Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2138: 2138

Chapter 2138: 2138

Compared with the miserable situation of the British, the Americans are much better . Although they have lost a lot of helicopters, their main equipment is still in good condition . Twenty four UAVs are their unbreakable shields . The number of helicopters surrounded by UAVs is no less than that of the Russians . In the most central osprey, Elson slowly opens his eyes from his sleep, After returning to reality, he found that his whole body was stiff and sore . He couldn"t help standing up and moving his cervical vertebra . At this time, he no longer had the arrogance and arrogance of being king in the world in the computer data, just like an old man about to step into a grave, panting hoa.r.s.ely when he moved a little .

It took a long time for Elson to completely relieve his discomfort . He frowned and thought about it secretly . After hesitating for about a minute, Elson finally made up his mind to grab the armrest of the mobile oxygen bottle and pull the oxygen bottle out of the narrow lounge . The V22 Osprey transport is not the largest transport plane, and the narrow s.p.a.ce is limited, The cabin, which could carry 32 people, was part.i.tioned into a small single room, so he went out to the door of the target . Dr . Flander was the leader of the j.a.panese team sent by the United States . He was respected by all American evolutionists, and Elson hated the most . He occupied two-thirds of the positions of the transport plane . Compared with Elson"s difficult turning rest room, Frand"s room was wide, but of course, it was only relative .

Standing outside the door, Elson"s eyes filled with anger and resentment . Seeing the name plate of Flander on the door, he felt that his chest was about to explode . It was this guy who took away everything, youth, dreams and his future . But he had to face this hateful guy . Every time he met Flander, it was a test of his patience .

Pushing the door open, Flander"s young and handsome face was raised behind his desk, which reflected Elson"s eyes . Beside him, a young and beautiful j.a.panese girl with a large chest was looking at Flander affectionately with her cheek . Her watery eyes seemed to be able to speak . She told Flander about her love and saw the big black and white eyes, Elson wanted to dig it out with a knife, because he hated Frand, and even angered everyone around him .

"It"s you? How many times have I said, please knock on the door when you come to my room . You are sixteen years old and no longer a child . " Frand couldn"t help but smile and shake his head when he saw the old Elson . Although his tone was blaming, he was a bit spoiled . Obviously, he didn"t mind Elson"s intrusion . Instead, the j.a.panese girl hated Elson very much . Her black and white eyes were more white than black, and the few black eyes also glanced at the decorations on the set-top .

"Before long, you don"t have to worry that I don"t knock . I feel that my body is starting to collapse . Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, I will die . You will never see me again . I think you should be happy?" Elson didn"t show his enthusiasm for Frand, but he still said what he thought was the most mean words, but at the same time, there was a strong sadness in his words . His real age was only 16 years old, and he said that he was not afraid of death . He longed for life more than anyone else .

"No, I"ve determined that blood seed can greatly alleviate your condition . As long as you listen to my advice and eat blood seed on time every day, I believe that even if it can"t be cured, it won"t get worse . Unfortunately, you don"t want to believe . . . " The compa.s.sionate look of Flander"s clothes made Elson even more disgusted . He thought Flander was acting on him .

"I don"t want to eat those things . I don"t want to get the blood of innocent people on my body . Not everyone will use other people"s lives to achieve himself . . . " Elson"s mood suddenly fluctuated and roared hoa.r.s.ely, which made the worry in fland"s eyes more intense . Her eyes were staring at the spattered blood spots on Elson"s respirator . At this time, the j.a.panese girl curled her lips and said in a very low voice: "I don"t know what to do . . . "

When the girl finished, Flander"s sad eyes suddenly turned cold . He suddenly got up, threw out his arm and slapped the girl . The loud slap made the girl confused . He flew out of the room and screamed in a pile of debris . Then Flander gave the girl a hard look and said to Elson awkwardly, "please forgive me, My new secretary is not very polite . Believe me, you will never see her again . . . " Fland"s words made Elson frown, take a deep breath and say: "come on, she"s right . I don"t know what to do . I hope you don"t kill people in front of me before I die . I just want to see others die for me . . . "

At this time, the girl reflected, threw away the mess, knelt down in tears and kowtowed to Elson . She kowtowed and said thanks . At this time, she knew that she was almost abandoned by her prince, and thought that she was almost killed . In the strong fear, she did not dare to disrespect Elson any more .

