affairs to attend to, a reason why he entered the city.

"Though what did you do for the first few days. Seeing that you appear to be much poorer."

"You know the answer to that."

Shinrou chuckled. Knowing that Yuki did the one thing that almost n.o.body knew how it was possible. Getting a guy older than her to pay for everything while eating far more than he ever did.

"Well, I finally managed to find someone who can judge where this could have came from." He held the locket. Many mentioned that it was an exquisite piece of jewellery, and likely only belonged to royalty.

But where to look was almost impossible to start. At least in the time that he left. He almost didn"t recognize the city. The city that he once lived in for most of his childhood.

The streets were different, the entire city was different. So different that he didn"t think all of this could happen within a decade. A capital, the only other city that rivalled it was the old city where the Emperor took residence.

Here, was the location of the Shogunate which made here their capital. And the centre of all trade when it came to Kyokuhi. The Emperor after all, only tolerated the existence of foreign countries. And it was a recent development.

He doubted it. Seeing as such treasures could easily leave the family as long as royal women married into n.o.ble families. Which has happened before. Or it was given to a concubine and left.

There were countless reasons. And he had to admit that it wasn"t all too strange to have rare treasures in the

"Come on, I"m intending to head there first. Since it happens to be on the way back." He walked with Shinrou. Through the streets. The same road that he once did. Although the only thing that was of much value in which he brought was the locket itself.

"You seem to be much more careful. Were you robbed?"

"Sort of, but it was resolved." Although the man didn"t ask any further, and if he had lost it, Kazuho will still have whined about the money. Because it was an awful lot of it, and it was akin to simply throwing money at the sea.

"Well, I do think so. If you didn"t take Masami with you in the streets."

They didn"t say another word until they reached the place. A place which could have been exchanged with a dubious den of vice. And still will not have been any different.

But they needed to keep this quiet, and any other jeweler might bring him a lot of trouble. This wasn"t something that he could easily explain off as inheritance or a gift. He could guess that it was far more than that.

"I wish to ask about this locket." He gave the man a chance to look at it. Slowly glancing over the locket. Realizing that its value was far more than what he will have seen here.

"The city depicted in here is Okiban perhaps three to four decades ago, with the style being in touch of the imperial palace under the previous Emperor. And given the craftsmanship, it has to have been once a part of the imperial family." Once a part, but three to four decades could have changed things.

The man doesn"t ask another question. Perhaps waiting for him to answer as well. "Are you going to ask any further?" Shinrou asked.

He denied it. It was certain that he knew much about this locket. Although it didn"t answer any questions about her. Because she never mentioned anything about the imperial family, neither did she behave like a princess at any point of time.

"Do you have any more inquires?"

"No." And took out plenty of coins. To keep it quiet.

"Although it is a strange thing that a man might carry around. But I won"t ever question." It was not his place to do so. And he was still earning a lot from this.

That having something like this with him was not his intentions. Money after all was a way that secrecy could have been bought.

Before the door opened to reveal another person who was coming here. A young man perhaps a year or two older than Kazuho. His hair was worn into a topknot and he carried around a rather flamboyant fan. Even if it was in the middle of autumn. Kazuho knew that he probably should leave at this point in time.

Although it was too late. The money disappeared from the counter, and Kazuho kept the locket between his pockets. Pa.s.sing by the man as quickly as possible, who gave him a glance.

It wasn"t a good idea to return it.

He heaved a sigh of relief outside. Knowing that this was a man who was likely to have dealings in the dark. And was one of those who will be looking at Kazuho more readily.

One of the underworld, which in these times could have said to have flourished. Even this establishment thrived on it, and the reason why it could continue.

Besides, he didn"t ask who it may belong to but when it was made. Given his knowledge, he could guess that it was a recent work. He has seen enough antiques to know that how the craftsmanship was back then.

He kept the locket in the pocket. Realizing that it wasn"t easy. He hasn"t stepped foot in here for years, and her situation even during then was precarious. What more of now?

Where almost nothing was certain. Shinrou looked at him in surprise. "Are you still keen on this?"

"I waited far too long as it is. And I owe her far too much." Shinrou kept his silence since it has been years when that happened. An incident which changed his entire life. If not, he will have grew up here. Rather than outside of this city in another country.

"Although what possessed you to take Yuki on. I mean, you could just deny her on her whims."

Well, he did feel like wanting to have him face Yuki for once. On his own. And see how he will fare against her.

"If there is someone that I should send to reject her ideas, it should be you." Shinrou looked the other way, not keen on the idea. Seeing that even he didn"t wish to be like that. Yuki was the type of demanding that eluded most of them, and never seemed to make much sense.

But everyone listened to her. And well, that was the truth. Even Masami didn"t disagree with her, but somehow she always managed to avoid having to confront her.

Heading back to the house itself, and getting Shinrou to buy some snacks for Masami. Which was something that she wanted for quite some time.

She opened the door only to find Yuki chatting with someone. A girl with her hair tied into a ponytail. She carried around a large fan, although it didn"t seem to be doing anything except as an ornament.

He looked at Masami. Questioning where did she even managed to get such a person inside. She shrugged. Well, it wasn"t as though it was completely impossible.

"How did she get inside?"

"Because, well she left before you did. And I was trying to tell you that but you ran to find Shinrou."

Well, it was pointless to do anything at this time. He will have to just bear it.

"Get a cup of tea for her." He said to Shinrou. And took his seat beside Masami.

Well, it wasn"t as though he could avoid entertaining her now that she was a guest. And it wasn"t polite to just chase her away. Even if Yuki didn"t have much of the right to do so. But it was a start, and perhaps she might be of help.