Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 23

YasashīShinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Vol IIChapter 23

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Zuben does the NSFW dance...so brace yourselves.


hereturned to Leandroth’s offices. One of the maids came delivered a cute yellowflower with a message that that the Marquis had eaten a bit and was now sleeping.She laughed; it was like a message to a lover.

Shewashed her face that was streaked with tears and combed out her hair. The golddust was still there but that could not be helped.

Leandrothwas mean, it seemed like he specifically requested her to dress like this,perhaps to wake up and shake the marquis back to life.

Foolishpeople appropriating the power of the Prime Minister…was this about EarlPikers?

Tobe honest, she could not remember his face that well. Leandroth had said he wasa handsome man, but was that really true? She didn’t think her memory was thatbad. However, to forget so easily made her uneasy.

(Zuben:Brace yourselves people, it’s a list)

Hermaids; the blonde haired – blue eyed Agatha who was the eldest, Berta with redhair and black eyes, Clara who had light brown hair and eyes, Elba who hadblack and eyes, Gemma with dark grey hair, silver haired and purple eyed Lara,silver blonde Ioan, Nuria with wavy auburn hair, Chia who had chestnut brownhair, honey blonde Emma, flaxen-haired Gala and the youngest Paola with orangehair like a lion’s mane.

Asfor her ladies in waiting: Augustina wife of Earl Burgos, Countess Bertrandwith orangey blonde hair; Benaza, Lady Camino, with rich brown hair; Calderinawith hair red as fire, the daughter of the Earl of Crotette; Celestia withsilver hair like morning dew, the daughter of the Earl of Randall; Miranda withsky blue eyes and blonde hair, the Dame Saiseido; pale blonde Christina, thedaughter of the Lord Vischetique; Regina who had straight black hair, daughterof the Earl of Urbano; Rosa Maria with hair like cream (Zuben: what?).Christina and Regina were heirs to their t.i.tles.

Sheheard that Eulver the count of Eubelo was going to hand his t.i.tle to his secondson, once he come of age, his eldest son died in war. (Zuben: What does thishave to do with anything?!)

Ifshe could remember all that it wasn"t too bad.

Therewas a knock on the door, and Leandroth entered followed by Lara with a trolleyladen with dinner.

‘Areyou ready for dinner?’

‘Thankyou. I will eat in a bit.’

OnceLara left the room, Leandroth pulled her in a hug.


Shereturned the hug tightly and took a deep breath inhaling his scent.

Ifshe dies, surely Leandroth would be devastated.

Shefelt a bit different from when she apologised for taking the poison. What couldshe do for him?

‘Leann,sit.’ She said as she pulled him to a settee. Tonight, there had been a meetingabout the reorganisation of the Imperial Knights. The Imperial Knights wereunder the Ministry of Justice so the officials would need to partic.i.p.ate. Therefore,they took their time starting. (Zuben: What does this have to do with anything?)

Leandrothlooked puzzled as she sat him down and knelt between his legs and kissed him,

‘Nnn.’Leandroth was surprised as she wound her hands around his neck; he opened hismouth accepting her. She licked his tongue. Their kisses deepened, he held herwaist pulling her closer.

Itfelt delightful, their tongues entwined.

Herbreathing quickened and her heartbeat rose. Her body got hot,

Leandrothstopped for air, ‘Mattie, what’s wrong?’ he asked huskily.

Shegrabbed at him, holding on to his neck with strength she did know she had. Shekissed his neck, sucking at it but it did not make a kiss mark like she hoped.She drew her hand up his hard body caressing him.

Leandrothtook her hand off, creating a distance. It was lonesome.

‘Leann…’she took the hand and placed it on her breast. (Zuben: Mattie, your seductionis a little too desperate.)

‘Wouldyou like to…?’ Leandroth asked surprised. She got shy.

Shehad been thinking about how her father would feel if she’d died when she waswith Bellmud. But as she returned to her room, she turned her thoughts toLeandroth. She could not imagine what she’s do if he died. To imagine it madeher body and heart cold. She suddenly wanted him, wanted to be with him, evenif it made her a perverted woman. She could not wait for night.

ButLeandroth still had work to do, she didn’t want to be a bother. But…

Shehugged him tightly and whispered, ‘I want you…’

Butshe pulled back, and said, ‘No I will wait till tonight.’

Hestopped her and pulled her back, ‘You’re in trouble if you say that.’ He tookher lips and kissed her brutally. So much so she couldn’t breathe, theirpanting filled the room. He pulled her up so she was sitting astride him. Hebegan to unb.u.t.ton her dress at the back, while kissing her. He was so dextrous.He pulled her clothes off, she was suddenly embarra.s.sed, she was strippednaked. There was so much light, she felt shy.

