Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2154: 2154

Chapter 2154: 2154

Only paranoia can succeed . This sentence is not only suitable for foreigners, but also for Wu fan . He set out with his supporter Kagoshima Prefecture . A total of 6800 people died on land and sea . After the attack of huge waves and mutant animals, he finally arrived at Okinawa with a stubborn idea . Originally, his goal was not Okinawa, I just want to follow the Ryukyu Island chain to Yamei Island, the second largest island in Ryukyu, and then go to Okinawa to look for a naval base . Unexpectedly, I lost my way on the sea and went directly to Okinawa . When they saw the vast city, even Wu fan, who was very hearty, shed tears . The number of ships behind him has been reduced from more than 100 to more than 20, and the population is less than 200, A total of 97 percent of the population died on the road, including his compatriots, his rival in love, and the girl he secretly loved, little swallow .

The moment they set foot on Okinawa, Wu fan announced to everyone that this would be their new home and the starting point of their dream . However, the insect cloud that filled the sky with joy was destroyed, and the sky was covered by insect clouds . What they thought for the first time was not to live and work in peace and contentment, but to go back to the sea and continue to float . Maybe they could go to China after a few hundred kilometers, When they finally decided to rest on the island for a few days and plan for the future, G.o.d made a joke for them . Three flying shuttle shaped lifeboats landed in their hard to find hiding place . Before they knew what was going on, several black guns aimed at them .

It"s nothing . In the end, the law of the jungle was the law of the jungle . As long as there was a way to survive, they didn"t have the heart to resist . But Wu fan couldn"t figure out why bad luck always surrounded them . Just decided to follow the foreigners with guns, there were a group of savages who rushed out of nowhere to rob the lifeboats . After a shot, they were killed, Wu fan looked at the flying insects all over the sky in despair .

Three unrelated and even hostile teams had to unite under the siege of the mutant beetle . The previous life and death hostile relationship was a joke in front of the mutant . Wu fan"s survivors lost another third, six foreigners with guns died four, and those savages also suffered heavy losses . Only half of the more than 60 people were left, In the end, there were less than 160 people living together in a solid concrete warehouse .

As time went by, the beetles outside did not leave for a moment . They flew wildly outside . Many beetles were like bullets. .h.i.tting heavy walls . The warehouse was shaking with the sound of teeth falling, which made the terrified crowd tremble . At this time, Wu fan had the heart to observe the two sides of the previous melee, Among them, the Westerners with guns look very powerful in their black and silver rimmed military uniforms . They have g36 rifles, MP7 submachine guns, and pistols that he doesn"t know . Compared with them, they are just like beggars, but they are much better than other people . They are all unkempt and their hair is like a bird"s nest, A few beards look like savages . Westerners and Orientals both have them, but they communicate with each other in j.a.panese . The leading ones are Westerners with big beards, which makes people unable to understand . They are surrounded by insects outside . In a hurry, Wu fan had to stand up and say to some beards, "how many people should be Okinawa natives? I don"t know what to call it? "

Wu fan with a professional smile, as much as possible to show his sincerity, but his inquiry did not get any response, mustache did not even look at him, whispered with his companions, wild and cruel eyes from time to time swept over two soldiers in black uniform, it seems that brewing something, but the two soldiers hid aside, carefully alert everyone, There are so many dangers outside, but inside, Wu fan doesn"t know how to open it . Suddenly, a man behind Wu fan yells in Chinese:

"It"s a mistake . It"s a mistake . We shouldn"t leave j.a.pan . j.a.pan will never collapse . It"s you who are bewitching us . There are 7000 people . You can see how many people are left . . . " The man"s roar annoyed the beards . He glared at him fiercely . The cold blade in his hand turned with his wrist, while the two soldiers hid to watch the play and didn"t plan to join in .

Wu fan, knowing that this is not the time for internal strife, turned around and whispered, "it"s not my decision to go out . Kyushu Island is falling apart, all the cities are destroyed, and our hard-earned foundation is also destroyed . If we don"t leave, we"ll just die a few days later . Before we leave, I said that we"ll die, and most people don"t object . It"s lucky to be here, Think about those who died . At least you are still alive, Chen Gang . "

But Chen Gang is not appreciative at all . His eyes are engrossed in Wu fanru"s hatred of life and death, and his steel teeth creak . Looking at his angry appearance, he seems to want to rush up and bite Wu fan . Wu fan looks coldly at Chen Gang, but his heart is desolate . Chen Gang is his best friend and the most effective right hand, Today, several good brothers support each other . After crossing the sea, seven of the eight brothers died, and the last one had to turn against him, which made him feel sad .

"Don"t quibble any more, it"s all you, it"s all you . . . You have to pay for their lives, ah . . . " Chen Gang has lost his mind in despair . Excited, he pours on Wu fan and grabs Wu fan by the neck to strangle him . Wu fan writhes on the ground, his cheeks begin to congest, his eyes swell in suffocation, but his eyes don"t stare at the crazy Chen Gang . He looks askance at his companions and hopes that they will come to rescue him . No one comes forward . More than 100 people have the same expression, Looking coldly at the two wrestling people, Ji Yi"s eyes become desperate after seeing the numbness of these people . Chen Gang is also red in the face, and his blood colored eyes are shining with strange brilliance, as if he is excited about strangling Wu fan . Wu fan feels the weakness of Chen Gang"s tyranny . As a top evolutionist, Wu fan can easily tear Chen Gang to pieces if he wants to . He can see his crazy eyes . Wu fan suddenly feels a deep fatigue . This fatigue does not come from the fatigue of wandering on the sea for several days and nights, nor from waves of suffering and death, but from the loss of his soul, He saw his twisted face in Chen Gang"s blood red eyes . This face was so strange, decadent and depressed, just like a burning ash . It looked so boring .

