Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1995: 1995

Chapter 1995: 1995

Zhang Xiaoqiang is already tired of the endless bad news . It seems that G.o.d doesn"t want him to rescue more than 100000 survivors in Shanghai, and set up insurmountable difficulties for him to bear the unbearable pressure alone . Every time he sees the dawn, it"s a pile of broken things, and every time it gives him a headache, The gathering of the mutant beast in Jiangbei made all he had done become a white work . Even if he killed the terrible beast and played with Xuefeng, it was useless . The things in the water stuck to him like dogskin plaster . He didn"t know what he liked . If he could talk to the leader of the mutant beast in the sea who could speak human language, Zhang Xiaoqiang would tell him that he had a daughter-in-law, You don"t want to chase him like this, do you?

The center of the river has almost become a dead end for aquatic mutants . Countless mutants died in the river water and were carried to the downstream estuary by the current . The mutants that had been poisoned before had been swallowed by the mutants at the estuary and suffered heavy losses . There was also the venom that the water snake vomited . These venoms were vomited by the water snake after a long time, even if the river water was diluted, Most of the mutated animals are in the water . The sudden high toxicity makes large areas of mutated animals turn white . The lost mutated animals are like wasps that have been stabbed . They rush ash.o.r.e and head inland . Zhang Xiaoqiang is upset that the number of mutated animals increases . In fact, the venom of big snakes accounts for most of the reasons .

Zhang Xiaoqiang also guessed the reason for the Zombie"s violent movement . The zombie in the sea of corpses finally couldn"t help it . Xuefeng is a wonderful meal in the eyes of zombies . As long as they eat Xuefeng, they can get a span of evolution . Although the sea of zombies splits and Xuefeng becomes a shield, only Xuefeng will not die, which Zhang Xiaoqiang has been looking forward to, Xuefeng can"t keep her separation . She is chased like a dog and runs to the city . Xuefeng comes out of the city and knows that it"s not an easy place, but there"s really no place to run and Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to see her . She can"t even surrender . She can only run and live a day .

Although there are countless materials piled up on the south bank, it doesn"t matter to Zhang Xiaoqiang . After all, no matter how many materials there are, no one"s life is important . Xuefeng swarmed into the urban area, but he didn"t stop him . He had planned to withdraw all the staff from Jiangbei . Fortunately, Xuefeng was scared by Zhang Xiaoqiang and didn"t dare to collide with her . She took a detour into the urban area honestly, In the past, the heavy rain caused the river to flood, and the complex water network buried a large number of zombies . After millions of zombies rushed through the obstacles, they lost three layers . This is because Xuefeng knew to choose some safer places to cross the river . Otherwise, 50% of them would be possible . But Xuefeng also kept her eyes open . After crossing the river, she dug up the dam to bury the zombies again, Let the zombies in the back not take advantage .

The river has become the largest graveyard for zombies . Countless zombies are piled up at the bottom of the river . If tens of millions of zombies flock to the river, the river through which the zombies pa.s.s will disappear completely . After all, it takes hundreds of kilometers for the zombies to fully expand their formation . In this way, the number of zombies will be even greater .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t pay attention to zombie infighting . He only occasionally thinks of calculating Xuefeng and killing this guy who really has wisdom . However, Xuefeng is the most eye-catching light bulb in the zombie sea . All Z-shaped zombies are sure to get Xuefeng . There"s no need to find some trouble for themselves . They can only make money and transport materials away as much as possible when zombies don"t notice the wharf .

What really makes Zhang Xiaoqiang care about is the difference of the mutant animals . After killing the dreaded beast, the mutant animals once broke up . These various mutant animals are a complete food chain, and they are only mixed together under the drive of external forces . Unlike zombies, creatures can survive without food . This war lasted for a long time, Many mutants have been hungry and unrestrained for a long time . First of all, they launched a hunting and anti hunting battle in the city . There was a chaos, and a large number of mutants also lost a lot .

But after the sonic boom came into effect and killed thousands of humanoid creatures, all the mutated animals got unified again, which is enough to show that there are hidden behind the mutated animals . Zhang Xiaoqiang is very disgusted with the word "black hand" . A blood Phoenix killed 8000 evolutors, which brought him great trouble . He finally killed the blood Phoenix and left his tail, Now the mutant beast also gives him this set, which makes him very tired .

As a last resort, Zhang Xiaoqiang canceled his plan to meet Wuhan and set up an elite force to send the transport ship to deliver important materials to Wuhan . He and Jianzha Daoming led a team to the surrounding of the survivors" camp to eliminate scattered mutants . Looking at the air transport ship flying upstream, Zhang Xiaoqiang kept sighing that if he could go back with the ship, We must stay with our son and accompany him well .

While thinking about his son and several women, Zhang Xiaoqiang was also thinking about whether Franklin would have a bad idea . The former elite army was Jiandao company . Jiandao company lost a lot in the battle of the river bank . There were less than 30 people left in the 120 strong Jiandao company, nearly half of whom were injured . Zhang Xiaoqiang simply removed it, In order to make up for the loss of the Helicopter Squadron, Lou fanjun a.s.signed Huang Tingwei the new transport ship named Chenxi to Huang Tingwei, which made Huang feel better, Paul, the ace pilot in the crash, was interested in the dawn, and begged Zhang Xiaoqiang to become the captain to mingle with the new era foreigners . After the transport ship officially joined Zhang Xiaoqiang"s subordinates, Franklin became the vice captain to help Paul master the ship . But Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that Franklin would never really give up to him, so he still had a heart, Send Hardy to Gaofeng for supervision, and send the armed puppets from the transport ship to Gaofeng as a guard . Zhang Xiaoqiang can easily kill a group of puppets without thinking like this . The transport ship finally disappeared from sight . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked back at the sword chopper beside him and found that he was always staring at the machete on his back . He couldn"t help but smile and said to him with a trace of ridicule

"Don"t you already have a hand? It seems to be the biggest short blade . Its sharpness is not lower than that of Firebird"s cutla.s.s . Why don"t you give it back to me and I"ll rent it to you? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words make Jianjian look pale . He has already understood the value of colloid . If he wants to get the Firebird machete, he has to change Zhang Xiaoqiang"s colloid into level 5 . At least 10 of them are needed . Every level 5 mutant beast is fierce and terrifying, just like that 100 meter giant beast . If it is changed into Jianjian, he can"t kill it even if he is given 100 years, Tightening the half curved rice blade, the beak of the bird"s beak can break the scales of the water snake . It"s naturally better than the ordinary mutant animals in material . It"s also called hand when it"s held in the hand, but it"s not willing to be teased by Zhang Xiaoqiang . With a stare in the eyes, it makes Zhang Xiaoqiang fall all over the ground with goose b.u.mps

"My ability has been improved, and I may not lose to you, Before you bully me all in mind, you pray that I will never give more than, or I will return with interest . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang just glanced at the threat of sword cutting and said calmly: "don"t be cruel here . Real men have to rely on their fists to speak . There are mutant animals everywhere . It"s easy for us to get colloid by your means . If I win, you have to continue to pretend to be grandson . If you win, I"ll call you grandfather . . . "

"It"s a deal . . . " Jian Jian"s nature is not bad . He is just selfish . He sees everything Zhang Xiaoqiang has done . He still admires Zhang Xiaoqiang"s atmosphere . The only thing he is not happy about is the beating after Zhang Xiaoqiang caught him . Let him remember all his life, always want to find the field, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is the devil in his life, can have a chance to let Zhang Xiaoqiang call grandfather why not< br>