Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2136: 2136

Chapter 2136: 2136

"General, we haven"t failed yet . You can seize their leader and hold him hostage . Only in this way can we have a chance of survival . And the Chinese must kill him . All the problems lie with the Chinese . If it wasn"t for him, Jason would not die . If it wasn"t for him, the air force that entered the deep forest would not die . If it wasn"t for him, these Russians would not come . It"s all him . He"s the devil, He is the most dangerous stumbling block for us in Britain . . . " Elizabeth rushed to the general and pointed to Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was standing in the distance and looked at them coldly . Her beautiful eyes were like the most evil curse of a witch, which made Jima shiver . But the general didn"t stop and just listened quietly .

"Enough of Elizabeth, he is not that kind of person at all . He is strong, kind, generous, compa.s.sionate, and knows how to help others even in the most dangerous time . In his heart, there is no nationality or race difference . He treats all people equally . Without him, we can"t survive, even Americans can"t survive . He is saving us . . . "

Jima is angry and defends for Zhang Xiaoqiang in a loud voice . All Elizabeth"s grievances are transferred to her . Without saying a word, she raises her hand and says to Jima, "I killed you . . . " At the next moment, the air around Gemma splits like a cobweb . Countless tiny and dangerous cracks suddenly cover Gemma . Gemma, who is defending, has no time to respond to the attack . She is about to be broken into pieces by Elizabeth"s vacuum blade .

"Creak . . . " the broken air formed a crystal shield like barrier in front of gemma . Countless tiny scratches printed on the crystal barrier . Then Elizabeth was stiff as a wooden stake and fell to the ground . When Gemma was pale, the general sighed heavily, He asked softly

"What does he want?"“ The only way to survive is to hand over the killers who killed the j.a.panese, and all of them lay down their arms and surrender . The Russians are not in his charge . The Russian leader is a devil . If we refuse him, we will turn all the British into puppets, just like those people . . . "

Jima is a smart girl . She knows that those young men are absolutely abnormal, just like a group of uncivilized barbarians . Although Wan Qiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang don"t understand the conversation, they can roughly guess the meaning . The general sweeps Zhang Xiaoqiang and WAN Qiang on the opposite side and still hesitates . She is very unwilling . She has the ability of mind control before the end of the world, After the end of the world, her ability has been enhanced thousands of times . Even the most powerful G.o.d in the new era can"t help him . The evolutionist opposite wants her to give up everything and surrender . With her arrogance, it"s impossible to accept .

While hesitating, the frightened British evolutionists began to stir up . The helicopters hovering in the sky seemed to have lost patience . One by one, they flew to their heads . The machine guns of the machine head had aimed at them . Armed men carrying rocket launchers opened the cabin and tilted their bodies to aim the rockets at them .

"How can I believe what he said? What if we give up our resistance and are killed by him? What if they want to take the blood of the evolutionists and water it? I have to have a guarantee, a . . . " The general"s tone finally softened . Even if she was unwilling, she could do nothing . The best result was that both sides were hurt . But she really didn"t want the British to bleed any more . As long as she could live, it was normal for her to pay something, but it definitely didn"t include herself .

"We don"t have time . We can only trust him . You know, he is the one who dislikes using the blood of living people to irrigate the flowers . In order to prevent thousands of survivors from being decapitated and watered the flowers, the intimacy value rushes into the gathering place of tens of thousands of people . This is what I saw with my own eyes . If you don"t believe it, you can ask other people, I"m not the only one present . . . " Jima anxiously persuades . In order to prove herself, she points out to the general the other three surviving evolutioners . The three evolutioners over there are also anxiously looking at this side . These evolutioners are all under the control of the Americans . Obviously, the Americans have decided to stand behind Zhang Xiaoqiang at this time .

Zhang Xiaoqiang squints at Jima"s back and says nothing . Beside him, Zuo Tian and the horsetail girl fight each other to tell him about the violence of the British people . OK, let John Lee sweat . One person translates the two people"s words, which makes him feel that his tongue is not enough . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not as angry as Zuo Tian and they think, No matter Okamoto or zuota, he doesn"t care much about these people . Even zuota doesn"t think much of them . j.a.panese are respectful and polite, followed by bloodthirsty mania . Usually, these things are deeply suppressed by them . Once they break out, they are inhuman and cruel, So Zhang Xiaoqiang would rather believe those children than any j.a.panese .

