Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 4

Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku KekkonVol I Chapter 4

NSFW begins here. Read at your peril...


etraced kisses from her left hand up to the curve of her neck. His left handheld her breast, fondling; seemingly enjoying the weight.

‘Itis swollen just for me, how delightful,’ her whispered hotly into her ear.

Herbreast fit exactly into the palm of his hand, she found it strange that herbreast really seemed to have grown for him. Her breathing became shorter andfaster, as he ran his thumb over her nipple, rolling it. Her body began to movein time with the stimulation. He kissed her softly, licking her lips. Heinserted his tongue into her mouth, stroking her teeth and then her tongue, Matilda’seyes widened in surprise at the invasion. Through her half open lids she couldsee his golden lashes. Matilda’s hand unintentionally brushed against his legs,and his eyes closed in pleasure,

‘Mattie,hands here’ he said silkily as he held both of her hands in his and put themover her head. She tried to free herself, but couldn’t. Leandroth laughed ather struggle,

‘Thatstubborn part of you is really cute,’ he said softly. Matilda frowned. This guyreally has poor taste; that must be why he chose her. He hugged her with agreat deal of strength almost as though he wanted to crush her into him,

‘Oh’she gasped. He looked at her,

‘DidI hurt you?’ he asked as he gently stoked her cheek, she nodded. He loosenedhis hold a little and asked, ‘How about this?’

‘It"sokay,’ she replied quietly. At her answer, he pulled away from her a little andsaid,

‘IfI hurt you, tell me properly and I will do my best to stop while I still havereason.’


‘Tobe honest, with you, I don’t really have confidence that I won’t lose my head,so bear with me, alright?’ She did not find his refreshing smile a.s.suring. Heshould look disgusted, but he smiled like a child with his favourite toy.

‘I’vebeen looking forward to this day, working very hard so we could have this timetogether. I know you’ve been lonely.’

‘Eh?’What was he saying? She wondered, but the question is blown away with a kiss.He nipped at her lips, sweetly tracing them with his tongue, then plunging intoher mouth caressing her tongue. His kisses made her so weak her head fell back,but his large hand held her up to him, deepening the kiss. He moaned. Shemoaned. The sound of their tongues entwining in their kiss made her feelabashed.

Hishand on her left breast fondled and caressed the soft flesh, while he teasedand rolled her rose bud nipple between his thumb and fore finger.

‘Ah~’she cried out through the kiss.

‘Youtaste delicious,’ he whispered hoa.r.s.ely against her lips, ‘Kissing you is fastbecoming my favourite thing.’

Matildablushed at his words. Favourite thing? Was Leandroth’s favourite person her?

‘Ilike Matilda,’ he whispered in her ear with a tender voice. What? But now histongue was in her ear, licking the sh.e.l.l then nibbling on the lobe, Matildalost the ability to think as little waves of pleasure coursed through her body.Matilda arched her body as Leandroth pulled away. He tore off her night dresswithout preamble. The cover sheet was gathered at her waist but her upper bodywas now completely nude. Leandroth stared at her nakedness, his mouth went dry.When he spoke his voice was deep and hoa.r.s.e,


Hewas a liar.

Hisgaze was reverent, as though he was looking at a beautiful painting. His heatedstares made her shy so she tried to cover her body with her arms but Leandrothcatches her and holds her arms by her sides. A beam of moonlight streamed intothe room, and the candle light flickered in a light breeze. The room was too bright;he could see all of her upper body. His heated gaze, she could not take it. Sheturned her face away and bit her lip,

‘Youare truly beautiful. Your skin is pure and white like the winter snow inIcecoreta. Your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are like delicious apples, with rose coloured buds ontop of them,’ he let go of her hands to encircle her waist, he lookedenthralled, ‘Your waist is so slender I can encircle you with my hands.’

Suchflowery metaphors should be coming from a girl.

Thisreaction seeing her naked body was a bit excessive for someone who she’d onlymet. It was impossible to be like this,

‘Howlong have you felt like this?’ she asked huskily.


‘Howlong have you thought of me that way – this way…?’ It was quite unbelievable soMatilda was curious. She could not understand how he could look at her thatway, or think of her that way.

Leandrolooked thoughtful, moved to the side and pulled her into his embrace, andcovering her with his discarded night robe.

‘Idon’t want you to catch a cold. I am so patient,’ he said in self admiration.

Ifshe decided not to count her first night in Barenshiaga, this was the first timeshe was hugged to the chest of a man. There was a strange sense of security withinthe circle of his arms.

‘You’reso soft and comfortable. I can’t wait to eat you.’ He said as he hugged hertighter like a vice, her face up against his. He kissed her cheek. The timbreof his voice made her shiver.  Leandrothbegan to speak,

‘Hmmm,I suppose it began when I was twelve and you were eleven. We were visiting theIcecoreta. Whilst staying in the palace, I was always compared with you.’ Hishand stroked the back of her head as he spoke.

