Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 15

YasashīShinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Vol IChapter 15

Couldn"t find a suitable pic

So much blah blah blah, my G.o.d!


 am not kind…’ she protested.

‘Youare kind. I have noticed it in the little things. Thinking about it, if I wasyour father, I would not make you Queen either.’


‘Yourimmediate younger brother was ten when he was made Crown Prince,’

‘Yes…’she replied. They were now in a serious conversation, yet his eyes only seemedto be on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, never wavering. It was kind of embarra.s.sing.

‘Heshould have been crowned at the age of seven, but they waited a long while,till after the offer of marriage was accepted. Do you know why?’

‘No,’she replied. He began to gently caress her b.r.e.a.s.t.s

‘Ithink your father was looking for a suitor in Icecoreta.’


‘Iguess your father was looking for a suitor for you in your country, who wouldlove you and cherish you all your life.’


Leandrothlooked up at Matilda, but again, his gaze returned to her chest.

‘Mattiewhy do you call me “Your Majesty”?’


‘It’slike you’re calling my father. Though, he would be pleased…and I am in line forthe throne.’

‘Yourfather is…’

‘Hesearched until the last minute but could not find a man that suited you in yourhome country, so he reluctantly agreed to my suit for you.’

‘…MyFather.’ (Zuben: you and me both. He sounds like Matilda on a one of herdepressed benders, flitting from one section to the next, they kinda relate, Iguess.)

Shecould hear happiness in her voice as it pitched up.

‘Iam going to take the opportunity to be as high as your father in your heart, soplease in the mean time,’ he said as he pinched her nipples; hard.

‘Oh!’she cried, from that strange pain-pleasure sensation.

‘Lookat me only.’

Thelight of his gaze made him look like a hungry wild wolf. She sucked in herbreath, was the dog a carnivore?

‘Iwon’t just protect you; I will let you fight back like today. The knowledge,the cultivation and social skills that I have acquired in my life will be atyour disposal.’


‘Yousaid you will live for me, and you will depend on me.’

Hekissed her lips softly as he a.s.siduously rubbed both b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He kissed theskin on her chest and b.r.e.a.s.t.s; the pecks reminded her of a beast playing withhis prey. The feel of his mouth on her skin was hot.

Afrisson of fear ran through her.

‘You’reso soft and beautiful, I don’t want you to fight, but it cannot be helped…’

‘Ilearned sword fighting. I taught my brothers. So don’t look down on me, I wantto fight alongside you. I want to protect you. And when I am old and no longerbeautiful, I want to be a companion to be needed by you!’ She said through pantsas he fondled and caressed her.

Hekissed her fiercely, so much so it was hard to breathe and chest got painful.She was losing her mind. She was feeling dizzy,

‘Youare a pretty older sister, and will be a cute auntie and will become a cutegrandma.’ he said against her lips.


‘Cute;everything about you, not just your looks. You’re everything I want in a woman,so you’ll always be lovely to me.’ Leandroth took the left nipple into hismouth. She moaned.

‘Yousmell so sweet,’ he whispered against her skin. He rolled her nipple in hismouth and bit her.

‘Nnn.’She cried through gritted teeth, she didn’t want to make embarra.s.sing soundsbut it was so hard not to.

‘Don’thold back your voice,’ he said while he flicked at the tip of the nipple. It waskind of ticklish. The part contained in his mouth is warm.

Thesound of him suckling her filled her head, she felt his fingers fondle herright breast, and pinched and rolled the nipple. She felt heat pooling her lowerabdomen.


Shewriggled her waist, as the heat grew between her legs. She inadvertently wasrubbing it against Leandroth’s desire. She felt like it was getting harder andwondered if it was in her head. But she kept her movement; the resultingsensation felt so good.

Theheat was growing, and she began to be aware of an emptiness she wanted to fill.She felt like something was missing. This was only the third time…

‘Ahah ah.’ She cried as her pitch grew higher as her breaths grew shorter.

‘What’swrong?’ Leandroth asked.

‘Igot excited too soon,’ she said, ‘I think I’m going to come.’

Leandrothburied his face in between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and muttered, ‘Have mercy on me.’

‘Mercy…?’she asked through short breaths.

Shewas still ignorant about her body and men and the sensations during s.e.x.Leandroth looked up with a seemingly miserable expression from between herb.r.e.a.s.t.s while he was caressing them.

‘Generally,men are miserable. I want you to have mercy on me because you are too cute.’

‘Isthat bad? Or disgusting? Please explain it to me more,’ she said, suddenlytearful. She didn’t understand what he meant. She wished she had not done sucha thing. (Zuben: She’s such a sensitive flower. Inside and out!)


