World of Xianxia

Chapter 1 – Unwilling

Chapter 1 – Unwilling


The east side of the state of Jin, close to the great sea, a sword of light like a straight perilous peak foaming at the mouth, breaks the sky. The silver light from the edge of the sword sends out a sharp momentum, cover the thousands of miles in radius.

This is the state of Jin’s leading cultivate immortality big faction, heavenly sword pope!

It was three years ago, when Ye Yun left his hometown at twelve years old, he pa.s.sed through the layers of a.s.sessment, just became a factotum disciple.

Even factotum disciple of heavenly sword Pope is enough to make the secular officials and warriors in state of Jin to lookup.

However, in the heavenly sword, factotum disciple like Ye Yun is like a worm. This is them, and nearly one thousand people, without any position, can be said to be the lowest of slaves.

Factotum disciple once, however, pa.s.sed examination to be a disciple outside door, it was once the dragon of rise.

Fatigue disciple shuttle to and from in the outer court, everyone’s face was full of a hurry, every day there are thousands of transactions waiting to complete.

“From the outside door of this year’s disciple examination is only a month’s time, in my present cultivation I do not know if there is hope.” Ye Yun standing on a piece of rock, looked into the distance, as if through the clouds, saw the depth of clouds looming number crunchers hall, where only the ninja team official disciple is allowed to go.


Whirring sound of the broken sound blast on Ye Yun’s back.

“Ye Yun, the collection of hundreds of strains of feather gra.s.s has not yet been completed, you’re wasting time here?”

Wearing a moiré coat Liu Daolie appeared behind Ye Yun, with a whip hand in his hand, a full face of mockery.

Ye Yun grind teeth, slightly back from burning sense of pain.

Liu Daolie is his ShiShu, nearly a thousand of factotum disciple in medicine valley are managed by Liu Daolie. Liu Daolie’s practice qualification is of the ordinary, even worse than most of their fatigue disciple, but his entry time is early which leads to at least a small level higher in repair. His cousin Liu Yu is the TianZhuFeng disciple.

TianZhuFeng throughout the ninja team in terms of cases are refining some product Dan medicine under the outside door, but outside the door of the formal disciple already has access to some real cultivate immortality method, with higher

status than bottom of the chopped disciples.

Ye Yun was blamed by Liu Daolie all the days, but in order to cultivate immortality dream he choked back down.

Noticed that Ye Yun was in silence, Liu Daolie slightly narrowed his eyes, sneer suddenly, then whipped Ye Yun again, “Want me to I ask again?”

The whip just slapped on Ye Yun’s brow, and immediately a blood, scalp hair fried in pain, as long as the lower again Ye Yun eyes would be wounded.

“Eighteen strains still to be collected”. Ye Yun’s blood flocked to the face, but managed to endure, hanging his head sank.

“How did you dare to waste time even if differ so much? ” Liu Daolie laughed, “it seems that you not only don’t want LingShi practice in this month, but also still want to go to the Tower Spirit Beast.”

Tower Spirit Beast is the place to domesticate monster beasts, domesticated monster beasts need to fight with people in order to increase actual combat experience and the running-in between their masters. The factotum disciple and some ninja team captured opponents often became the sparring of monster beast, for fatigue disciple it is almost impossible to live down.

” ShiShu Liu Daolie, there should be enough time to collect rest of the eighteen strains of feather gra.s.s, in total one hundred by the end of this.” Ye Yun didn’t feel much afraid, instead the burning more intense anger. Knowing that even if try the best he still can’t be Liu Daolie’s opponent, Ye Yun can only be forced to endure, his nail pierced the flesh and blood of palm because of strength.

“Planned for the end of month previously, but now it’s changed to today.” Liu Daolie looked at Ye Yun with sarcastic, said: “The rule of TianZhuFeng is changed, the feather gra.s.s must be all ready before midnight today.”

“Midnight today?” Ye Yun almost jumped to his feet and never succ.u.mb to anger, cried out: “Within six hours, how could I possibly do that?”

“There are six hours, how could it be too late. And I have heard that you have a lot of discontent on me, maybe go to spirit beast tower is what you want.” Liu Daolie laughed aloud, with a mockery of the eyes swept Ye Yun, then turned around.

Ye Yun looked at his back, fists clenched, whole body trembled.

Although the feather gra.s.s is not a precious herb, but to find eighteen strains in less than six hours, it is almost impossible task. To collect the eighty-two strains of feather gra.s.s, Ye Yun spent more than half a month’s time, now all of a sudden going to cobble together one hundred plants, how could it be so easy?

On hearing the word, he knew Liu Daolie had an eye on him for a long time, and now it is such a good opportunity for Liu Daolie to kill him.

“Liu Daolie! I am unhappy with you most of the time, but managed to suppress my anger, never show it. You treat me like this just because I don’t flatter you like some other people, I, Ye Yun, swear, as long as I take one day for more than you, be sure to let you pay the price!”

Ye Yun’s heart beating with each breath, it seems to burn between the chest and abdomen pain.

But he is very clear, first of all, to get through this difficulty.

Heavenly sword Pope is located in Yunlong mountain, which extends over thousands of miles, with steep cliffs, lofty peaks and jagged stones. There are monster beasts in the mountain, and fragrant flowers are everywhere. Over a thousand years, heavenly sword Pope has driven monster beast deep into the mountain, given them a place of shelter with the name monster beast valley, just in order to avoid cases of gate disciple in Yunlong mountain acquisition
practice spirit of material when attacked.