‘Beforeyou jump to conclusions, listen. I knew that in your country, and woman couldnot ascent the throne. I thought it was a waste, but it was annoying that allthe royal tutors were going on about “The great Princess Matilda of the IcecoretaEmpire”. ’

Matildablinked against his wide chest, she could hardly look up because he held on toher tightly. Leandroth’s skin against her cheek was warm.

‘Icame to Icecoreta again, on behalf of my father. I met with the king severaltimes, during out tour. At that time, I saw you speak to your father earnestlyand with pa.s.sion. It looked like you were doing your best to a.s.sist yourfather, unlike a royal like me.’

Itwas common for royalty from one country or another to visit other countries, sohonestly, she didn’t remember specifics. Matilda remained quiet listening,

‘Fromthen, it became a matter of some concern whenever I received a birthday giftfrom you. It was usually something amazing, and one of my va.s.sals commentedthat you seemed to be a woman of value, worthy to be an Empress. Perhaps yourfather may allow you to marry someone like me.’

Matildalaughed, such a childish admiration. Birthday gifts were arbitrarily exchangedbetween various royals. There was nothing unique or special about Barenshiaga.As a royal, you send gifts and write thank you notes as a rule.

Andyet, did she want to accept such feelings? What Leandroth saw was not the realher, but an illusion.

‘Whenyour brother was born, I applied for your hand from your father. He didn’taccept my suit until last year. I had to wait until your brother was seven,because of that custom of your culture, where he could only be made crownprince at that age,’

Marriagesuit? She never heard of this.

‘Iwas refused so many times; I wondered if I should give up and find a differentwoman.ve me a suitable woman. And then, I dallied around for a while, but itwas only empty and in vain.’

Nineyears. He’d been waiting nine years. She was surprised.

However…‘But, even if we had met, we could have had nothing.’

Hisfeelings were not deep. Even if they had met, there was no reason for thisintensity if feeling.

Atthe few b.a.l.l.s they had attended, he had looked at her with a smoulderingintensity, he’d never dared to invite her out to the privacy of one of the ballroom balconies. They danced a few times, but that was the only contact. Therewas nothing seemingly romantic about any of their contact.

‘Becauseyou father told me not to pressure you. He said you did not want to marry forpolitics. Your father was very harsh.’


Herfather, the king? Matilda could not hide her surprise

‘Andin addition, there is your t.i.tle of Princess of the forest, which is terriblyold fashioned. But your country believes in the preservation of the purity ofthe royal princess, that also includes no physical contact and it extends torumours. I could do nothing at all. Your father’s defence was truly perfect.’

Father’sdefence…? She tilted her head in question.

‘Youmay have been married to one of your va.s.sals, but if the crown prince of the neighbouringcountry was proposing marriage. There would be rumours, no matter what yourfeelings are.’

‘Thatmay be so,’ Matilda answered. She was perplexed by her father’s actions.

Leandrothabsent-mindedly stroked Matilda’s back. Because his hold had loosened, she wasfinally able to look up. She saw him smiling,

‘SoI had to use lots of tactics and negotiations to get your father to accept mysuit for you.’ He said with so much pride, Matilda could not help but laugh. Itwas truly odd. As she giggled, she moved against his chest and could hear hisheart beat…

Mattildaclosed her eyes, and sighed. The sounds at constant intervals were rea.s.suring.It was really wonderful.

Aperson who went through great effort for her

Someonewho wanted to know her.

Someonewho accepted her daddy complex with a smile.

Thatperson was the one she was going to marry.

‘I think I can like you,’ she said finally.

Leandrothstiffened. Did she say something wrong? She looked up at him to findLeandroth’s face was red.

‘Leann?’At the sound of his desired moniker, he covered his mouth and turned away.

‘Didyou not like it?/Did it displease you?’She asked. She did not understand hisreaction, but she felt a pain in her chest. That is how it is. It would bedisgusting. Someone like her who was stubborn and not affectionate.

Therewas no such thing as a girl white as snow, as though she was cute. She was justugly.

Thatshould be the case but what was this pain? He was holding her too tightly.

Matilda,whose thoughts had gone round and round, did not notice his embrace tighteninguntil it was too late. She tried to pull away, but she was hugged so tightlyshe would suffocate before succeeding,

‘Doyou hate it?’ he asked. He did not wait for her reply before he asked, ‘Did youcall me that on purpose?’

Matildablinked, her eyes full of challenge and called again


Hiseyes widened with surprise and joy and he hugged her even tighter. If he wasn’tcareful he was going to suffocate her with affection, literarily.


Thepain of vain is not heard due to too much pain.

‘Comeup here’ Leandroth moaned into the curve of her neck.

‘Yes,I did. To get me you did work hard. But now…is it because I am short and myappearance isn’t good enough. If that is the case, release me…’

It was all so confusing. This is what you get if you propose to a mushroom, shethought to herself just before he kissed her. Hard.

Shecould not breathe or move. She was suddenly roughly pushed back unto the bed.Because the bed was soft and springy, her body bounced, causing her to gasp insurprise.

Shelooked up at him, his eyes were heated

‘I’mnot letting you go,’