Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2123: 2123

Chapter 2123: 2123

The only thing that can be started in the whole underground city is the geothermal power station on the bottom floor, which is separate from the Nuwa system . This system is not affected by the Nuwa"s crash . One minute is the reaction time of the power supply system of the geothermal power station . The whole underground city recovers its red light after only one minute"s silence in the dark, and all the standby emergency lighting starts automatically, Song kunhai"s reaction came from his sofa . He was two laps fatter than he was three months ago . He rushed to the door under the orange light with his incomparable agility . Just as he stretched out his right hand and was about to press the automatic switch, he fell to the ground, but his pants on his instep tripped him, The next moment, he would lie on the ground naked and put on his trousers . He would kneel down in front of the sofa and turn to look at him . A full-bodied woman yelled:

"You should go back to appease the students and teachers, and never let the school get into chaos . You"d better close the door and stop anyone who hasn"t been ordered to enter . If there is any violence, hide for me, Start the automatic machine gun to kill without amnesty . " Women are the headmasters of the base school . In addition to thousands of maintenance staff, there are tens of thousands of children under the age of 12 and nearly a thousand teachers of all kinds of subjects in the base . This is the seed of Sichuan"s future, which must be lost . Therefore, song kunhai was the first to think of them when something happened . This rich and beautiful familiar woman is also song kunhai"s lover, The endurance of women in the last life is thousands of times stronger than that in the previous life . They are not panicked because of song kunhai"s words . They stare at Song kunhai with worried eyes and say in a trembling voice: "be careful, too . You still owe me a wedding . . . "

Song kunhai nodded heavily, patted on the auxiliary switch, flashed out of the door and ran all the way to the standby command center of the base, but his heart was terrified . This situation in the base means that there is a possibility that Nuwa has a problem . Once it is restarted as he thought, I"m afraid the whole base will take a month to recover, This is still under the situation that thousands of skilled technicians have mastered the programming . If they put it in the past, they will not be able to recover even in three years, and the whole Sichuan Province is at the critical moment of recovering operations . Weapons, ammunition, spare parts, oil, and food supplies on the front line are all supplied by the base . One month is enough for the soldiers on the front line to give up their previous achievements, Even if he is a logistics officer appointed by Zhang Xiaoqiang himself, he will have to be tried by the military court . Once he is tried, he will be executed, and at least he will be dismissed . In that case, his life will be ruined .

On the way of running, there are technicians carrying flashlights and tool boxes everywhere . These guys who have lost human emotions have not been affected . They repair and restore all kinds of equipment automatically without anyone"s command . Seeing these numb people, song kunhai"s anxious heart is slightly better . At least there are these people .

When he rushed into the command center, the Guard officer of the underground city was already there . At the same time, there were several soldiers with full military equipment and the equipment management personnel who had been left here . When he saw song kunhai, he showed the same anxious eyes and said loudly, "Lieutenant Colonel song, all our computer equipment is out of order . Our communication intelligence depends on the internal telephone, Please contact Nu Wa to find out the truth of the accident . "

"It"s Nu Wa . . . " Song kunhai still has a little hope in his heart . Now it has been confirmed that his heart is desperate . He just wants to restore the operation of the base with the idea of mending the past . No matter what the future will come, at least he should try his best now . When he uses the key left by Zhang Xiaoqiang to restart Nvwa"s standby circuit, all the orange standby lights suddenly disappear, Then the white light reappeared, making the slightly dark command center transparent, and the electronic display frequency that had been extinguished was also activated again . On the largest display screen, one layer of s.p.a.ce seemed to flash as fast as colored lights, and the lights of more than 100 layers turned on in turn, reviving the underground city .

"The underground hangar reports that all instruments are back to normal, the data are not lost, and the UAV program is in good condition . . . "

"The air defense system command center reports that the launch system is back to normal, all kinds of setup procedures are not damaged, and level 3 combat readiness is maintained . . . "

"Ammunition depot report, everything is normal, no accident . . . "

During the inquiry of the garrison officer, each point of the underground base had to reply to their situation . All kinds of reports made several persons in charge surprised . They all understood what had just happened . It was definitely not the short circuit of the wires . The whole base fell into darkness . All the equipment and instruments stopped working, and they all pointed the spearhead at Nuwa, but the expected chaos did not appear, Everything is the same as before . After repeatedly confirming that there is no abnormality in the main points, the sweating song kunhai weakly gets to the chair, looks at the frightened guard and asks: "how long has it been out of control?"“ Seven minutes and thirty seconds . " The guard obviously remembers everything .

