Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2156: 2156

Chapter 2156: 2156

"Report, sir . There are 625 remaining personnel in the air force base, naval base and various departments, including 230 professional soldiers, 103 Navy, 58 air force and logistics personnel, 150 Marine Corps, radar . . . "

Before the end of the world, the US military base in Okinawa could be said to be angry . Today"s rape and tomorrow"s fight are endless . There are also pollution and noise . No j.a.panese does not resent these US soldiers until the outbreak of the virus, These soldiers became the ancestors of life-saving, and recognized them as the masters with a shy face . Relying on the protection of the Americans, the j.a.panese who survived on Okinawa survived without danger .

For American soldiers, soldiers are soldiers, and civilians are civilians . Soldiers" responsibility is to fight, and civilians" responsibility is to receive protection . As for logistics and military supplies, that"s the responsibility of logistics officers . At the beginning, everything was OK . Soldiers protected civilians and settled down in the mountains, waiting for support that would never be available . Through contact, they could not get to know each other, The U . S . military, who strolled around Okinawa, came together to form a temporary emergency center until the end of their first year .

The first year was the most difficult one . Countless people were eaten by zombies, or killed by their companions, for various reasons, or because of a bag of moldy rice, or because of a piece of clothing that can keep out the cold, or even a pair of boots without holes . Another year later, Okinawa ushered in a new era of expeditionary corps, watching hundreds of helicopters explode in the air, One by one, soldiers became floating corpses in the water . The survivors of Okinawa Island and the US Army almost fell into despair . They thought that this was the army to rescue them . Many people could not bear to commit suicide at that time, but the survivors obtained the first and last logistics supply by salvaging the materials floating to the sh.o.r.e in the sea .

Just like most forces in the world, without government and order, strength became the only criterion to measure everything . Americans became the rulers on Okinawa, while the j.a.panese lingered in the order built by violence . After captain Brown described everything clearly, the people also stood outside the warehouse .

There are lots of dead beetle sh.e.l.ls all around the warehouse . Most of the beetles are burned by the fire . Only a layer of empty sh.e.l.l is left in the internal organs . Some of them fall around, emitting the smell of barbecue . Smelling this smell, many people begin to wake up . Three escape boats are neatly placed in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Piles of materials, weapons and ammunition were neatly placed on one side . Seeing these materials, a group of people in Colonel Brown"s eyes were red, and they were eager to rush forward and run .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care about the Okinawa government . It"s a complete force and has its own right group . Unless he cleans up all the high-level officials, he can"t control this force . The Americans here have lost contact with China for a long time, and their loyalty is almost zero . They have contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang, But just fell into the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and saw a very cruel visual feast, became the group of monkeys to see the killing of chickens .

This force of soldiers with hundreds of professional soldiers will do well in any continent . But here, they even have to wear their underwear backwards . They are too poor in materials . The area of Okinawa is too small to grow food and vegetables . There are too many dangers in the plains, and life in the mountains is extremely difficult, In the past, it was possible to find fish, shrimp and crabs at the seaside to supplement . Now more and more mutant animals appear at the seaside . If you want to find some food, you have to trade your life for it . Because Okinawa is so small, the survivors here are quite hostile to outsiders, and they don"t want outsiders to know their existence, otherwise the Russians occupying the airport won"t find it .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was not interested in contacting the Okinawa government officials . He asked John Li to give them some weapons and ammunition for the new era, and sent them on their way . He walked around the three escape boats and watched the three aircrafts pa.s.sing through the insect Swarm for deep thinking . Tiezhongyuan raised his face armor and stood to drink water, Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s figure, he was puzzled, but John Li was more clever . He motioned to the new era prisoner squatting on one side, holding his head in both hands, pointed to the escape boat and asked, "didn"t the beetles attack you when you came down?"

