Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 21

YasashīShinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Vol IIChapter 21



henshe returned to her room, eight ladies-In-waiting were waiting. (Zuben: Haha!Google translated it as ‘eight c.o.c.ks were waiting’. I wondered if I had steppedinto the wrong novel. ROFL)

Theywere there to get her dressed for the meeting (Zuben: Didn’t Leandroth go tothe meeting earlier or did I do something wrong? No I didn"t. I went back tocheck. I"ve decided the two meetings are different ¬.¬)

Shereally only needed six people to get dressed. The others were to keep themcompany, make tea and conversation. (Zuben: Six people is still a lot but hey...)

Theiraim was to transform her into a gleaming princess.

Theyput on a corset that made her look slimmer and pushed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s up so they looked fuller.  They brushed her hairtill it gleamed and pulled it into a bun at the side of her head with decorative ties.

Herdress was pink; it was fitted round the bodice displaying her chest and fromher waist fell down to the floor in a gentle flare with a little train, a capeof lace was fitted over her shoulders. Jewellery was managed by the ladies inwaiting, and she was given a necklace with row after row of gleaming pearls toput on, with matching earrings and bracelet.

Inthe mirror, she thought she was looking at a different person; she lookedslimmer than usual and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were bigger.

Theyturned her face into an artist canvas, and they applied make-up. They appliedeye-shadow, blush and lipstick. Then her face was dusted with a translucentpowder.

‘Haveyou performed surgery without me knowing?’ she turned to ask Agatha, the leadof her maid team. (Zuben: Have you transmigrated without me knowing?) Agathawas a beautiful blonde, blue-eyed woman. She felt like a fraud, looking atherself in the mirror.

‘This is the true face of the Empress; I havejust improved upon it.’ She said.

Won’tpeople be disappointed when they saw her real face after this?

Therewas a discreet knock on the door and permission to enter was requested.

‘Theemperor’s here,’ the ladies cried in unison.

‘Hecan come in,’ she answered vaguely staring at herself in the mirror. Leandrothcame into view, his eyes widening at the sight of her.

‘…Exquisite,’he said

‘It’salmost like magic; magic and genjutsu than make-up.’ She replied mockingly. Ifshe stood next to him like this, she wondered if they would look nice together.She still couldn’t be self confident.

‘Becauseyou are usually hiding. You look very seductive. I can’t stop wanting to touchyou,’ he said as he prodded the skin on display,

‘Oh!My finger sinks.’

Shebatted his hand away,


‘Youare expectedly quick.’ He said blowing on his hand.


Helaughed, ‘No need to apologise, I was being naughty.’

Shesmiled back at him, relaxing. He returned the smile as he walked around her,his gaze licking her from top to toe. He looked like he wanted to eat her.

‘Youdo look beautiful, but I think that I refer the usual cute Matilda,’ he said ashe put his arm around her waist and drew her closer.

‘YourMajesty, please refrain. I don’t want to ruin the lipstick till after themeeting is over.’

‘Verywell,’ he replied mildly petulant.

‘Replyonce more with conviction!’


Agathagiggled at their interaction; it was like a teacher and student.

Leandrothturned to her, ‘Can I take Matilda now?’

‘Yes,sorry to have kept you waiting.’

Theladies-in-waiting and the maids bowed.

‘Empress,may I take your hand?’ he asked holding his arm out to her.

‘Iam still only your fiancée.’ She replied sharply, carelessly.

‘Fornow, but there is no going back. You will not escape so just give up.’ Hereplied with laughter.

Thepeople watching them were smiling warmly.

‘…Yes.’She replied shyly

‘You’reembarra.s.sed, it’s cute.’

Heheld her hand up to his lips and kissed her fingers. Her face got warm.

‘Well,let’s go fighting without swords.’

Leandrothtucked her arm in his and pulled her along.

‘Isit your first campaign? You’ve lost in the first salvo.’ He said


Helaughed, ‘I’m only teasing. You don’t have to apologise so seriously.’

Asthey walked one, she noticed they were surrounded by more knights, guards andmaids than usual. They seemed to be on the way to the hall were the morninga.s.sembly was usually held.

‘It’sthe first time we are working together. Well, maybe not really the first time.’

‘Don’ttalk about such things when other people are around.’ She said, her face waswarm, she wanted to run back to her room.

Leandrothlooked at Matilda, ‘I’m sorry, you’re so pretty when you blush I can’t helpmyself.’

‘Isn’tit contradictory to want to bully someone because they are cute?’

‘Itis childish, but I don’t think it is contradictory. Like when I think yourcrying face is cute; it may be unpleasant to you but it is both to me. It’s aboy thing after all.’

‘Itis contradictory after all. Aren’t boys being too impudent?’

Hesighed dramatically, ‘How terrible, you’re already scolding your future child.’(Zuben sighs dramatically; I want to finish this book quickly. I’m losing faithin my brain the more I do it.)

Matildalaughed, it was obvious he was joking. (Zuben: I worry for your past Mattie!)

‘Wouldyou prefer I be gentle or I make you laugh?’

‘Ithink…’ She came to a realisation, as she blushed.

‘Yourealise it now, don’t you?’


Shecared for Leandroth. He was so kind and forgiving, even when she did or saidsomething annoying, he laughed and forgave her. But she still felt she shouldnot be presumptuous based on this.