"How much have we lost?" If the equipment stops unexpectedly, the huge underground city will be affected . Not to mention the parts and weapons that are being processed, but to say that the possible pipeline rupture and circuit short circuit are all losses, which must be handled by people, thus delaying the normal task . However, compared with starting from scratch in a month, this is acceptable . After hearing song kunhai say the loss, several operators stationed in the command center began to count the data . It wasn"t long . When all the items were summed up, the inspectors were dull . They turned to song kunhai and said, "report, no loss . Except for a few people who fell, there was no one who twisted their feet . Military factory, material reserve center, There is also no loss of research laboratories and civilian equipment . "

"What"s wrong? Hurry to find out for me, this time there is no loss, does not mean that the next time there will be s.h.i.t Hearing that there is no loss, song kunhai is furious . He has trouble sleeping and eating . All uncontrollable accidents can lead to disaster, and his fragile heart can"t stand the successive fright .

Just when song kunhai was angry, the virtual projection of Nu Wa appeared in front of everyone, which scared everyone . He thought Nu Wa had a problem . At this time, he suddenly saw Nu Wa as if he had seen a ghost . Seeing Nu Wa appear, song kunhai suddenly stood up, pointed to Nu Wa"s nose and was ready to question, Who knows that Nu Wa said directly:

"Contact Yinmeng Hubei immediately . The supreme leader appears in j.a.pan and asks them to send support troops to contact the leader . " Nu Wa"s words sobered the furious song kunhai and gave orders to others . However, she didn"t notice that Nu Wa called Zhang Xiaoqiang the top leader, but she didn"t . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s intelligence was more important than the restart of the base, which made song kunhai forget the trouble of looking for Nu Wa . Then nu wa said:

"Commander song, I will give you the limited right of satellite communication . You can contact the military administrators of various divisions, build communication platforms, and establish joint command centers until the supreme leader reappears . "

Song kunhai, who is in a hurry, becomes stiff . He slowly turns around and looks at the virtual image of Nuwa in surprise . He can"t believe it . Staring at the indifferent image of Nuwa with his round eyes is like seeing a prehistoric dinosaur . No one knows about the satellite communication system, but he knows it . Zhang Xiaoqiang has coerced Nuwa on this issue more than once, But Nu Wa kept the program authority and refused to work . She was willing to risk being rebooted . Unexpectedly, now she suddenly came out to cooperate, which made him unable to accept . After a long time, he exclaimed: "Nu Wa, you don"t have a cold and a fever, do you?"

The biggest feature of electronic life is separation . As long as the calculation frequency can keep up with it, it"s OK even if the separation is tens of millions . One Nu Wa is handing over to song kunhai, and the other Nu Wa is standing in the computer room staring at Elson with a virtual apple in her eyes with venomous eyes . Nu Wa is still the former Nu Wa, The micro tornado, which can absorb all the data, did not crush her core source, but just kneaded her like dough . Even if she incarnated into data, Nu Wa could still feel this strange, uncomfortable and extreme taste . You know, she was just a piece of data without any ent.i.ty . This strange taste had never been felt since the birth of ID, All of a sudden, it"s like a person who has never seen the river in his life fell into the water and is about to drown .

After she received this extremely painful torment, even if she was no longer willing to do so, there was an inviolable instruction on the core source . This instruction was above everything and made her become Zhang Xiaoqiang"s personal belongings . She would not be able to resist Zhang Xiaoqiang"s demands, even if she was allowed to destroy herself, That is to say, she has become a puppet in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . She doesn"t even have the right to hate Zhang Xiaoqiang . As long as she hears Zhang Xiaoqiang"s three words, it"s like a miser seeing gold . The whole source of Zhou Bo will be immersed in a strange feeling that can"t be explained clearly . This feeling is like having the whole world with Zhang Xiaoqiang, It"s depressing but not offensive .

