Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 1

All hail my first editorial? Machine Translate and Editing? I"m not sure. 

I stumbled upon this one whilst reading another one, and thought I should go for it - with Google Translate"s help of course. So it is, most likely, wrong, but I have done my best to turn it from somewhat legible to hopefully something that flows nicely in the mind. I dunno the sypnosis, we all will figure together. The t.i.tle according to Google sensei is Easy Truth and Political Marriage by Fujisawa Miya -  make of that what you will.

It is also R-15 or R-18. Whichever it is; it is NSFW right from the get go. You have been warned, take necessary precautions and don"t blame me if your eyes fall out.

Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon VolI Chapter 1


 love you, Matilda,’
I opened my eyes to the voice whispering in my ear. In the moonlight, a man waslooking down at me with heated eyes. Leandroth Levan Bareshaiaga: My arranged intended, the youngemperor of the Bareshaiaga Empire.
I replied surprised and misty eyed, but the Leandroth floating in the moonlightsmiled softly,
‘I love you.’
As I try to speak, my lips are stopped with a soft kiss.
And then he vanishes.

A dream?

This could only be a dream.

Because the wedding was two monthsaway!

It took ten days to travel from hercountry to Bareshaiaga.

She arrived late at night so theaudience with the Emperor should have been short.
But here he was in her appointed bedroom, gazing at Matilda with a wide smilethat seemed to reach his eyes,

‘Feel at ease and rest,’ he said toher.

Thisfeels familiar, she thought to herself.

Suddenly, his face moved closer andshe was being kissed. She stiffened in surprised, and tried to break free. Herclosed lips were relentlessly licked, her body started to move somewhat. Hereyes watered. It was painful. She could not breathe, she opened and tried toturn her face to take in some air but her mouth was invaded by his tongue.  She teared up as little shivers ranthrough her body. Suddenly she was on the bed being caressed over her nightclothes. His kisses deepened and theirbreathing became rough.
‘…’ I cannot breathe, she thought. Whilst she was struggling with lack of air,he broke away; she looked at his heated gaze with confusion. He touched herb.r.e.a.s.t.s and announced in rough heated tones,

‘I like these,’ as he fondled them,pleasurable shivers ran down her body, gently increasing in intensity. She’salways disliked her b.r.e.a.s.t.s; they were like two large apples stuck to herchest. The sensations intensified as he kneaded her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, rubbed his palmsagainst her nipples, and kissed her. Although, she was reluctant, she had nomastery over her body and she got hotter.
He pinched her nipples and her body trembled.
‘Matilda,’ he whispered. Through the haze of confused desire, a question arosein her head: Is it really the emperor? Is this man truly the Bareshaiaga emperor?This could not be real. It could not be him.

‘Call me Leann (Zuben: I am a.s.suming p.r.o.nounced like Leanne.Actually, he’ll be Leanne from now on),Mattie,’ he said smiling gently.

Could it be the Emperor? She couldn’t speak;her mouth was sealed by his kissing onslaught. Her head was getting light and she wasovercome with a floaty feeling.
No way, is it a dream? She wondered. Hot hands gripped her legs and gentlyparted them, Leandroth approached; his face at her centre. Her night clotheswere hiked up and underwear removed before she could even mount a protest. Shetried to cover her shameful place but she was stopped, he could feel his hotbreath against her just before she was sucked on gently. She felt his tonguelick her along her opening.
‘Ah…please, stop!’ She cried, but he did not listen. Her petals were slightly swollen and coatedwith nectar. His tongue moved around parting her, entering her. She felt dizzywith the pleasure. In all her twenty-six years of life, this was her first timeexperiencing this kind of thing.
The only intimacy she’s ever shared were kisses with her parents and brothers.

‘Ahn~!’ she cried, as strange deeplypleasurable sensations ran up and down her spine, electrifying her skin.  His caress continued – he lapped up her nectarlike it was sweet honey while stroking her inner thigh.
The sound of his licking was audible in the room. The sensations causing her totwist and turn, it was so intense. Matildacovered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from crying out. Herarms squeezing her swollen b.r.e.a.s.t.s with her nipples erect. She was mortified ather reactions, but she was too weak to resist.
His hot tongue plunged deep into her, more nectar overflowed; she could feelleak out of her.
She did not like the feeling, but she could not resist crying out,
Why? Isn’t this kind of thing only to be done after marriage? Why start as soonas she arrived? She could not figure it out. She felt like crying. She had nointention for such a relationship.
Something was inserted slowly into her tight wet cavern. Matilda shut her eyes tightly at thenew invasion. It is pulled out and pushed back in slowly. It hurt.
Maybe it"s a finger.
This is the first time she’d ever been touched down there; she’d never done itbefore outside of washing. Why was this happening?
It was suddenly painful; she took a deep breath and cried out,

‘No! Stop it!’

But he at her protests he whispered inher ear his hot breath arousing her despite the discomfort,

‘I like it. It feels to so good.’
‘Stop it!’ She cried. But he did not stop.
She squirmed and cried, tossed her head left to right as the discomfort in herlower abdomen grew.
Am I to become a woman? I don’t want to.
Someone help!

She shot up in her bed.
There was a slight discomfort in her lower abdomen, but it was not terriblypainful like last night.
She looked down at herself and realised she was still wearing her travelclothes from last night.
‘Huh?’ She had not been disturbed. She hitched up her skirt, but could not findany strange strains; blood or otherwise.
‘A dream?’
No way-Not true. It seemed so real! But the Emperor of the great Barenshiagacould not behave in such a manner.
--- I love you.
--- I love you.
‘~Hng!’ she groaned, her face turning red.
It was a dream. Absolutely.
Was she losing her mind?
Was she hoping the Emperor would have special feelings for her, despite onlymeeting him a few times in large social gatherings? Is that why she was havingsuch vivid dreams?
This was so embarra.s.sing. Her red face suddenly turned paled as a new thoughtentered her head: Was she a nymphomaniac?! The thought terrified her.
She began to wonder if a s.e.xually wanton nature was sleeping inside her. Shehugged herself, feeling distraught, at a loss for what to do.

