Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2304: 2304

Chapter 2304: 2304

A night of fear and restlessness made Zhou Jie look rather ugly . The place where he was detained was not bad . There were all kinds of rooms with one room and one living room, including electric lights, TV, DVD, toilet, Simmons, hot water and so on . It didn"t look like a detention center, but like a hotel suite . In the process of detention, he was not interrogated as expected, Taking care of him, tuanlong neiwei also inquired about his requirements . He had all kinds of fruits, food, drinks and cigarettes . At least he could not see the other side"s malice .

He sat on the sofa in the living room, smoking one cigarette after another . When a pack of cigarettes was finished, tuanlongwei outside the door would send a new one to let him know that his every move was monitored by others . Although he asked each other about Tang Mengru"s whereabouts more than once, no one paid attention to him, or even said anything, Let him in the pressure of loneliness, restless .

At dawn, he finally left the room under the guidance of tuanlong neiwei . The three of them got into the car inside the base and went straight along the Valley Road, sitting in the b.u.mpy carriage . Jay Chou was full of blood and his eyes were dry looking at the outside environment . At this time, he completely gave up worrying about his future . Tuanlong Weiyue did not speak, The worse the situation is, it"s better to think nothing than to scare yourself .

On both sides of the road in the valley, we can still see the traces left by the original war, such as the scorched mountain walls, the craters on the surface of the moon, and large areas of the ground eroded by the erosion sources . Some scattered factories are empty, and the raw materials piled up outside the factories are covered with moss, showing signs of dilapidation, But there are still air-to-air missiles in operation on the mountain peaks on both sides, and some hidden corners can also find traces of the defenders . If there is nothing here, it would be a big mistake .

The meeting was held at the site of the former military academy in the valley, which is also the training camp for recruits of the regiment dragon guards . The central square of more than ten three storey buildings is full of vehicles, most of which are Xiaolong produced in Wuhan . The army green off-road vehicles are not loaded with weapons, and they are neatly arranged in a square array, just like soldiers waiting for inspection, There is an introverted and implicit tension .

After getting off the car and going upstairs, Zhou Jie was taken into the conference room of the central building . The conference room occupies a whole floor and can accommodate hundreds of people to hold a meeting here at the same time . Hundreds of officials who were dissolute at the wedding banquet yesterday were sitting in the front row, staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang on the rostrum, not meeting each other, In the middle of China, there are middle and low-level officials and officers, mainly in Hubei, slightly less in Sichuan and Guangxi, and almost none in silver and Mongolia .

Zhou Jie"s appearance fell into the eyes of shiyuanye and Zhao Jun in the first row . They were surprised, but they didn"t say anything . Zhou Jie walked to the vacant seat in the first row and sat down at the hint of the inner guard . Zhang Xiaoqiang on the rostrum glanced at him and made Zhou Jie"s heart sink again . Then the meeting began, Zhou Jie was in a trance because he didn"t sleep all night . He couldn"t hear what Zhang Xiaoqiang was saying . He was just looking for Tang Mengru"s whereabouts . The atmosphere here was solemn and rigorous . Everyone looked at the same person without expression, forming a strong atmosphere built by discipline and group . With Zhang Xiaoqiang"s narration, they listened carefully, as if they were hypnotized, Excited or angry for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words .

Apart from his independence and atmosphere, when he failed to find Tang Mengru, he looked at other people"s joys and sorrows as if he were an outsider . A sudden shock filled his heart . He saw that all the people around him had the same expression, as if he had been trained . After a long time, everyone"s appearance was the same, Let him feel inexplicable panic and fear, I do not know when, he even thought of a disappeared noun, * * .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s speech was not incited and bewitched by Hitler, but every word was penetrating and seemed to resound in people"s minds . A series of senior officers, including ishiharano and huangquan, devoted themselves to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s speech . They didn"t breathe like Zhou Jie . They generally knew something about what Zhang Xiaoqiang was telling at this time, However, they never thought that the real situation was so shocking . Senior officers and junior officers, not to mention, always thought that the enemy of China"s rejuvenation was zombies . However, they did not expect that in the sea, a new race began to rise and affected the living s.p.a.ce of human beings .