‘Ican’t stop now,’ Leandroth said, his eyes molten pools of desire.

‘Nodon’t stop.’

Heheld both her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands and kissed the soft skin. They were rolledin his palm, her rose nipples are pinched and rolled. She moaned. He took anipple in his mouth and the sound of his sucking filled the room. He lifted herskirt and his hand pulled aside her underwear, he rubbed and fondled herbottom, her body trembled with mounting desire. His fingered brushed against hercore, she jumped every time he brushed past her bud.

‘Ky~a…’she cried. His fingered entered her stroking in and out while his thumb rubbedher c.l.i.toris. She moaned. She held on to his head against her chest desperatelyand she moved her waist in time to his stokes. She nearly felt ashamed, shewanted more, she was unconsciously looking to feel good more,


‘Doesit feel good?’ Leandroth whispered against her chest, she couldn’t trustherself to speak, she nodded vigorously.

Histhrusting fingered intensified, and she was about to climax when he suddenlystopped.

Shelooked at Leandroth reproachfully but he gave her a smile,

‘Iwant us to come together,’ he said. She was strangely relieved and strangelyembarra.s.sed at the same time, her face flushed deeper.

‘Mattie,I’m going to put you in a slightly embarra.s.sing position,’

Shenodded. Leandroth would not hurt her, she felt secure with him.

Heput her on the settee so she was on all fours, and pushed her skirts over herwaist. Her panties now handing off one ankle. He stroked her b.u.t.tocks and thenher drenched petals.

Heundid his trousers and placed his manhood at her entrance, and slowly entered.It was maddening it was frustrating, it was lovely.

Heentered fully, thrusting up against her womb. He leaned forward and ma.s.sagedher b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Shecried out.

‘Areyou okay, Mattie?’ he asked worriedly.

‘Yes,I have Leann in me.’ She said as she patted held her hand to her lower abdomenstroking the skin. She wondered what this lovely feeling of being filled. Itwas so delightful.

‘Iwant your child, give me lots,’ she said turning her head to look at him behindher.

Shewanted his children. This was a new feeling. But she wanted him, all of him;his smiles, his tears, his anger, his jokes, his thoughts, she wantedeverything. She was selfish. He began to thrust harder and faster, sendingsharp intense delicious sensations through her.

‘Mattie,I can’t hold back anymore.’

Shecouldn’t hold back her moaning as the thrust fast like a piston into her. Butshe did not want him to stop, she got hotter and needier inside. Her head wasfull of Leandroth. The room echoed with the lewd sounds of their flesh, and herwet hole.

‘Leann…Leann…’whether she was whispering or shouting she didn’t know anymore, she started toshake as she reached climax. Soon, she could feel his hot liquid inside her.She was filled with happiness. With her bottom sticking out, she looked like acat in heat. But she didn’t want to think of herself as a cat.

Leandrothstroked her back and asked, ‘What is really wrong, Mattie.’

‘We’lltalk later. Do you still have time?’ She could feel Leandroth who was stillinside her getting hard again.

‘YesI do. Are you still hungry?’ Leandroth asked with a smile.

‘Oncemore?’ she asked gladly.

‘I’mhappy. I wanted another so I did not pull out.’ He said with a l.u.s.ty smile.

Hebegan to move slowly again. Matilda sighed in pleasure. Because the positionwas different, the sensations were different. She felt a bit lonely though, sinceshe could not see his face, but this position was rather pleasant.


Hepulled out suddenly, leaving her feeling empty. At the same time, their mixedlove juices flowed down her leg,

‘Ah,’her body shivered from the remembered pleasures. Leandroth turned her to lie onher side on the settee and placed one leg over the back rest. He took off herdangling underwear. Matilda felt embarra.s.sed from the exposure. Her secretplace was wide open to his view.

Heentered her and she went weak from the pleasure.

Thesound of him thrusting into her overflowing honey pot filled the room. He hadher right leg over his shoulder and had her breast crushed under is right hand.Yet, he was able to move really deftly inside her.

Shewas languid with pleasure, she could barely move.

‘Leann…’she gasped between pants, ‘does it feel good?’

‘Toogood.’ He said through gritted teeth, he had a frown on his face and his mouthwas in a grimace,

‘Angry?Stop if you are?’

‘Iam not going to stop, I am not angry, I am not disgusted, Mattie. You feel sogood, please be more confident in yourself.’


‘Yes,you’re so cute and beautiful and attractive, can you have more self-confidencein yourself for me.’