"It"s good to die like this . I"m so tired . I really want to have a good sleep . " When he was ready to die like this, he didn"t know whether it was because of excitement or fear . Chen Gang yelled loudly . The huge noise made the flying insects eat stimulants and smash into the wall . The wall fell apart in the dense impact, Seeing that he was about to be punctured, a big beard suddenly roared at Chen Gang .

In Chen Gang"s eyes, only Wu fan, who was about to die, didn"t notice anything else . The light of the knife flashed by . Chen Gang"s Scarlet eyes splashed with half of his skull, and the remaining half of his head with his nose and mouth showed bleeding red muscle tissue . The next moment, he fell into a pool of blood and let Wu fan breathe new air, Gasping loudly, Wu fan gradually wakes up from the suffocating state of lack of oxygen . To his eyes, Chen Gang"s dead body suddenly surges up with an inexplicable anger . He turns his head and stares at the big beard that shakes off the blood bead of the blade . He yells in j.a.panese: "did you kill him?"

Wu fan doesn"t hate Chen Gang . He thinks it"s all his fault . Chen Gang is right . If it wasn"t for his self righteous insistence, so many people would not have died, even if only more than 100 people would not live long under the siege of the beetles . So he wants to thank him for his death . Bearded looks at Wu fan angrily, Disdainfully waving a steel knife, muttered: "stupid yellow monkey . . . "

As soon as the words were over, the wind blew through the house . His big beard and his sharp steel knife turned into finger long pieces, like broken building blocks . A real man turned into a pile of meat in front of more than 100 people, which frightened others . The two guys in black uniform looked at Wu fan, who was standing up slowly with his head down, I can"t imagine how this guy is so powerful and how he can be captured by them .

"I"m sorry for you . I"m sorry for my dead compatriots and companions . Wu fan swears that as long as I"m alive, killing my compatriots is like cutting my heart and liver, and killing one person is like cutting my hands and feet . " Looking at the terrified beards and armed men, Wu fan issued an angry declaration . Then his right tail finger exploded and a ball of blood disappeared . Drops of blood trickled down the wound of the root of the tail finger . Wu fan could not feel his pain . He turned to look at his companions with longing eyes and knelt down abruptly, saying, "I am sorry for you . You are willing to follow me . I will die in front of you, You don"t want to follow me . I"ll die now . "

At this time, some people understood why Wu fan had compromised with those armed men before . Wu fan didn"t want to die any more . Even if he could kill all the armed men, dozens of more than 100 survivors would die . For the sake of his companions, he was willing to abandon the arrogance of the evolutionists and bend his knees to those unknown soldiers who didn"t mean well . But Chen Gang"s anger woke him up, Let him know his real responsibility .

"Kill him . . . " Suddenly, a strange English came from behind . Wu fan, who also understood English, suddenly turned red in his eyes . When he turned around to kill all the beards and j.a.panese, the bright red light suddenly came in through the narrow vent on the wall, driving away all the darkness in the room and exposing the panic of the people in the room .

The red light flashed for less than a second . At the next moment, everything fell into silence, and darkness came again . Only the light scattered by a few narrow ventilation holes on the wall provided light for the warehouse . Wu fan had fallen to the ground and was dull . He was silent with those beards who were going to kill him . They seemed to be waiting for something, One by one, the survivors in the shadow breathe more, but smell a burning smell that shouldn"t appear .

"There"s no more banging . . . " Suddenly, the murmur broke the silence . People could not help but listen to it, but it was still . Before, the flying insects. .h.i.t the wall crazily, making the solid warehouse tremble, as if it might collapse at any time . But at this time, it seemed that everything before was an illusion, if it were not for the cobweb like cracks and falling debris on the wall to remind them .

"The iron gate is red . . . " Another one screamed . At the next moment, people"s eyes focused on the rugged gate, only to find that the folding iron door was flashing dark red color, emitting scorching heat, which made the people around the iron door retreat . At this time, no matter one of the three sides was still, they silently watched the dark red iron door gradually return to black, Waiting for the end of this weird thing .

"Boom . . . " Everyone was shocked by the loud noise . The door was kicked open to reveal the light that was not dazzling outside . When people focused on the shaking iron door, one by one armored men with silver body like star fighters rushed in and aimed their mechanism guns at everyone at the first time . More than ten fluorescent sticks flew in from the door and fell into the corner of the warehouse, The darkness of the whole warehouse was banished . Ten, twelve, fourteen, until the twenty-first armored man entered the warehouse, this invisible oppression was relieved . No matter Wu fan, who fled from j.a.pan, the crew who fell in the new era, and the local residents of Okinawa Island were all compressed into the same corner . In the huge warehouse, more than 100 people occupied one corner of the four corners, Twenty one men in silver armour impolitely occupied most of the place< br>