
Chapter 5

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 5

Yesterday by Feng Nong

"Why am I here?" YuTing caustically replied. He patted the bed that I personally prepared and sneered: "Why do you think I am here? Of course it is to taste your seductive flavor." He gnashed his teeth and walked towards me. I recoiled in alarm and quickly looked for a weapon to protect myself. Heavens, YuJiang where are you? I grabbed a towel and threw it at his face, temporarily obstructing his vision, and ran. There were those big fellows that looked like gangsters standing to the side, so of course I couldn"t foolishly run towards the entrance. I hoped to escape into the bathroom, lock the door, and fight for a little time to call the police. Unfortunately, heaven was not on my side. I could only smile wryly when I was dragged and tossed onto the soft bed. As it turned out, today is not a lucky day. The person who wrote the almanac should really be arrested and used for target practice.

"s.l.u.t!" YuTing arrogantly gave me a ruthless slap. He hit me so hard that I rolled over to one side only to be immediately pulled back. "Do you think I don"t know who did those things? Do you think I don"t know that YuJiang slips into your room every night? Do you think I don"t know who harmed me? Since you came, I have not had a good day! You disgraceful male prost.i.tute!" He slapped me again and again. My face was already swollen, my mouth full of blood, my eyes full of stars. YuTing tore open my robe with a ferocious look.

"What is so good about YuJiang? Has he not already accompanied you in bed? My technique is also not too bad." He pulled apart my legs and pushed me down. "I can also bring you to the brink of death." He was too brutal, simply took me and tore into two. My lower body was so painful that it was almost numb. I shouted and struggled but only managed to attract those frightful observers.

"No! YuTing, you doing this ...... " I have a hundred thousand threats for him but it"s a pity I lacked the strength to speak them out. My mouth was forcibly opened and gagged by someone and many hands grabbed all over my body. My lower body also received constant repeated stabs of pain. Each and every action was brutal. In the middle of the mess, I felt YuTing withdraw from within me. Another unfamiliar person immediately took his place and stabbed into me. My ear started to buzz. I couldn"t make out their conversation. I knew that I was being gang-raped. This type of situation, in order to not face prosecution, YuTing will definitely be capable of killing the witness. I was not the least bit angry, but my completely broken body suddenly suffered a shock. Heavens! I left the note for YuJiang. If he hurried here after I was killed, then ........

"No ...... No ...... " I shook my head hysterically and tried to kick the man that was above me. A heart-rending scream of pain. I didn"t know what they had done to me, maybe they have already given me the finishing stab. YuJiang, my gentle and kind-hearted YuJiang ........... Everything turned to black and I closed my eyes.

"ShengSheng ......... ShengSheng .......... " YuJiang"s voice woke me up. I opened my eyes and at the same time awakened the pain from all my wounds.

"Hurts ........ " I furrowed my brows as that one word and my parched throat caused a burning pain. The angelic, gentle and handsome face came closer to me. He gently held my hand.

"ShengSheng, have you come to?" He was so agitated that he was almost speechless, once more at a loss. Even suffering extreme pain, I wanted to smile, leading me to aggravate my face injury. I immediately groaned.

"What is it? It is painful isn"t it? Must be very painful. It"s all my fault, I should have returned to the office sooner. It"s all my fault, YuTing hid your note in between the doc.u.ments, I found it very late. It"s all me that let you suffer so much pain ......... " He continuously apologized. I didn"t know someone could have so much remorse.

"YuJiang ...... " I forced myself to speak: "It"s very painful, kiss me?" He quickly moved closer and carefully kissed me. Actually my mouth must have been so swollen and indescribably ugly. But he just carefully and gently licked me. I closed my eyes and peacefully fell asleep.


Turned out that G.o.d really does exist. Right when YuTing wanted to cut open my chest, he instead hurriedly left. And also he didn"t hurriedly leave by himself. Jie-r told YuJiang that after YuTing hastily left after he went into his office. Therefore, YuJiang brought a group of Rong enterprise security personnel and rushed over to discover that I had been gang-raped and at the point of death. Uncle Rong also hurried to the scene and stopped YuJiang from hitting YuTing to death, imploring YuJiang to leave a way out for YuTing. Those who knew the details were all from Rong enterprise and it was all kept hidden. Too many things in this world are concealed with money, leaving no shadow, no trace. YuJiang was unwilling but he was also incapable of going against Rong"s family favor of nuturing him. He waited for me to recover and decide.

"What you"re saying is that YuTing"s future is in my hands?" YuJiang nodded. I asked:

"YuJiang, what do you wish for me to do? Do you want me to forgive YuTing?" YuJiang thought for a long time before gritting his teeth saying:

"His actions towards me, I really want to cut his flesh piece by piece with my own hands. But ......... But .......... " His gentle face again showed his unbearable look. I sighed. I said:

"Fine, I will decide."


Uncle Rong really locked up the facts very tightly. Even my father thought that I was doing very well. Today my spirit felt a little better, so I invited Uncle Rong over.

"Uncle Rong, please sit." I leaned on the side of my bed and pointed at the sofa. He heaved a long sigh and sat down, showing signs of age. I stroked my own forehead. Uncle Rong, the doctor said that this type of injury will forever leave a scar." I indifferently continued: "YuTing used two knives and carved my face from both sides. Even the world"s best plastic surgeon would not be able to fix it. He intentionally disfigured me and cut me into pieces." Uncle Rong was so tense that his head was full of sweat. That is his only real child, how can he not suffer turbulence in his heart. I am also wealthy and from a powerful family, definitely not someone he can buy over. If I brought him to court, YuTing"s this lifetime will be over. Rong family has lots of a.s.sets but it"s of no use. Two rich and powerful families contending in the court of law is fair and equal, furthermore there is supporting witness testimony and material evidence.

