
Chapter 6

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 6

Yesterday by Feng Nong

I hastily wrapped my pajama clad body in a long overcoat and strode anxiously across the Rong enterprise lobby at a hurried pace. I was pale with the fear of someone recognizing me and kept my head lowered. YuJiang, I want you to hug me, I want you to comfort me. I was extremely terrified. YuJiang had changed his office. He is now the president of Rong enterprise, naturally he would use Uncle Rong"s the biggest and topmost presidential office. I exited the elevator and nodded towards the receptionist and said with a smiling face:

"No need to notify the president, I want to give him a pleasant surprise." I don"t know why I said such a thing, but I was a little apprehensive. Don"t tell me I don"t even trust YuJiang. The girl gave me an understanding smile and pointed towards the door at the corner. I entered the outer vestibule where Jie"r sits. YuJiang"s presidential office is still behind another set of doors. Jie-r was not there, probably in YuJiang"s office to discuss work. I was just about the push the door and go in but I stopped for no reason. Frozen for a moment, I lowered my head and looked at the bug in my hand. As if a ghost attached to my body, I really don"t know what I was doing. I actually quietly twist open the doork.n.o.b to the presidential room, and opened the door a little crack. YuJiang"s voice came floating over.

"Have we settled the matter with YuTing?" Jie-r replied:

"All taken care of."

"What about the Huang family shares?" I immediately p.r.i.c.ked up my ears when I heard "Huang family".

"Also done." YuJiang fell silent, as if signing some files. I stood outside the door, my heart beating like crazy. I should not be suspecting YuJiang, he is such a good person, he is the first person that I have fallen so in love with. It was like being tempted by the devil, deciding if my heart was going to betray him. I should throw myself into his embrace instead of continuing to stand at the doorway and go against my wish and further hope to hear a few words that could validate my suspicions. I grit my teeth and decided to trust him. Before I could lift my leg, I once again heard YuJiang"s voice.

"ShengSheng will soon move into my office. All those things related to him need to be thrown out to avoid exposing our scheme." It was as if lighting struck me directly on my head, and thunder penetrated into the middle of my ears. In that moment, I grabbed the doork.n.o.b, frozen to the spot. Everything started to sway and for a moment I thought there was an earthquake. Jie-r said:

"Congratulations President. Finally the matter is settled."

"These things, it would be better if we keep it from ShengSheng. He is too naive." I listened for a long time, but my ear began to buzz and I didn"t hear a lot of it. Just like the time when I was gang-raped. Confused and at a loss, my throat was so dry that it almost stuck together. Standing soulless for a long time, someone patted my shoulder. I struggled to awaken myself. The towering figure before me was YuJiang.

"ShengSheng, how long have you been standing here?" YuJiang smiled faintly, his manner the same as always. My lip shook as I tried to tell a lie but my throat was so hoa.r.s.e that nothing came out. He shifted his gaze down to my hand. I wanted to hide the bug behind my body but I simply did not have any strength whatsoever, as if I was ready to collapse. YuJiang stretched out his hand and took the bug. He took one glance at the bug and casually tossed it into the wastebasket.

"ShengSheng, come in." He pulled me, that was already starting to feel weak, into the president"s office. My face must be very unsightly. YuJiang poured a cup of warm water and put it in my hand. I desperately poured it in my mouth, causing myself to choke and cough repeatedly. "Drink slowly, don"t rush." YuJiang sat down by me and lightly patted my back. The large hands stroking my back suddenly terrified me, deathly afraid that YuJiang would suddenly turn hostile and strangle me right there and then. I blanched and hastily dodged to the other end of the sofa, on full alert. YuJiang smiled lightly: "I thought you would have realized a long time ago, I don"t understand why you were so slow on the uptake." That"s right. I am a fool. Not towards other people. Just toward YuJiang. "Don"t you have anything to ask me?" He casually offered generously, as if he had already prepared all the answers. I shook my head. What need is there? Even though I am stupid, now that it has come to this, how can one not clearly connect the dots? The whole matter of dealing with YuTing, it was YuJiang who leaked the information to me. Every night he would listen to my phone conversations from a different spot to see if this fool would act according to his plans. I thought I had personally brought up a rising star in Rong enterprise, but it turns out that I was only a puppet that was manipulated. But I still had some questions.