The Hai people, the new era and the zombies are the three main enemies identified by Zhang Xiaoqiang . The general situation of these three enemies quickly slides along with the slide behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, which makes many people"s hearts heavy . Yesterday"s happy heart disappears at this moment . They suddenly find that the form has collapsed, that human beings can perish, and that every enemy is so powerful, It"s beyond their acceptance . The photos on the projector are shocking to them . Every picture shows tens of thousands of Haizu and Chizao . Even if someone knows some inside information about Chizao, they are also frightened by today"s real inside story, and Zhou Jie is also frightened .

Zhou Jie knows no less than other high-level officials, but he always thinks that there are some alarmists . What he really faces as a threat is only zombies, but zombies can"t be killed . What he outlines in his mind is that human beings and zombies are looking for a safe balance point, digesting the immediate results, slowly recovering their strength, steadily and gradually eating zombies, Just as he opposes the recovery of Beijing, Beijing is too far away from Yinmeng, which will not pose a threat to Yinmeng for the time being . Yinmeng does not need Beijing"s materials . What it really needs is the time to cultivate and recuperate . When the new generation of survivors grow up, they will integrate their resources and form a new order and civilization . Zhou Jie thought he had no mistake in his plan . Only the foundation was solid . Human beings would not lose their best because of one or several defeats . This is the main reason for his differences with Zhao Junshi"s field . Zhao Jun and Ishihara No are pure soldiers . They need nothing to do with anything but the orders of Zhang Xiaoqiang . What"s more, soldiers have a special feeling for Beijing . It is also their wish to recover Beijing .

It is precisely for this reason that Zhou Jiecai sat by and watched the rise of the Democratic Alliance . Tang Mengru is one of the reasons, but this is not the main reason . He is in charge of the people"s livelihood of 1 . 5 million people . Naturally, he can distinguish between the important and the negative . His real purpose is to rely on the Democratic Alliance to wake up the people and form a unified idea at the lower level to put pressure on the army to end military operations, So as to give time and s.p.a.ce for the development of Yinmeng .

It is also in this process that Zhou Jie began to question Zhang Xiaoqiang"s decision . Even though he reprimanded Tang Mengru for belittling Zhang Xiaoqiang more than once, he did not disagree with him . His position was different and his way of thinking was different . In the past, he was a soldier who followed Zhang Xiaoqiang to cut through thorns and thorns . The direction of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s long sword was his direction, However, when he became the first leader of the Executive Yuan, he was the leader who made decisions on the life and death of millions of people . For the future of millions of people, he had to learn to think and began to doubt whether Zhang Xiaoqiang was really right . It was because of this that he and the top management of Yinmeng seemed to get along with each other and finally came to this step .

After thinking about it, all of Zhou Jie"s unhappiness and unwillingness disappeared completely . Zhang Xiaoqiang was right, so he was wrong . He was no longer at a loss, no longer at a loss, or even thinking about Tang Mengru . At this moment, he seemed to return to the moment when the end of the world broke out . All the responsibilities and burdens disappeared, and he no longer had to be responsible for millions of people, Just be responsible for yourself .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t find out about Zhou Jie"s emotional changes . In other words, he was also infected by the excitement of hundreds of people . One person can drive hundreds of dedicated people, and hundreds of fanatical and excited people can also Tonghua one person . Affected by the infection below, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s emotions became excited . In his loud speech, he was able, All the depression and blockbusters disappeared from his heart, and his heart became transparent . In an instant, he felt that he was omnipotent, and all the obstacles and difficulties were not a problem . He had self-confidence, and so did the people below . Many people began to cheer loudly, while others were full of tears . After experiencing despair and hardship, they cherished everything in front of them more than anyone else, Many people are full of pessimism after learning that the Hai people have landed . But here, they regain their confidence and hope, and let Zhang Xiaoqiang"s prestige rise to a unique level . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s flushed face, Zhou Jie knows that the era of Zhang Xiaoqiang is far from over . With one victory after another, this person on the stage will become a symbol that history will always remember< br>