That’snot what she wanted him to say

‘Matilda,if you do not like it, let’s stop. Alright?’ he said.

Nothave s.e.x? ‘Um…’ she bit on her bottom lip looking dejected. She tried to takehis hands off her chest, but he was too strong for her. She tried to push himaway by pushing at his shoulders, but he was undaunted.



Shekept trying to push him away by the shoulders but he did not budge. Before shecould do anything about it, his arms were around her pulling her closer to him,bringing her face to face.

‘Mattie,what’s wrong?’

‘Idon’t understand anything.’ She cried.

‘Mattie,I was complimenting you. You’re so cute and pa.s.sionate and sensitive, I can’tkeep my head, I am miserable because I don’t want to lose control, but I don’tthink it can be helped.’

‘Evenif you say it is not a bad thing, even if you say it’s a compliment. I don’tunderstand. I don’t like losing my head.’

Shepushed hard at him, but he would not move at all.

‘No.It’s not you. Listen to me carefully.’ He said sternly. She stopped struggling.

‘Well,it is bad in a sense that you are cute. A regular idiot like me, at a time likethis, it is impossible to keep reason because you are so cute I just want toeat you up. But I want approval from you that you like what I am doing to youand what you are doing to me.’

Hiswords cause her to blush right up to her ears.

‘Youcan’t keep you head, because you are with someone you love. Do not you want tokeep it?’ She asked, she thought that she might understand it contextually

‘Yesand no. I don’t want to keep it because you make it impossible for me to doso.’


‘Thefirst time we did it you fell unconscious, I think that it was painful the nextday, I thought to be considerate and let you get used to it a bit more. Ithought I should refrain from embracing you to eagerly like a child or dog, soyou don’t feel like I am forcing myself on you. Do understand so far?’

‘…Alittle.’ To be honest, she did not understand at all.

‘Ifyou don’t understand, please tell me properly.’ He said, softly patting herb.u.m.

‘WellI do not understand.’

‘Alright,for most men, they take pride in making a woman reach before they do. I do notlike being unable to take the initiative and coming faster than you when we arehaving s.e.x. So maintaining some reason is important.’


‘I’llwill put it a different way,’

Tearsfall down to the cerebrum.

‘Occasionally,there are times when it seems that the reason can’t be held all through andthere are times when I would go out of control because, my partner isattractive and responsive. I declare that it is impossible because I can’tmaintain reason.’

Hesounded like a teacher,

‘Whydo you bother telling?’

‘Becauseif a man who was going slowly and moving gently suddenly started groaningfiercely and crying or shouting without warning, would you not be afraid?’despite the jovial tone, she was a little afraid

‘Iwill be scared.’ She said with a small voice.

‘Evenat this time it is difficult to suppress the impulse, because it makes me feellike a predator. Think of it this way, when you’re hungry, it is impossible toendure eating the just soup with a small spoon when there is a feast laid outin front of you.’

‘Yes,that is pretty painful.’ She said

‘Sofor you who are so cute to me, to say you’re coming. It makes me hungrier. It’slike you’re telling me the rice would be delicious, but I should only eat itbit by bit.’

‘Itwould be a waste. Won’t it?’

‘Yes,it is. Now if a man just goes wild without thought for his partner, for him itfeels good; but his partner would get frustrated and angry. In that case, it isa burden to the partner because it only causes you pain.’


‘Soif I made a special feast but I did not give a prayer to G.o.d,; without thinkingabout you and began to eat on my own. But the other person is saying, "Mystomach is empty, I want to eat,” and you reply “this food is delicious!” won’tthey rush at it?’ (Zuben: I lost the plot.)

‘Youmay think there is no use for prayers, that there is no one listening.’

‘Thisis this and that is that.’ He said as his let go of her.

Hisgaze was heated and hungry again as he looked at her.

‘Becauseyou are too tempting, I think it will be impossible again, but I want you toendure it. Well, I am sorry to say that I have not thought having patiencebefore.’

‘Oh’she didn’t say more because she didn’t want to cause another misunderstanding.She shyly looked up at him, but he covered her face with his hand because hisface was bright red.

‘Thisafternoon, the dress that you wore was fascinating and made you look sotempting. I could see the lovely shape of your body, and your b.r.e.a.s.t.s were ondisplay, defenceless. So seductive and erotic, I was trying to keep it out ofmy mind. It makes me blush just thinking about how I was all over you,’

Helooked like a child, so excited.

Shewas rather surprised. With these b.r.e.a.s.t.s?

Shescooped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s up with her hand. Really?

‘Andthat…that is just evil and cute.’

‘Isthat a compliment?’

‘Yes!’They pulled each other down into bed.