However, not all the monster beasts are driven together, instead they are as far as possible in order to distinguish, set off from the law banned high-grade monster beast out of the depths of the mountains, as a result, monster beast valley became a heavenly sword disciple of test field. Depending on the strength of high and low, the disciples enter regions for substantial test result respectively.

The feather gra.s.s is widely distributed in the valley of monster beast, for a disciple of the outside door, the outer two layers are low-level monster beast to be killed very easily. But for those who don’t get the ninja team of real factotum disciple of uniting the achievement method, even the most outer layer, is also very dangerous.

“In this half month I searched almost all areas of the outermost regions, the feather gra.s.s there were almost all taken away. The only chance to collect the rest in such a short time is to walk into the second layer.”

About two miles from the east of the outer court, a towering old trees towering exists, this is one entrance logo to monster beast valley. Cross the old tree, one enters the scope of the monster beast valley.

Ye Yun appeared under the towering old trees, all wet, took a look at the front, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and then stepped into the valley of monster beast.

On leaping over the ancient tree the view immediately changed dramatically, the clear sky disappears, leisurely clouds suddenly nowhere to be found, and the heaven and earth emerges into a dark. From time to time bursts of monster beast roars scream coming from deep inside, and as if in front of the face.

This is the monster beast valley, where the heavenly sword pope trains disciples. Ye Yun raised his hand, a faint light rising from his body, stayed on the top of his head to light up s.p.a.ce slightly in radius of dozens of meters.

This light is called Wei Guangjue, all factotum disciple must practice because in the valley of monster beast only the light of Wei Guangjue can break the darkness, let people see around. Of course, if the person is a disciple of the outside door of heavenly sword, he should have the more advanced tactic, and even magic weapon, which is said to be able to clear the square kilometers of darkness.

Half a month, by using the weak light Ye Yun almost searched the outermost layers of the
monster beast valley, found eighty-two strains of feather gra.s.s, this in addition to the incredible
patience and perseverance will, it also needs luck. People should know that although there are
no very powerful monster beasts in the outermost layers of the monster beast valley, level I or
level II monster beasts in groups still can kill a factotum disciple like Ye Yun.

Find eighteen strains of feather gra.s.s in less than six hours, it is impossible. Unless, leaps over
the outermost layer and enters the second floor. Because in the second layer the feather gra.s.s
will be a lot more, and there will be no general factotum disciple to enter, outside door disciple
normally won’t waste time collecting the gra.s.s. So long as you can enter the second floor, an
hour should be enough to complete the task. Unfortunately, the lowest level of monster beasts
in the second layer are at least level II, sometimes level III. For Ye Yun, it’s just like a sheep to a
tiger’s mouth to be there.

A piece of stone tablets stands in front of Ye Yun, emerged in the faint light.

It is the tablets in the second boundary.

Since the decision is made, Ye Yun then took a deep breath, jumped through stone tablets without any hesitate.

The light from Wei Guangjue shakes suddenly as if the candle light was blow, then the view it covers reduced to only about ten meters.

Ten meters away, with darkness all around to see nothing.

“No wonder outside door disciple will be more advanced with Wei Guangjue, the second floor of the monster beast valley is so dark, I’m afraid doesn’t work even if I mastered the third level of Wei Guangjue.” Ye Yun looked around with faint light, face became dignified. It can be imagined to be very difficult to find feather gra.s.s in a very short time in such a view.

Already entered the second layer, Ye Yun does’t want to waste time. He was leaning, hunching over slowly, concentrating on looking for feather gra.s.s.

Almost no factotum disciples dared to enter the second floor, and outside gate disciple also rarely come in looking for feather gra.s.s because it’s too cheap, so Ye Yun thought he should be able to get some.

Sure enough, just less than ten minutes, under the faint light, one and a half feet tall gra.s.s appears in front of Ye Yun, with blue root and blue leaves, this is the most distinguishing feature of feather gra.s.s, at a glance.

Ye Yun overjoyed, has never thought it would be so easy to found a one in the second layer. Based on the progress, it is possible to finish the task over four hours, perhaps.

Then the second gra.s.s, third, fourth…

Ye Yun didn’t expect to find a lot of feather gra.s.s so easily, within two hours eight strains are already collected.

“Liu Daolie, you wouldn’t think I’m so lucky, and when I am over you, I want you to pay back.”

Ye Yun then saw the ninth feather gra.s.s, eyes flashed a flank.

“Something’s wrong, how can it be so much feather gra.s.s almost in the same area?” Ye Yun realized he missed something, “the feather gra.s.s’s character is cold, and level III monster beasts like eating plume gra.s.s to enhance the body of the ice, undoubtedly……”


As far as Ye Yun realized the mistake, a frigid cold light emerged from behind him, into the vanity, with zi zi light ring, directly into his vest.

Hair shaft, Ye Yun rolled forward Subconsciously. Cold blue light rubbed his vest, cut a piece of his skirts.

Ye Yun looked up and saw less than ten meters, two perfect white snakes, hunkered down the lawn, light faint light emanates a cold chill, scarlet letter of throughput between zi zi the horrors of the noise.

It’s the third level monster beast, ice snow snake!