John Lee"s problem is not very clear to the new era prisoners . He took a careful look at the lifeboat abandoned by them and said, "we don"t know that the lifeboat is a modular unit, which has dual functions of escape and equipment linkage . On the Yaoying airship, there are five such modular units, each of which can be operated by two personnel, All kinds of equipment of the empty boat can be operated by the equipment in the lifeboat . In case of an irresistible attack, when the empty boat explodes and disintegrates, the rescue capsule will be automatically closed and separated, so as to save people"s lives as much as possible . "

John Li talks to the captives . Wu fan, who stands on one side and is worried, finds an opportunity . Wu fan sees everything about Zhang Xiaoqiang before . He knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang is the leader of this group of people, and a Chinese has become the leader of this group of elite evolutionists, which ignites some sparks in his heart, As soon as he gritted his teeth, he went forward to translate for Zhang Xiaoqiang in a low voice . Zhang Xiaoqiang appreciates Wu fan"s self-consciousness, but John Li is hostile to Wu fan, and has the taste of being robbed of his job . After hearing about the new functions of the lifeboat, Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised . The new era is really creative . It seems that the airship is very popular . In fact, after being attacked by a powerful missile, it"s hard for the people inside to react . The chance of escape is only 50% at most . I didn"t expect that the small aircraft, which is only tens of meters long, would have such a creative design, No wonder three lifeboats can escape from the attack of 12 missiles .

"The lifeboat is only used as the operating platform and escape, and the s.p.a.ce inside is very small . After loading supplies and personnel, it has only a flight range of 15 kilometers . It uses low efficiency hybrid fuel engine, and its endurance is zero . . . " Through the story of the captives, Zhang Xiaoqiang gradually understood why they were not attacked . This kind of lifeboat has a great chance of escape, but it was only for this . At the beginning, the design idea was only for escape and equipment operation, which limited the engine and fuel tank in a wide range . Moreover, due to the lack of power, the noise was very low, making them escape from the air .

"The fuel tank is empty . . . It"s hard to believe that such a big airship has only such a small fuel tank . . . " After checking the lifeboats, John Li was surprised to say that the prisoner named Mickey stood aside and waited for orders . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the lifeboats and was unwilling . If the endurance of the lifeboats could be improved, he would be able to go to Hokkaido to find trouble in the new era . Three airships could take six people, In addition, the high-end evolutors of the top ten thousand will surely be able to set off a huge wave in the hinterland of the new era .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the guys from Okinawa are coming again . This time there are a lot of people . There are more than 200 people . Do you want to stop them?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was still thinking . Tie Zhongyuan came up and interrupted him . He turned to see tie Zhongyuan"s clothes eager to try . Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly shook his head and said, "there are more than 4000 people in Okinawa . Even if you can"t help me, don"t let them cause me any trouble . Go and tell them that I"m not interested in meeting them . If you need materials, you can go to the city, We can provide limited support . . . "

With that, Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Jima, who is on the alert . This British girl has a kindness that ordinary people don"t have . If she is asked to take a few British evolutionists to clean up some zombies, she should not refuse . Jima is also looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are on her, she pulls up her mask and nods to Zhang Xiaoqiang, as if waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, The next moment, tiezhongyuan said a few words in Mongolian to the built-in communicator, and then said to Zhang Xiaoqiang again: "their leader has come, it seems that he wants to make a deal with us . . . "

"Deal?" Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned . These people can"t even put on their pants . What else can they do with themselves“ It"s related to flying insects . They know where the nest of flying insects is . It can lead us to find the mother of flying insects . . . "

"I come with goodwill and peace . Thank you for your help . I know what your biggest trouble is . I hope my intelligence can help you . . . " When more than 200 Americans appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, there was a trend of anti objectivism at the first time . Among them, more than 100 elite Marines were carrying format guns in their hands, and there was a trend of half encircling . John Lee, who was also an American, led his companions to occupy the top of ownership . Sniper guns with the same muzzle were aimed at those compatriots everywhere, The British have disappeared like ghost shadows, hiding in the corner and launching a burst attack at any time . Tiezhongyuan and the Mongols stand behind Zhang Xiaoqiang without showing any weakness and look at those people . Twelve ancient animal teeth are hovering around like crescent moon teeth, warning each other that Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t even draw out his machete . He just looks at Simon standing in front of him, Captain West< br>