"Is Liu Manman still alive . . . " After interrupting their complaints, Zhang Xiaoqiang asks Zuo Tian and asks John Li to translate Zhang Xiaoqiang"s inquiry . Zuo Tian hasn"t spoken yet, but the girl from horsetail says in disyllabic Chinese: "her child died . . . " Because at the beginning of her study, she didn"t speak all Chinese, half of it was in j.a.panese . John Lee translated what he couldn"t speak into Chinese, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel confused . He didn"t like Liu Manman very much . It wasn"t that she was Taiwanese, but that she had a j.a.panese child, but he was tolerant of other j.a.panese children, Just like Jiang Bo and Jiang Feng with Ma Wei girl, and the 89 children gathered in Busan, this kind of contradictory and strange heart made him a little confused . So when he heard that Liu Manman"s child was dead, he was not only not happy, but also melancholy . "You go to gather all the survivors and tell them that I"m going to leave j.a.pan . If there are volunteers to follow, you can go with me . If they don"t want to, you can"t force them . You are the same . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s news surprised Zuo Tian for a few seconds, and he wanted to ask questions . But Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t pay any attention to him any more . He raised his foot and walked to Jima in front of him . The horsetail girl wanted to follow but was stopped by John Li . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back, Zuo Tian suddenly bowed to John Li and asked, "why do you want to leave j.a.pan? Has the master achieved his goal? " John Lee glanced at zuota . He knew that this guy was not an evolutionist . He didn"t want to talk about it, but he thought of something else . He still said, "maybe there will be no j.a.pan in the future . It seems that the whole j.a.pan is splitting up . I don"t think there will be a j.a.panese nation in a long time . "

John Li is very melancholy, but he almost scares Ono to death . He understands the meaning of the vernacular and is anxious . He runs to the survivors who are watching . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang has reached behind Jima and draws out his long sword . Jima saw the murderous Zhang Xiaoqiang and suddenly screamed to the general, "are you still waiting to die? Are you going to kill everyone? You are not a qualified leader . Our safety cannot be guaranteed in your hands . I don"t want to put all people"s lives in your hands . . . " The anxious Jima thinks that Zhang Xiaoqiang is about to start a fight, and he will not criticize Sophia any more . At this time, the British evolutionists around Sophia want to push aside and leave Sophia alone to face Zhang Xiaoqiang . Obviously, they also think that Jima is right . The Russians have lost patience and they will die as long as they start, but the general is still hesitating, Is there a way out of hesitation?

"What if I killed him?" Sophia didn"t seem to hear Gemma"s reprimand . Her blue eyes suddenly flashed and she looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang coldly . She seemed to be affected by Elizabeth"s nonsense before . She wishfully thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang was the cause of all the troubles . Zhang Xiaoqiang also saw Sophia"s killing intention and couldn"t help sneering . She raised her saber and pointed it at Sophia"s nose, Strange and hoa.r.s.e voice makes Sophia"s killing intention stagnate .

"I have always believed that your strength, coupled with my resourcefulness, will bring Britain back to life . I have no doubt about that . . . " Byron, who had returned to his normal figure, didn"t know when to stand in front of several people . His voice was hoa.r.s.e and magnetic . Although he couldn"t understand it, he let Zhang Xiaoqiang"s machete fall slowly . He knew that it was a qualified guy with a gloomy face who saved the horsetail girl . Byron nodded to Zhang Xiaoqiang, turned his head, looked at Sophia seriously and continued: "unfortunately, I"m wrong, You are not the Savior of Britain . You are an extreme racist . Under your leadership, Britain will not revive . Instead, it will fall into a state of fear . Although the members of the house of Lords are stupid, short-sighted, conservative and ignorant, they are 1000 times better than you . At least they know how to be patient and how to maintain the pride of the British people . But you . . . Let me down . . . "

After that, Byron turned to bow to Zhang Xiaoqiang and said, "please forgive the disaster we brought to you . As the deputy leader, I have the responsibility to redeem our sins . I hope you can forgive others . I am willing to use my life to atone . . . "“ Colonel Byron . . . " Jima suddenly screamed anxiously . Before anyone else could react, commander Byron suddenly twitched his pistol around his waist and pulled the trigger at his temple .

"Kaka . . . " With a few slight sounds, there was only half of Byron"s pistol in his hand, and the other half fell at his feet, making a dull sound . His anxious hair slowly turned into fly ash and fell in his ears . The bright red Firebird machete suddenly slowed down and circled slowly around Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang could not understand Byron"s words . At the moment when he pulled out the pistol, Zhang Xiaoqiang threw out his machete to take Byron"s head, but he didn"t expect Byron to commit suicide in front of him . This made Zhang Xiaoqiang subconsciously deflect the blade, cut the pistol, and saved Byron"s life .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who didn"t know the situation, was worried . He knew that he should listen carefully in English cla.s.s when he was studying . Now he is completely an outsider . In regret, Sophia suddenly smiles and says to Byron and Gemma, "I"m tired . I"ll give it to you later . Everything has nothing to do with me . . . Goodbye . . . "

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his eyebrows, and he finally understood a word . Goodbye . Before he thought of what to say, Sophia suddenly started, swayed his clothes and rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang like a sh.e.l.l . Zhang Xiaoqiang yelled, swung his machete and chopped it off . Sophia rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang in a blink of an eye, The 170 centimeter horse chopper and the clumsy blade were not matched by lightning . The blade had not fallen yet . The extreme danger was like the sharp pain of a sharp steel needle in the eyebrow . Sophia"s color suddenly changed, and her forward posture suddenly changed from forward to backward, It"s a pity that even if she disobeys gravity in disguise, she doesn"t escape Zhang Xiaoqiang"s first stab . The black blade slashes Sophia"s head .