"You"re still so kind-hearted . . . Well, I won"t move her in your face, but I"ll be punished if I say something wrong . I"ll find a secretary again . . . " Fland appreciates Elson"s softness . It seems that only at this time can he not be the leader of his words, but the elder who looks at Elson growing up . He never takes the initiative to inquire about Elson"s intention, and gives all the initiative to Elson . "I"m not here to discuss female secretaries with you . I think there will be big trouble soon . There are two choices: one is to lose both sides in the new era, and the other is to withdraw to the j.a.panese island . " Elson"s hoa.r.s.e voice was like a robot, without emotional twists and turns . The news he said seemed to have nothing to do with himself, but it made frande frown and look at Elson suspiciously and ask, "how can it be? Is there a mutiny within us? How does the new era know about us . . . "

Elson sneered in his heart and said with no expression on his face: "someone on the plane has installed a locator . I think genesis has tampered with our plane . Maybe they haven"t turned over at all . Everything is a fake . Even j.a.pan island is their trap . . . "

"It"s impossible . Our spiritual evolutionists have checked it three times . They have really turned against the new era . The speaker of the new era is going to set up an empire in Europe . The divinities left behind in Europe will be enfeoffed as dukes . They are going to occupy the whole Europe and create a new country . The leader of the genesis will not let the speaker go . " Fland finally lost his temper . He put aside his previous gentleness . His face was so excited that his handsome face was distorted . Elson"s answer broke his mind . If the plane was really installed with a locator, it would be a disaster . If the new era wants to kill them, it doesn"t need to do it by itself . It just needs to press the missile launch b.u.t.ton in a dark corner, They became targets and turned into fireb.a.l.l.s in the sky . The most important thing was that he was on the plane himself . Thinking that he might be shot down by a missile, Flander lost his mind and became hysterical .

It"s not the first time that Elson saw this picture of Flanders . He was not frightened . He still said indifferently: "maybe there are people of the new era in Genesis . There are also people of Genesis in the new era . They are the same company before the end of the world . Even the speaker of the Grand Council and the leader of the invasion of the United States are relatives . Who knows what they are playing in private?"

"Conspiracy, a complete conspiracy . Genesis is not divided . They are acting . They use the so-called division to create illusion for us, and they use red algae as bait to deceive the opponents all over the world . As long as they kill us, they can speed up the pace of unifying the world . These dogs and motherf.u.c.kers, if I don"t deal with them, I"m going to plan a conspiracy, I"ll hang it on the gate and hear him howl every day . "

Frande suddenly became strange and elegant, just like the devil in the abyss world, cursing and venting with the most vicious words . When Elson saw frande"s ugly appearance at this time, he felt as if he had eaten ginseng fruit, with 18000 pores in his mind, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth and did not speak, I just want to see what Flander looks like at the moment .

"Elson, Elson, I know you have a way . You must have a way . Tell me, tell me . As long as you tell me, all the punishments of your sister will be revoked, and you, I will help you solve your problems, I will let you return to 16 years old, you will live to 80 years old . . . No, 80 years old is too little, I will let you live to 180 years old, 280 years old, as long as you want to live . . . "

Frand, who is incoherent, is in a mess . He is not a qualified leader . Without the small means to control his subordinates, he would not be able to get to today . In his confusion, he even forgot that Elson is only 16 years old, younger than his son . He places all his hopes on Elson and pleads with him regardless of face .

"What are you afraid of? We haven"t met them yet . Besides, as long as we are prepared, we may be able to avoid their missile attack . " Elson smiles contemptuously . The current situation is not as bad as frand imagined . Even if he has a surface to air missile in the new era, he may not be able to intercept it . The only thing to worry about is the air force in the new era . Therefore, he does not continue to aggravate frand"s fear . After all, the huge fleet still needs frand to give orders .

"No . . . you don"t understand . It"s a trap . There was a big earthquake on this island . j.a.pan began to collapse . If you stay here, you will die . They blocked the air route . Anyone will be shot down by them . We have no hope . We have to find a way, or else . . . "

Elson understood that Flander had no courage to fight against the new era . He would rather hide in the rear than go to the front line . At the same time, he was afraid to return to the island . He thought that the island was a trap for him . If Flander really made a decision, he would not be able to find a way when the plane ran out of fuel .

"There"s another way . . . " Elson doesn"t want to look at Flander"s face . He can"t help but interrupt Flander"s frightened nagging, so that Flander can wake up instantly and stare at Elson with his most expected eyes .

"United, there are British and Russians on this island . United with them, our power will change qualitatively . Even if the new era intercepts, we can"t stop everyone . Maybe we can eat the new era instead . . . "

After Elson said something, fland fell into silence . For a moment, the room could only hear the faint rotation of the propeller< br>