Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2229: 2229

Chapter 2229: 2229

Hundreds of tanks are advancing like a torrent of steel on the vast land . Countless black sesame like zombies are crushed under the track . Green splitting rays are shooting at the corpses above the tanks . The D2 zombies hiding in the sea of corpses emit painful howls in the splitting rays, and then the whole body turns from dark to green, and then turns into fly ash, A cloud of black ash is floating one after another in the sea of corpses, and the boundless black smoke is spreading around in the huge flames . The airships that gather in the sky drop huge incendiary bombs, which explode a cl.u.s.ter of flaming mushroom clouds on the ground . The rising hot air makes the huge airship over 1000 meters shake violently . Teams of warriors riding variant horses crisscross the battlefield under the leadership of Xu Hao, The dark, fully enclosed armor makes them like the heavy Knights of medieval Europe . The surface of the powerful armor is also shining with a faint l.u.s.ter of Pearl tears,

The variant horses, weighing several tons, are armored vehicles on the battlefield . They are able to make a collision in the sea of corpses . Countless zombies fly upside down under the impact of the variant horses . The variant horses have the strength and speed that they didn"t have in previous lives, After the end of the world, only the mutant horse is the most perfect a.s.sistant of human beings . It doesn"t need oil or fine fodder . As long as the mutant plant can grow fat and strong, its speed and endurance are stronger than that of a car, and it doesn"t show fatigue after running for ten hours . Any horse in ancient times is a golden horse, Not to mention the impact and explosive power, they are not afraid of zombie virus, which makes them shine brightly in the end . The sagittal array composed of 3000 mutant horses is like a sharp spear, which easily pierces the thick front of the zombie sea .

Horses are peerless, and knights are unparalleled . All knights are the same strength evolutors . After getting a large supply of mutated animal meat from Vladivostok, Xu Hao"s cavalry division was the first to lift the ban on the evolution matrix . Each strength evolutor has the power of ten thousand catties, and the super alloy long sword wielding in their hands is unparalleled, The so-called super alloy long knives are just special steel coated with pearl tears . Like their armor, they have good protection ability and super toughness . They are not easy to damage and break . Under the high-speed impact of the variant horse, they can even cut off the heads of countless zombies without sharp edges .

This unit is second only to LV Xiaobu"s armored units in terms of its lethality, especially in its flexibility and mobility . Any point can be easily broken through and divided by them . Among the zombies, the strong explosive power of the variant horse will not be delayed due to the obstruction of the zombies, and the lost cavalry tactics will return to China again, The surging cavalry reaped the heads of countless zombies, separated and surrounded the huge corpses from the corpse sea, and gradually eliminated the infantry who were ready to go . In the distance, an armored force composed of 99 type tanks and 62 type tanks was slowly pressing up . These armored vehicles were of different types, but not many in number . The total number was only more than 100, but they were carrying big guns .

When the tank arrived two kilometers away from the zombie sea, it would send out roaring fire tongues . High explosive bombs roared in the corpse group . Dozens of glowing fire lights per second made the roar become a line, repeatedly superimposed, and merged into a huge dull thunder sound . Countless zombies flew into the sky in the air of the explosion and broke up in the blink of an eye, With the continuous bombardment of sh.e.l.ls, the swarthy zombies were cleared, leaving huge blank areas in the smoke and dust .

After 40 rounds of sh.e.l.ling, all the tanks stopped roaring . One by one, the tank lids were opened . The rear logistics supply vehicles took out the sh.e.l.l of the smoky sh.e.l.ls and filled in the new sh.e.l.ls . The dense corpse sea had been cleared up, and the vast area with a cross section of 10 kilometers, and hundreds of thousands of zombies disappeared in the roar of the sh.e.l.ls, Innumerable craters are stacked like the surface of the moon . Under the trend of their respective officers, the elite infantry who have long been unable to stand still send their last blow to the scattered zombies . Further away, the burning fire becomes a line, dividing the troops of the corpse sea on the other side of the fire . The climbing black smoke is like a burning oil field rolling in the sky, forming a gloomy sky blocking .

The battle of Yinshan is in the final stage, and the front battlefield is hot . The whole Yinshan has become a green demon, and human beings can no longer survive in Yinshan . Countless mutant plants are like copies of red algae on land . Because of the nourishment of countless zombies, they are expanding all the time, fighting for months in a row, Thousands of kilometers of Yinshan Mountain has become a world of mutated plants . Apart from mutated insects, most mutated animals have been driven or devoured . Human beings have tasted the evil consequences of their own planting . The threat of mutated plants is no less than that of zombies . Countless mutated plants, like wild beasts, leave Yinshan Mountain and take the initiative to hang the zombie sea, The mutant plants close to human beings have already spread to the Yellow River, stretching countless roots into the Yellow River, absorbing water at the same time, spreading countless vines slowly to the other side of the Yellow River . If they are not stopped, it may not take three years, and the whole Hetao area will be occupied by the mutant plants .

The mutant plant is a double-edged sword . While killing zombies, it is also occupying the land where human beings live . At the edge of the Yellow River, the huge dome with a radius of several kilometers is being formed in the intensive construction of various construction equipment, and thousands of workers are busy in the construction site . Now, there is a shortage of war tensors, It is a luxury to mobilize thousands of people to complete an unknown construction project . At the foot of the camp, in front of the door of a row of blue tile bungalows, the three giants of silver and Mongolia gather together and ponder over the drawings . Shi Yuanye and Zhao Jun are still the same . They are soldiers, but they are more dignified . On the contrary, Zhou Jie seems a little old . Although he is only 30 years old, the wrinkled lines on his forehead and the gray hair on his temples are enough to show how much effort it takes to run Yinmeng . Although he looks tired, his eyes are still bright, With a heart-catching l.u.s.ter and wisdom, he has also been trained enough to be truly independent .