‘Onlyfor Leann?’ (Zuben: How can they talk so b.l.o.o.d.y much)

‘Ido not know about other people, but I can swim a hundred laps around the castlemoat from how happy I am.’

Shelaughed at the exaggerated expression.

‘Ohthat feels good. Mattie clench down on your lower abdomen.’


‘Yes…keepdoing it.’


Repeatedlyhaving to clench her abdominal muscles cleared her head a bit.

Although,she was not aware of it, something was changing inside her,


‘It’snot strange…it feels good, that’s it.’

Heleaned closer to Matilda. His thrusting got faster and faster, but she wantedhis arms around her, she felt lonesome without him close to her. She wanted towrap her legs around him but the settee was too narrow,

‘Leann,hold me…’ she sounded like a child, but she couldn’t bear not feeling himagainst her anymore. Leandroth thought her unguarded and cute. He took off hisshirt, and tossed it on the table. His arms surrounded her; she gave a satisfiedsigh as their skin touched.

‘Matilda,put your arms around my neck.’ She did as he bid, and he stood up stillconnected to her. She gasped at the change in position, it felt so good. Such afeeling could only be because she was with Leann.

Itwould certainly be different if this was with someone else.

Hewas carrying her to a larger sofa; the walking caused vibrations inside her.More of her honey flowed out from deep inside. She felt she should be ashamedbut it felt so good.

Thereis a sound, and Matilda opened her eyes, Leandroth was watching her,

‘SoMattie, tell me what’s wrong. Although I am quite happy that you initiatedthings this time,’

‘It’snothing…’ She wanted to downplay it, it all seemed so silly now.

‘Itjust that I realised you’re important to me. I wanted you to hold me. That Ihave your arms around me like this makes me happy.’

Shefelt tears well up in her eyes. Were they tears of sorrow or tears of releaseor tears of joy? They ran down her face,

‘Areyou happy, Leann?’ (Zuben: Didn’t he just tell you he was happy enough to swimtoo many laps or was the brain elsewhere?)

Leandrothscratched his head, then said, ‘I am happy and scared. I don’t know what I’d doif I lost you.’

Matildaopened her eyes and stared at Leandroth.

‘Metoo. Let’s have a long life together.’ She said with a smile (Zuben: Na na nana no guarantees♪)

Leandrothlaughed loudly and said as held her face he kissed her, ‘Mattie, it’s going tobe more intense now, are you ready?’

Hewas thrusting slowly moving his hips in circles.

Matildarubbed her cheeks against his hands, and smiled,

‘Iwant you to be fierce,’

At Matilda’s word, Leandroth thrust into her hard and fast.

‘Ahn ahn…’ Matilda voice grew high as she climaxed. AtMatilda’s cry, Leandroth also came.

He slowed down his thrusts as the walls of Matilda’s v.a.g.i.n.acontracted around him. He slipped out with a sigh. From between her legs,fluids from their lovemaking flowed out.

There was a knock on the door and a small voice said, ‘Aquarter of an hour left before your meeting, your Majesty.’

Matilda wrapped her arms around her b.r.e.a.s.t.s,

‘My dress! It’s a mess!’

There was another knock on the door and Leandroth put histrousers back together and left the room. He returned with a trolley with somewater with scented herbs in it and clothes for the two of them.

She laughed putting her hands on her bright red face, ‘Icannot fault the competence of the staff you chose.’

Leandroth laughed, ‘Me too.’

‘Let’s quickly get dressed and eat, Leann.’


‘It can’t be helped, if the head doesn"t move on timeeverything will go out off course.’

‘I want to take care of you,’

She laughed and gave him a peck on his lips,

‘Please do next time,’


‘Yes, really.’

‘It’s a promise?’

‘Well I can’t promise you that much…’

‘I want a promise!’

‘Alright, I promise.’

Leandroth sighed a breath of relief (Zuben: Why?)

‘You’ll be late if you don’t hurry,’

‘Yes. After one’s s.e.xual desire is fulfilled I always gethungry.’

‘You idiot!’ she said without malice. Matilda watchedLeandroth dress quickly, feeling like she’d been dipped in a vat of happiness.After him, she quickly dragged herself up to clean up and dress.

They ate quickly.

At door Leandroth turned to her,

‘I’m off.’

‘See you soon,’ she said. He left.

Such a trivial exchange make her so happy, tears threatenedto fall. She had become such a crybaby. But they were happy tears.

She felt so alive.

Zuben: I"ve worked hard this weekend. Four more chapters to the end! I hope they are coherent cos that helps speed things a great deal!

⚔ Chapter 24...