Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1890: 1890

Chapter 1890: 1890

After the explanation, Man"er turns out of the door and hesitates . She understands what Zhang Xiaoqiang means . Since then, she has nothing to do with Zhang Xiaoqiang . After walking out of the door, she is an ordinary survivor . She can"t say whether she is lucky or sad . As a beautiful woman in the last life, she knows that without a strong man to guard her, I"m afraid she will face more prying and salivating .

After Man"er leaves, Xi"er seems to have lost the object of hatred . Zhang Xiaoqiang drives Man"er away in front of her face, which really gives her a breath . But Zhang Xiaoqiang is also the object of her anger . When she doesn"t know, she contacts this guy in front of her . Zhang Xiaoqiang tentatively holds Xi"er"s arm, and Xi"er still holds up her gun, Staring at the oil painting on the wall, he didn"t know what he was thinking . Driven by Zhang Xiaoqiang, he subconsciously sat down on the sofa with him, which surprised the Ning brothers . Xi"er, who has always been dictatorial, was grabbed by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arm and pulled to sit down . This was impossible before .

What do you want me to do? Do you really think they can control me with thousands of women and children and little red girls? "

Xi"er constantly unloads the bullet clip and gets stuck in the handle of the gun . She seems to be playing . She lowers her head and doesn"t look at Zhang Xiaoqiang . She doesn"t even look at Hong Xiaomei and Xiao Wai who are staring at her brothers . Her words and actions indicate that she doesn"t cooperate . Zhang Xiaoqiang leans on the back of her chair and drinks tea with her legs up . Xi"er"s words don"t cause him any unhappiness, but just wait for Mo Shaoyun .

Zhang Xiaoqiang ignores Xi"er . Instead, he feels bored . He inserts his pistol into his belt and turns to look at Hong Xiaomei . He sees a few children standing aside cautiously . He carefully observes everything around him . When he sees Xi"er"s eyes, he shows his charming style . He seems to want to persuade Xi"er to bear the anger for a while .

"Your skill is pretty good, your children are obedient, and your nature is not bad . There are not many girls like you . You should know that I am different from other people after knowing me for a long time . I don"t think that evolutionists are superior, and survivors should be enslaved by evolutionists . Under my rule, evolutionists and survivors are equal, They won"t be treated differently . Even for material supply, they won"t get one more share because of the strong ability of the evolutor . If the survivors don"t have the ability, they will get one less share . Both the evolutor and the survivors have to make a living for themselves . No one can be listed except those who have lost their labor force and young children . That is to say, your idea doesn"t conflict with me .

You don"t have the determination, the courage, the vision and the overall situation that the superior should have, so you can never be an excellent leader, and the survivors who follow you will not be taken care of and developed . Don"t be unconvinced . What did you look like before? Ning brothers told me that if I didn"t secretly provide materials, I"m afraid they would still be starving, The following people have already told me that many people are suffering from malnutrition, and they can"t live beyond the age of 30 if they continue to do so . I think that"s not what you want, right

Nagging words let Xi"er release eyebrow angle, bright eyes staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang, heart has moved, but the girl"s stubborn heart let her face down, do not answer the words, seems to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words lack of interest, Ning brothers have been next to frown and make eyes, indicating Xi"er answer Zhang Xiaoqiang"s invitation, become one of them .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, you come to me . . . "

Mo Shaoyun came in from the outside in a hurry and bowed to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He had a solemn manner and had the style of a British housekeeper . Seeing Mo Shaoyun and Zhang Xiaoqiang, he thought of other things and said on the spot:

"Go to inform the Yangtze River fleet and send armed ships to enter the inner lake area through the waterway, Cooperate with the security corps to clean up the zombies on the edge of the waterway, mobilize Wuhan"s ammunition and materials to gather on the Shazhou Island, and store the materials from upstream on the Shazhou island as a receiving base to transfer the survivors of Shanghai . In addition, let Gaofeng control the main force of the zombie sea to the maximum extent, send reconnaissance troops to explore the war situation at the sea entrance, and set up underwater interception network, Prevent the sea creatures from entering the Yangtze River .