Zhao Jun and Shi Yuanye are both old smokers . Each of them has a cigarette . The cigarette curls around between the yellow fingers . They can"t feel the choking smell of smoke . After a while, Jay Chou takes a long breath, shakes his head and says, "I"m against it . After the war, we need a lot of time to cultivate and recuperate . We have to fight for months to let all our reserves run out, In the past, we used almost all the materials we got from Hohhot . Apart from food, we lacked everything . Soldiers could provide half a kilo of non-staple vegetables every day . Civilians could only eat rice cakes with salt . High intensity manual workers could only eat one or two meats in three days . Many people"s bodies had collapsed . If it went on like this, Discontent will eventually turn into conflict . . . "

"Who dares? Is it not hard for a soldier to fight for several months? It"s not like you haven"t seen the number of deaths every day . The tombs of the martyrs are expanding every day . Have they ever cried bitterly? It"s not that civilians are not fed, it"s just that they are allowed to work overtime, which will kill them? Can they live and work in peace and contentment in the rear without the soldiers working hard at the front? Just a few days later, they forget who they are

Zhao Jun"s irascible personality interrupts Zhao Jun"s narration . He stands up and shouts loudly . The ash from his cigarette ends flies around him, which makes Zhou Jie frown . He looks at ishiharano discontentedly and retorts loudly: "you only see the battlefield in your eyes . You never think about what it looks like under the battlefield . I tell you, There are 2 . 2 million people serving in the battlefield in Yinmeng . They work 14 hours a day . Many people are tired and dizzy at their posts . They can only eat salted water with white rice every day, but they can"t see any vegetables . Because they can all the vegetables and send them to the front line . The Yellow River can catch tens of thousands of Jin of fresh fish every day . Even the fishermen dare not eat these fish and give them to the front line, Even the children in the school know that they should give good things to military uncles and let them fight a good war . But you, regardless of the casualties of soldiers, the lack of rear supplies and . . . "

"Enough . . . Don"t make any noise . " Shiyuanye suddenly drinks, which makes Zhou Jie stop talking . Compared with Zhao Jun, who is familiar with him, he trusts shiyuanye more . Zhao Jun"s mind is full of battlefield . Only shiyuanye can see the whole situation . Instead of waiting for Zhou Jie"s fury because of Zhou Jie"s bitterness and shame, Zhao Jun stares back, and shiyuanye rubs the temples on both sides, It"s a headache to think about all aspects .

The battle of Yinshan is close to the end . About 20 million zombies have lost almost half of them in the Yinshan Mountains . The rest of them have been exterminated day and night . In the process of exterminating zombies, hundreds of type 3 zombies from Hubei Province have achieved a miraculous effect . These zombies are no less powerful than the tank group, And their killing makes the zombie sea lose blood every minute, and because they are branded with blood Phoenix, even the Z2 zombies can"t be controlled, and the Z3 zombies in the zombie sea also have no way to take these high-level zombies . When the combat supplies are exhausted, their speed of advance is accelerated, and there is a kind of frenzy in the army, hoping that the army can turn defense into attack, Zhao Jun is the representative of the zombies in Northeast China and Beijing .

However, this will aggravate the already overburdened task in the rear area . But now, at a time when the morale of the army is at its peak, it is just around the corner to recover Beijing with this spirit . Once the military key points and underground bases of the Beijing military region are recovered, all material reserves will not be a problem . According to the estimation of ishiharano, Once the military bases around Beijing are captured, their materials, equipment and technical weapons will be more than ten times more than before . At that time, even a few more Yinshan battles will be enough, and the elimination of zombie sea will be just around the corner . Moreover, there are complete ordnance equipment and raw material reserves in the underground bases of Beijing Military Region, which can be converted into combat effectiveness as soon as possible . It is difficult for a while, The benefits they will bring will be what they dream of, and even Ishihara will be excited by it .

"No matter how good a battle plan you make, I can"t carry it out . The rear area has reached its limit . Even if there is any more pressure, it will collapse . They can survive to this day because of the victory of the front line . How can I explain to them if you want to cross thousands of kilometers? The common people are not fruits . They can make juice by pressing . You have to let them cultivate and live . Anyway, brother c.o.c.kroach won"t do that here . "

Zhou Jie finally carried out Zhang Xiaoqiang, leaving others speechless . To say that Zhang Xiaoqiang had not returned to Yinmeng for a long time, and almost all the battles were completed by them alone . Without Zhang Xiaoqiang"s command, they completed a battle that could be called great achievements, which made them proud . Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to be proud to some extent, It"s no longer so far away . This kind of thought has a sign in the minds of most people in Yinmeng . When Zhou Xiong visited various cities, he found out more than once the independents with the tendency of independence . Although these people disappeared in the military vehicles of the Ministry of internal affairs, this thought did not disappear . They all knew that once Zhang Xiaoqiang came to the news of his death, Whether they like it or not, the tide of independence will sweep across Yinmeng, because the survivors of Yinmeng are not willing to hand over everything they have built to unrelated outsiders . In this case, the most loyal forces are the Mongolian controlled forces such as lakshen and the confidants such as Ding Ziqiang and Li Caoyu left by Zhang Xiaoqiang< br>