‘Oh.Honest.’ He said as he tightened his hold on her.

Shefelt his muscles contract; they were firm and sure underneath her fingers.

Didhe realise how she felt? He’d probably want to know, but now was not the time.She would be too embarra.s.sed and would run away.

‘We’rehere.’ He announced as they came up to double doors.

Today,they would embark on something, hopefully, great together.

Insidethe hall, most of the attendees had arrived and were seated.

Leandrothled Matilda into the room towards their seats, but he stopped as somethingahead arrested his gaze. Matilda followed his eyes to see an older man enteringthe hall,

‘Thatis the Marquis Bellmud, the Prime Minister.’ He whispered to her.

Sothis is the person Leandroth reveres and admired so much. Matilda caught hiseyes, and she smiled at him. But the Marquis stood shock still and thencollapsed onto the floor.

‘Grandfather!’Leandroth called as they ran toward the fallen man,

Therewas a man behind the Marquis when he collapsed. The man bent low intending totouch Bellmud,

‘Don’ttouch him!’ Matilda called out. She picked up her skirts and ran unenc.u.mberedto the Marquis.

Leandrothwas pale from shock,

‘Calla doctor, the Prime Minister has collapsed. And get a stretcher; we will takethe Marquis to the nearest quiet room.’

‘Let him rest here as he is. He does not appear tohave hurt is head during the fall, but there is an ankle sprain. I haveprepared a poultice for it.’ The doctor said as he washed his hands, ‘He mighthave a fever, as well. It seems he’s been weakening for a long time. When he issomewhat better, he should come and see me in hospital.’

He looked on his patient once more before turning to Matilda,

‘Is your highness the Princess looking after thepatient?’

Matilda nodded.

The doctor who was an older man with hair that waseither silver or grey, Matilda could not discern, looked at her in disdain.(Zuben: What is with all these rude people?)

‘Really poor quality. There is no excuse but, you needto change your hair style. You are causing the patient distress,’

‘Huh?’ (Zuben: Wait…what now?)

The doctor looked coldly at her.

‘My hairstyle?’

‘That hairstyle is one that the Marquis’ daughter, theformer Empress Orlatta, favoured. Although her hair colour was closer to gold.’The doctor said coldly (Zuben: And?)

Matilda frowned, ‘Hah?’

‘You’re not a good person.’ The doctor’s expression ofcontempt hurt her. (Zuben: Where is Leandroth in all this?)

‘The Prime Minister said looking at you makes him feelsick.’

Matilda undid her hair in a panic. She did notunderstand what was going on here.

‘Princess, if you would please leave the room. Pleaseget rid of the gold dust. With that I will take my leave. I will visit thepatient later.’

With that the doctor left. Matilda gazed at thedeparting man in a confused daze.

‘When did the former Empress die?’

‘About six months ago.’ A trembling voice replied, ‘Helost his wife, my grandmother, Lady Kagata, ten years ago. His is stillgrieving.’

A lady in waiting answered quietly.

‘How did the Empress die?’

‘She fell down the stairs. She had been lookingforward to the Emperor Leandroth’s marriage.’

‘It was the Marquis and I who saw her last. Her finalwords were “Father, I am sorry”’

‘You’ve lost weight,’ a voice said quietly from behindthem.

Leandroth looked down at the resting Marquis with whatseemed like pity.

‘What of the meeting?’

‘The governors and parliament are fighting each other,it is rather tiresome. Like children in a slap fight. I have instructed them toback and think of their points and reconvene.’

‘I see.’

He turned to the ladies in waiting and maids, ‘I’msorry, but can I get a comb from one of you. And if you would give us someprivacy.’

One of the maids handed him a comb and they quietlyleft the room.

Leandroth pulled a chair near the bed that the Marquisrested and sat Matilda down on it.

He began to comb Matilda’s hair,

‘What do you think happened?’

‘This? It’s difficult to say.’ He smiled as hecontinued brushing Matilda’s hair.

‘Perhaps, it is poison?’

‘You think?’ Leandroth asked darkly.

‘Were you not informed that that ill –natured doctorhas no consideration for women?’He said as he began to tie hair. She wanted tolaugh,

That man with snake like eyes,

‘Who was that man who was close behind the Marquiswhen he fell?’

‘That strange suspicious looking man?’


‘The Earl Pikers; it is the first time you’ve met himand you know that he’s suspicious.’

‘He has eyes like a serpent. Although it seems rude tosnakes,’ she said quietly. Leandroth barked out a laugh.

‘It is unusual for people to suspicious of Pikers.Most are deceived by his golden appearance?’

‘Golden apprearance…?’

‘Hair like the sun, eyes like the distant oceans,voice like a chocolate…’

‘People think that?’

To be honest she did not see this.

‘Was he that beautiful?’

‘People are only concerned about the beauty on thesurface.’

She tilted her head trying to remember but realisedshe couldn’t Leandroth was still playing with her hair.  

‘I was rather worried when he was standing close toyou,’ Leandroth said

‘Hmm…’ A groan came from the sleeping Marquis Bellmud.He moved his head, his eyes opened slightly and he noticed Leandroth was besidehim.


 Zuben:  Drama for drama sake.