Tell the follow-up troops that they don"t have to come to Shanghai any more . The plan has changed . Let them build fortifications on Shazhou Island, block the waterway, suspend the ammunition supply in Sichuan, and let them think of their own way . The ammunition in Hubei only supplies Shazhou island . In addition, mobilize more ships for me to prepare for the transfer work . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang issued new orders, and gradually exposed his potential power to Mo Shaoyun . Mo Shaoyun was more in awe of Zhang Xiaoqiang while recording orders . From Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tone, we can see that his power is like an iceberg . The more he knows, the less he knows how deep the iceberg is hidden in the water . Although Xi"er is absent-minded, But her ears stood up and she remembered every word Zhang Xiaoqiang said . When she heard what Zhang Xiaoqiang said, she couldn"t help but be surprised .

"Contact Huang Quan and ask him to mobilize the special team of Hubei evolutioners . So far, 2000 evolutioners have been trained, right? Let them all come down . No matter how much training they have, it"s better to fight a battle . I"m afraid the scale of this battle is not small . We have to rely on Hubei"s full support . In addition, we have to select excellent young evolutionists to set up a youth camp and send them to Shazhou island for standby . "Mo Shaoyun was excited and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise . He didn"t know how many evolutionists there were in Shanghai, but there were five hundred special forces led by Lou fanjun on their territory . They were all experienced evolutionists . That is to say, the number of evolutionists who could belong to Zhang Xiaoqiang was almost two thousand five hundred, I"m afraid that only when the three families of Qinghong come together can they compete with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"By the way, the helicopter brigade in Hubei should also be transferred to provide firepower cover and low alt.i.tude investigation . This time, we should make full preparations to save the survivors as the first center and wait for the opportunity to seize the warships in the shipyard . . . "

It"s another big news . Zhang Xiaoqiang even has a helicopter brigade as air support . Now Xi"er can"t understand Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s first appearance in Shanghai is a single person"s favorite . He plays such a big field with one person and one snake . How can he have such a big foundation in Hubei without any sound? Mo Shaoyun thought of another thing while he was excited, and said quickly:

"It"s a pity that more than one thousand survivors of Shazhou island have completed the preliminary reclamation, so it"s a pity to give up . Is it right to let them continue the reclamation, and then they can provide food nearby?"

"No, once the damage is lost, Shazhou island will become a front-line battlefield . No survivors can stay on it, so as not to affect the fish in the pond . There is no need to worry about food . At that time, there will be a food base in Jiangxi as a supplement . As long as the waterway is in our hands, everything is not a problem . . . "

Mo Shaoyun is still a small-scale peasant . He is reluctant to give up the thousands of mu of fertile land on Shazhou island . However, he does not know that in Poyang Lake area, the fertile land of a whole county provides food for the whole force, and the fishing fleet of Sanzi provides fish and shrimp, where they can be made into tins and sent to Shazhou island . He does not necessarily care about the small grain producing land .

"Yes, I understand . I just got the news from Jiang Haibo that he has accepted 3000 people, and there are 2000 people waiting for rescue . All kinds of materials are in short supply, and the transportation capacity can"t keep up . Weng Li"s supplies can"t be guaranteed . I ask us to think about something . I don"t know what brother c.o.c.kroach"s plan is . . . "

Mo Shaoyun said that the current problem is somewhat guilty, as Zhang Xiaoqiang"s housekeeper . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t need to worry about everything to show his ability . If the military can"t solve the problem, he can still evade it . However, the supply of materials belongs to his management . He can"t think of a way to blame Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not so strict . He frowns and thinks about it . After a few seconds, he says:

"We"re on the outskirts of the city . There"s no indoor parking, Although there is no shortage of fuel, there are not many vehicles in good condition . There are many car stores in Shanghai, and there are absolutely many vehicles there . Last time I put back so many evolutors, Qinghongdao should also give me some face and let them send me thirty or fifty transport trucks . It should not be difficult . . . It"s up to you . Send someone to continuous gule and ask him to do it for me . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Qinghong Dao use each other . With the big water snake, Qinghong Dao does not dare to deal with Zhang Xiaoqiang easily . There are scruples on both sides, and the balance is achieved . Some unimportant things should be OK, but Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know that the sword killed Sister Rose and offended Xuefeng, which will add some twists and turns at this critical moment .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, Minister Huang sent the latest news . . . "

A lieutenant"s staff officer rushed into the living room with a worried face . Suddenly he saw so many people there . He couldn"t help hesitating . Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and said:

"Here"s the news . . . "< br>