"That night, why were you in the kitchen?" YuJiang said:

"At dinner time, I applied a harmless chemical in your bowl that would cause people to feel thirsty." He smiled and continued: "Actually the Rong mansion is not that large, no matter where you were it is not difficult at all to manufacture a rather romantic encounter. Your ability to totally avoid YuTing, was of course helped along by me." I was suddenly captured by his black-framed eyes, YuJiang immediately changed to a different appearance that I practically could not recognize. So confident, so formidable, and also so terrifying. That night I also saw his face when he took off his, how was it that I found it s.e.xy at that time?

"The day that I caught a cold and YuTing raised his hand against me, it was you that told Uncle Rong?"

"That"s right, papa"s impression of YuTing was too good. It was actually not easy to destroy. It needed to penetrate gradually and slowly corrode away." I sneered. ShengSheng, you are too laughable. You actually tried to instruct this person in a hundred ways to be crafty, this person of such treacherous skill. These things he has already studied and reached the peak of perfection, second to none under the heavens. I lightly ground my teeth:

"Rong YuJiang, you intentionally let YuTing enter your office and see the note I left you, isn"t that right?" I asked: "You intentionally let them take the situation so far out of hand before you came rushing over to play the part of a triumphant hero."

"ShengSheng, you have to take the whole situation into account. You should know how to react after suffering a loss. We are really good partners." His expression was still gentle, kind, and full of consideration: "Don"t let this matter stir up until like this. If not for this opportunity, how would father agree to wholeheartedly sign the transfer of ownership statement?" Hahaha! I swung my arm and slapped him in the face such that it turned to the side. YuJiang took my slap with his head held high and chest out, using his fingertips to wipe away the traces of blood at the corner of his mouth. He softly said:

"ShengSheng, from now on, don"t act like this." His words were not forceful and only let me feel bitterly disappointed. I have heard this kind of most brilliant threats ever since I was born. I said:

"Rong YuJiang, you intentionally allowed me to be gang-raped." YuJiang said:

"ShengSheng, the one that harmed you wasn"t me. It was YuTing." I numbly looked at that familiar face and suddenly fell weakly onto the sofa. YuJiang, I am willing to die for you, I only beg that you don"t let me give up all hope. YuJiang wanted to help me stand up but I gripped my fist and yelled hoa.r.s.ely:

"Move away! Don"t touch me!"

"ShengSheng, your wounds have not yet healed, you shouldn"t be so agitated." I coldly looked at him, like someone that had fallen into a trap looking up at the wild beast on top of his head. I stood up and shakily stepped away.

"ShengSheng, where are you going?" I turned around and answered with disgust.

"I am no longer of any use. Rong enterprise is already in your hands. Of course I will retire after such success. Don"t expect me to wait around to be eliminated. I straightened my back and slowly walked to the entrance step by step. I thought YuJiang would pull me back, because he felt remorseful, or because of rage that his plot has been exposed, anything would have been fine. Even if he immediately knelt down in front of me and cried bitterly, I wouldn"t forgive him. Yet he looked on unfeelingly, completely without any reaction, calmly watch me leave. My heart suffered yet another layer of pain. That"s right. I am no longer of any use. Everything was fake. His frequent visits in the middle of the night was nothing but to carry out his scheme, maybe even to conveniently check on his bug. To think that with such a terrifying person by my bedside, I actually peacefully fell asleep, completely without cares, believing myself to be absolutely secure. I can"t help but shudder. HuangSheng, it turns out that the most foolish person on earth is you. I staggered back to the Rong mansion and carelessly stuffed all my clothes into my suitcase, fearing to stay for even one more moment, and escaped carrying my suitcase. The Rong family maid was puzzled when she opened the door for me, asking:

"Young master Sheng, would you like the driver to send you?" I sullenly shook my head. "Should I call master?" When I heard her mention YuJiang, my eyes started to blur, and I hurriedly left, flinging the magnificent gardens of the Rong mansion far far behind me.