"ShengSheng, it is YuTing"s fault. I am willing to compensate for all the damage, I swear ........"

"Uncle Rong, how do you think you"re going to compensate me?" I coldly said: "What type of compensation do you think will let me regard this matter as if it did not happen?" He was at a loss for words. This crime of YuTing, would result in a lifetime sentence. Rong family is wealthy but of what use? YuTing, this pampered son from a wealthy family, once in prison, would be considered finished. Looking at his broken-hearten and hopeless look, I knew that the opportunity had arrived. "I can treat this matter as if it never happened, only if Rong enterprise will not go to YuTing." My old man once taught me, anything can be used. The injuries I have already received. The bitterness I have already swallowed. YuTing in prison at most will let me feel a little at ease in my heart. How can that compare to an actual benefit that will let one by happy? Uncle Rong raised his head in shock. I said: "Sign a statement, all the Rong enterprise shares in Uncle Rong"s hand is to be immediately handed over to the eldest son, Rong YuJiang. I will then treat this as myself running into gangsters while strolling down the street, only to wake up and discover these facial injuries, no connection whatsoever to YuTing." Uncle Rong remained silent. This statement once signed will force the handover of all of Rong family a.s.sets to the adopted son, YuJiang. YuTing would be left with whatever remaining real estate property and perhaps some bank savings. I calmly looked outside the window. He has no choice but to accept, he has no other option. Losing Rong enterprise after all is better than losing a life. If he treasures his only real child, he would have to sign. I recuperated at ease for a few days. I lay down in bed and calmly watched the TV in the room.

"The current president of Rong enterprise issued a statement today, that he has transferred all the shares under his name to his eldest son Rong YuJiang. The transfer of leadership is at the early planning stages. This is because Rong enterprise has decided to promote the younger level staff to get ready for the change, all legal issues have already ........... " I smiled faintly, and stroked the ugly scar on my forehead. The door was pushed open and YuJiang walked in and sat by my bedside.

"Papa has transferred all his shares to me, YuTing gets nothing whatsoever."

"I know, they just reported it on TV." I softly replied and raised my head, letting him kiss me on my forehead. I know YuJiang would never shy away from that scar. He is so gentle and kind-hearted. He loves me that much.


My bodily injuries gradually got better except for the scar on my forehead. My appearance had become unsightly but I didn"t take notice. In any case, I don"t plan to seduce people in that circle anymore, where good looks is all important. Why would I need to be broken-hearted because of my outward appearance. Furthermore, if I let my hair grow out a little, it may even cover the scar. I"m not physically strong, my facial features could be considered pretty good, with this scar, it"s also not terrifyingly hideous. I comforted myself like this a few times before having no more complaints, tossed aside my forehead injury. Uncle Rong retired, supposedly because of his age, and moved to a faraway villa in Taiwan. YuTing left the Rong mansion to who knows where. Rong mansion now belongs to YuJiang, my YuJiang. Thinking of this, I couldn"t help but be happy. Not more than several short months, so many things happened. I recall those days where outsiders overlooked this Rong family eldest son that couldn"t hold a candle to the second son. So laughable. These days, YuJiang received many invitations, each piece clear proof of society"s disgusting habit of worshipping success. I called father, and told him I had run into a minor incident.

"You called me just to specifically tell me of a small incident? ShengSheng, if something happened, do not hide it from me." I was a little touched by my old man"s concern. After all, one really needs to be comforted after experiencing a gang-rape.

"It"s nothing. It"s just that there is a cut on my forehead."

"What? Your face? What about other places? Any more injuries? ........ " Yes I was touched but his long-windedness is really troublesome. After persuading him for a long time, I managed to coax him out of immediately flying over. I hung up the phone, wondering what YuJiang was up to at that moment. I stretched out my hand to the nightstand, thinking of calling YuJiang to check in with him but because I was not careful, I instead swept the phone onto the floor. Why was I so careless? I shook my head. I carefully got down from the bed and picked up the phone. Luckily YuJiang was now in charge of the house, there is no need for me to feel embarra.s.sed even after making a mess. The receiver was already broken to pieces. I wondered if such a high nightstand was also part of YuJiang"s design. With nothing better to do, I fiddled with the pitiful receiver. I little part rolled out and dropped into my hand. What is this? I held it up and examined it. After looking at it for a while I suddenly remembered that I have often seen this thing on TV ------- a listening device. Since I was particularly fond of detective shows, I also frequently fiddled with these things at home. A young master from a powerful family, which one would not have some peculiar hobbies? I lifted it up. The more I looked at it, the more it seemed like one. I finally concluded that it was a real bug. Can it be? My first thought was the hateful YuTing. Don"t tell me he eavesdropped on my nightly lovey dovey conversations with YuJiang? Pervert! But after thinking it over, I felt that that was not right. If it was YuTing who bugged the phone, then how would he not know about my conversations with papa and G.o.dpa? Why would he let me catch him unprepared? There were no other people in the Rong mansion. I suddenly thought of one possibility. Alarmed, my whole body broke out in cold sweat. No, it can"t be! I slowly shook my head in the room by myself. I struggled off the bed and ran out of the room. I wanted to throw myself in YuJiang"s arms and let his deep voice drive my fears away. At this point, I was very scared. All my life, I have never felt this terrified.