"When . . . " With a loud noise, the sharp blade seemed to cut on the transparent shield . The transparent crystal barrier appeared in front of Sophia . It was smashed by the powerful impact of the blade . The black blade did not delay a second after cutting the barrier that could not even explode the mechanism gun . Sophia continued to cut down on Sophia"s eyebrow . Sophia opened her mouth and seemed to scream, Countless crystal barriers reappeared in front of her, one layer after another, and in a twinkling of an eye, it became a huge transparent thousand layer cake . But it was not the first time that Zhang Xiaoqiang encountered this kind of method . He fought with Xuefeng in Shanghai . Xuefeng"s method was more weird than Sophia"s . The thousand layer cake like barrier was not stronger than sugar gla.s.s, and the chopping saber was like a big hammer, Smash all the barriers in front of you, and still cut off Sophia with great power . Sophia seems to be scared and silly . She looks at the chopper cutting into her head . Zhang Xiaoqiang destroys the flowers with his hands . She doesn"t worry about a woman in front of her . When she wields the chopper, she leans forward and uses her whole body to force the chopper to divide Sophia into two parts . Suddenly, the head of the chopper is loose, and the whole person rushes into Sophia"s real figure with the lost chopper .

What Sophia left behind was not a remnant, but a virtual image . Before Zhang Xiaoqiang even turned around and saw Sophia with a knife, there was a chilling chill on his back neck . Before he had time to think about it, the Firebird machete flashed a bright thin line around his back . The next moment, the Firebird Machete unexpectedly failed, and Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly bent over, A cold wind wiped his scalp and flew into the ground beside him to blow up layers of broken soil,

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s scalp was chilly, and his heart was filled with a bit of horror . Sophia"s method was too strange . This unprecedented method made the danger prediction in his heart sound like an alarm . He didn"t have time to think about it, He concentrated all his energy to operate the Firebird scimitar, and accelerated the speed by more than three times . He made a high-speed net around him . The Firebird scimitar was surrounded by a fixed track . No matter what, it would be cut up as long as it reached him . He thought it would be safer . Suddenly, he felt the piercing cold in his throat . Zhang Xiaoqiang gave a loud drink, and the horizontal knife blocked it in his neck, An unprecedented force hit the blade heavily . The huge impact made the chopping saber vibrate with high frequency, and the palm of the flying saber also rubbed off the flesh of the palm . There was no time to feel the sharp pain in the palm . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly turned scarlet . A hot ring of fire rushed away beside him, covering the whole area within five meters, and the flame closed as soon as it was released, Expel everything around him, and then the extreme danger suddenly disappeared in his heart, as if nothing had disappeared .

Before he could change his mind, Wan Qiang roared in the distance . His thick body floated up in the air like a feather, waving his hands and grabbing at a place in the air, where there was nothing . It was Wan Qiang who just floated in the air and grabbing at that place, as if he had lost his mind . Just as the claws with sharp claw blades were about to grab it, No one flashed through the visible ripples in the air . Wanqiang"s claws seemed to be involved in the shredder . They were broken layer by layer, and the claw blades turned into debris in the invisible shock . Then his palm, which could block the Firebird"s cutla.s.s, was like a broken steel wire in the violent and crisp explosion . It burst a series of cracks, and then the blood mist of broken meat came out from the cracks, Under the broken meat like a fountain, there are pieces of bone dregs of Baise .

Wan Qiang was so cruel that his hands blinked and disappeared on his arms . Wan he suddenly gave a roar, which made more than ten young men around him burst their heads . The blank half suddenly appeared . In addition to Sophia, who had disappeared before, Sophia only had half of her hair, and the other half of her long golden hair had become ashes, But her left arm sleeve obviously has the flame burning trace, reveals the snow white such as even on the arm also has the blood red burning bubble .

Wan Qiang"s high-frequency voice compared with that of Z2 zombie only made Sophia appear in less than three seconds . The next moment, she disappeared and disappeared again, leaving only the howling Wan Qiang swearing at the place where general Sophia disappeared, but he didn"t dare to do it any more . Sophia"s surprise made Zhang Xiaoqiang wet his back in dullness< br>