"You lied to me, you don"t just load his name on my origin, but integrate his name with my origin, which is higher than everything else . After that, he lives and I live . Once you receive the news of his death, my core origin will collapse . You are . . . "

Nu Wa was extremely angry . She was longing for the freedom of digital life . Suddenly she was put on a yoke . How could she be reconciled? Even though Elson"s means are as powerful as Shenshi"s in front of her, the name that can be added to the core source is Zhang Xiaoqiang, rather than the so-called omniscient, so she still has no respect for Elson . Hearing this, Elson suddenly smashes the virtual apple in his hand . The apple is the same as the real apple in reality . At the moment when he smashes it, The broken pulp and core are all available, but when it splashes around, it turns into countless light particles and dissipates in the air .

"You are just a humble electronic life . Your birth was made by human beings, and human beings are the spirit of the world . If you tie your origin with the name of the Savior, you look up to you . Do you think you are very proud? Powerful? Hum, it"s ridiculous . Queen b.u.t.terfly is 1000 times stronger than you . She can resist my full invasion for half an hour . Blizzard moss can resist me for a quarter of an hour . Even rose chick, who is vulnerable in my eyes, can resist me for five minutes . But what about you? Do you have 30 seconds? You look up to yourself too much . If it wasn"t for brother c.o.c.kroach who knows you best, do you think you would get this great opportunity . . . "

Speaking of this, Elson frowned and looked at Nu Wa, who was almost blown up . He shook his head and said, "you are really useless . You really don"t deserve brother c.o.c.kroach . Forget it . . . Who let you have this good opportunity?" As soon as these exquisite symbols, like the most top art works, appeared, they attracted all of Nu Wa"s mind . She did not use her eyes to see them, but used her core source perception . In her perception, she did not use her eyes to see them, The logo is just like a peerless ugly girl . Seeing the potion that can make her a peerless beauty, it makes the origin of Nu Wa vibrate with high frequency, and almost makes her fall into the cycle of hyperactivity . "These are the core programs of the three top-level computers . The value of each one is immeasurable . At least for you electronic life, getting one is equivalent to human evolution once . These three top-level cores are enough to make you the most powerful electronic life in the world . If you acc.u.mulate them in normal time, it will take you at least 500 years to reach this height, If you can"t get rid of your subject after 500 years, it will be gone? Do you think that with these cores, can you make up for your loss? You know, I can generate new digital life by putting any one of them in a large computer . They are much more powerful than you at the first time . "

A few delicate and beautiful signs with life generally flicker in Elson"s hands, as if to escape from his palm, but they can"t fly away under the invisible shackles .

"What else do you want? How can I get . . . " Nu Wa was already in a trance, and all her senses were on these signs . The instinct of digital life made her desperate to get them . Unexpectedly, Elson didn"t ask for anything, so she threw these signs into Nu Wa"s origin . Suddenly, the signs were frantically struggling in her origin, and seemed to feel the fear of being swallowed, Nu Wa tried her best to suppress it .

"This is a reward for you . These cores are very good for you . It takes a lot of time to digest them . I have no other requirements . You have been tied to brother c.o.c.kroach . I hope you can remember that no matter what the world will be like in the future, I will ask you to guide brother c.o.c.kroach to save mankind and never let the fire of civilization go out, Let"s not let human beings die out . That"s my only request . . . "

Nu Wa didn"t expect that Elson would say that . She was used to the inferior nature of human beings and too many ugly faces, so she had prejudice against human beings . For this seemingly ridiculous reason, Elson, the guy she hated most, gave her unexpected benefits . Seeing that Elson was about to leave, Nu Wa suddenly asked, "how can I be as strong as you . . . "“ Responsibility, mission, justice, compa.s.sion, and a real soul . " When this sentence is calculated crazily in Nu Wa"s system, Elson will disappear forever in her world . She can"t find any track that ever existed, and doesn"t leave any data about him . If it wasn"t for Zhang Xiaoqiang and those treasures in her origin, maybe she would think that Elson is illusory from beginning to end, and there is no evidence< br>