Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2183: 2183

Chapter 2183: 2183

Countless sand beetles instantly filled the depression below . There was a distance of 100 meters from the bottom to the top . These beetles did not have enough bounce power, so they spread along the boulders . Dense beetles crowded into a pile, and more beetles came out of the cracks in the boulders, like springs, filling every stone and every crack, Like a gray stream of water, these beetles are very aggressive . They can"t reach Zhang Xiaoqiang, so they climb along the collapsed slope . Each beetle strives to be the first . Their unique body structure makes them run like flying on the steep cliff . In a minute, nearly half of the cliff is occupied by their figures, and the scalp of the people who see them is numb, Or Zhuo Mingyue is not sure to clean up this seemingly endless beetle .

The water snake lowered down again to prepare for the next hunt . Just at this time, a sharp pain came from the scaly sh.e.l.l of the abdomen, which was like a red hot steel needle . The water snake could not help but croak . The painful water snake was irritable . It gave up its food and looked for the guy who had hurt it . Looking down, it saw Zhang Xiaoqiang stabbing it in the belly with a red machete, The giant snake"s eyes and the ice cold in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes meet each other . The water snake retreats cleanly, bows its head down to surrender to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang slaps the water snake"s lips, points at the countless climbing sand beetles behind him and roars loudly . The spirit of the water snake comes, stretches out its head, twists downward, and then the bodies of countless sand beetles float up, Except for the beetles whose sharp claws tightly clasp the rock and sway left and right, all the beetles without adhesion float into the water snake"s mouth . These beetles roll in the air, open their teeth and claws, looking for everything that can be fixed . In the end, a few, dozens of beetles fly into the water snake"s mouth .

There is a saying that stewed bean curd can bring down one thing . Water snakes are born to control these things . Lazy water snakes are most interested in food . They never know how to be afraid of food . The big mouth like a city gate has no difficulty in swallowing beetles . Previously, there were only two or three kittens left in a flash, Most of the rest are hiding in crevices or clasping rocks .

The water snake seems to think that the taste of the sand beetle is much better than that of the unicorn beetle . After swallowing it again and again, it doesn"t think it is enough . It swallows a lot of dust and garbage below . When there is nothing left, it raises its neck, spits out at least a large amount of dust and gravel, and focuses on the flying beetle in the sky again .

Zhuo Mingyue was looking at the empty tunnel . She couldn"t believe it . For a long time, the water snake in Zhang Xiaoqiang was as weak as a slug . The weakness made most people despise the guy who could only eat . Even Zhuo Mingyue didn"t take the water snake seriously . Usually, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care about it, so he went out in the last battle in Shanghai, But that time, the water snake was just a product of soy sauce in the ditch . The only highlight was that he ate a lot of zombies and gained weight .

But today, the water snake really surprised her, countless sand beetles even she has no way to solve, water snake can easily sweep away, this is not too terrible“ Don"t think too much about it . It"s a foodstuff . If you have something to eat, it"s invincible . " Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the comfort of Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and muttered, "what kind of owner, what kind of pet . . . "

They went down to the tunnel again . This time, the ground was much cleaner . Zhang Xiaoqiang also found the pa.s.sage for the sand beetle to come out . There was a huge hole under the two boulders . There were ice beetle bodies in the gravel around the hole . When he saw the blue crustaceans of ice beetles, Zhang Xiaoqiang moved in his heart . Yesterday, when the fire burned the top of the mountain, I"m afraid that"s where more than 1000 flying beetles came out . The fire was raging at that time . I don"t know how many flying beetles died in the fire . It can be seen that when the mountain collapses, the beetles below still have a way to escape .

When they walked into the pa.s.sage, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the complete bodies of countless ice beetles . The overlapping bodies stretched forward, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s surprise stronger and stronger . Yesterday, the mountain fire was blazing, and the air near the mountain was swept away . These insects were suffocated, but I didn"t expect that there would be so many insects that could escape the bomb explosion?

There is nothing worth using about the ice beetle . Even though it has two horns, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t see it . Although it"s useful for ordinary evolutionists, he doesn"t want to give these things to the Americans and the British . He goes straight ahead and soon sees the body of a knife arm insect . This knife arm insect suffocates and dies, but it"s far away from the outside, Zhang Xiaoqiang can even feel the faint air flow across his cheek . Obviously, how can this hole suffocate when he thinks about other holes?

Later, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a lot of ice beetles and knife arm beetles . Suddenly, he understood that when the bomb exploded that day, thousands of ice beetles raised their mother"s side and rushed into the tunnel, thus escaping when the mountain collapsed . Zhang Xiaoqiang had seen the scale of the tunnel before, and each tunnel was about the same size, just enough to pa.s.s a heavy truck, It"s just the size that the female worm can pa.s.s . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Simon"s thinking is misled . They have seen the true face of the female worm, which is fatter than the super fat pig . Let alone move, even if it"s difficult to turn over, they don"t expect that the female worm will shift, which leads to their blind spot of thinking . The real female worm is always alive and comfortable . It"s easy to understand that there are so many dead ice beetles and knife arm beetles . If so many insects are packed together, they will definitely consume a lot of oxygen . Even if the hole is figured out, most of them will suffocate and die, but the most harmful one is the mother . The body shape of the mother needs more oxygen . If so many insects fight for it, the mother will definitely not do it and simply send all her subordinates out to die, Leave precious oxygen to it, which is why so many insects fly out when the flame is the hottest .

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Yinghong machete shines brightly . Zhuo Mingyue thinks that Zhang Xiaoqiang has found the enemy"s situation, so she quickly opens the protective cover and covers them together“ It"s OK . I just figured out one thing . Maybe the flying beetle will finally fall on it . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words Zhuo Mingyue didn"t understand, and they didn"t need to understand . They walked along the corpses of insects, around several holes, and along the dead beetles to a big cave .

There are traces of man-made buildings in the cave, corroded wires on the walls, light hoods covered with dust and thick cobwebs . In addition, there are traces of flattening on the ground of the cave . In the center of the platform is the female insect Zhang Xiaoqiang saw before . There are a lot of ice beetles and males around the female insect, with a small number of less than 100 each, Countless caves have been dug out on the wall behind the female worms . Each cave is filled with an egg . The smallest egg is the size of an ostrich egg, and the largest one is almost the size of a watermelon . The dense egg makes Zhang Xiaoqiang take a breath in his heart . Is this female worm really able to bear?

There are a lot of insect eggs that are qualified to be placed in the caves, but more of them are randomly stacked on the ground . These insect eggs are the size of a ping-pong ball, not one by one, but in piles, just like fish seeds . There is no regular pattern . It is estimated that there are no less than hundreds of thousands of them by visual observation, while more insect eggs are hidden in darker places, and we don"t know how many< br>