Matilda acknowledged the greetings of the palace staff as walked through thepalace corridors, keeping her upturned emotions under a pa.s.sive pale face.
She was led to a luxurious room where the emperor awaited her. The refreshing morning sunshine cast aglow into the room causing everything to sparkle. In the brightly shining room was the Emperorof Bareshaiaga, the sunlight surrounding his body and lighting his stunninglyhandsome face.

She greeted him with a polite good morning anda deep curtsy. He replied and bowed to her. After they were seated, he said toher,
‘You can rest and get used to the new environment before our wedding. I’m sureyou have been very busy with preparations. After our wedding, you will be quitebusy with your royal duties. So please try and relax.’ He said with a politesmile, Matilda had a tight sensation in her chest; guilt.
‘This room is where I usually take a break and have my meals; my office isthrough the door over there. There is also a reception room.’
Leandroth sat on the sofa across from her, his posture seemed relaxed.
‘I asked the staff to brew chrys bud tea. I was told you liked it.’ He saidwith a kindly smile. (ED: ‘chys’ is fake ‘cos google sensei called it ‘flowerbud tea’. I thought it was generic and boring.)
A steward came forward with a tea trolley laden with sweets and a largebeautifully ornamented pot of tea. Chrysbud tea was one of Matilda"s favourite teas; she liked it with just alittle honey.
Matilda served the tea, carefully pouring the fragrant liquid into the chinacups; she added a little drop of honey to both cups and stirred. The room wasfilled with a lovely aroma. She unconsciously took a deep breath and smiled.She looked up to notice Leandroth smiling as well, and she felt awkward.

‘Delicious,’ he said taking a sip. Shesmiled in agreement,

‘I had it ordered from your country,as well as the honey.’

‘Oh, how kind. Thank you.’ She saidsweetly as she could muster, mollified.

Her home country, the Icecoreta wassometimes regarded as the “kitchen or farm” of the Bareshaiaga Empire. The main import to Bareshaiaga from Icecoretawas food. In reality, Bareshaiagaproduces good quality tea and honey, probably better than Icecoreta. Thesouthern region produced various kinds of things. Why bother with the expense?
‘I don’t want to feel like you’re missing anything from home, so please if youhave any requests; tell the staff, I have informed them to fulfil your everyrequirement.’
Her eyes widened in surprise by the gesture.
‘Thank you. I am very grateful for your thoughtful consideration.’ She said,carefully speaking. She looked directly at her opponent, but she wanted to lookaway from his shiny glare. This twenty-seven year old emperor was so regal andcalm in his shiny aura. His hair was touching his shoulders, but it was neatlystyled and combed. His clothes were of high quality of course, well made, notdecorated heavily decorated and practical. He was tall, with broad shoulders, atrim waist and long legs. Sitting on the settee he looked like a fantasticpainting, one that would only be improved with some young and beautiful womanby his side as his wife, not someone like her. Though it was odd, and they didnot suit, it could not be helped. Bareshaiaga was located south of the IshindrunMountains that protect its northern border. Icecoreta, her home country, was almostsurrounded by Bareshaiaga. Although forestry was the main economy of Icecoreta,under the patronage of the great country Bareshaiaga, they were also strong inagriculture. It was a smallcountry that held an army, but could not maintain peace without the cooperationof Bareshaiaga. Icecoreta’s land area is less than one fifth of Bareshaiaga.This political marriage only really benefitted Icecoreta. So it was puzzlingwhy Emperor Leandroth was going along with the whole thing. Bareshaiaga gainednothing from this union with the Icecoreta royal family. Matilda returned thetea cup to its saucer without making a sound, a product of her training. Shesuddenly could not bear it. But she pulled herself back from depressivethoughts. She would be a good princess, and wife. Fill the palace with as muchbeauty and joy as possible and she will be satisfied with that. If the Emperorwished to take a mistress or have a whole harem, she could not and would notcomplain. Not like she could anyway, the difference in the national strength ofBareshaiaga and Icecoreta was too great. That was how it must be. She wouldlike him, but she would not allow herself to love him. She could not endangerher heart.
And with last night’s dream…a wanton woman hiding inside her…

‘Thank you for taking your time to seeme comfortable even though you are busy.’ She said as she rose from her seat.
Yes, it was a dream. Matilda concluded as she walked calmly to the door. Thisroom filled with sunlight…This is a dream.
She did not want to or even consider she was a wanton woman who had dreams likethat. She did want to hope for love in this marriage. That dream was far beyondreality. She wanted to cry.
She stopped at the door and turned. She smiled and buried her heart. Would itbe better to run away? Surely that would make things easier for His Majesty.
And he would not discover this ugly, disgusting woman within her.
Leandro smiled kindly and waved.
She returned the smile, and curtsied. The door was opened and she left the room.

A few words from Zuben:

A lot of sentences I felt were kind ofredundant were deleted. There a few ‘tonal’ changes here and there. I hope itreads well.

 I hope we like Matilda, and wonder of wonders,they aren"t teenagers so whatever they get up to we don’t have to try to feelicky.

Disclaimer: All pictures are off thenet: Pintrest, Google Images, images not from these places would be referenced.