Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2327: 2327

Chapter 2327: 2327

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, please go to the bridge immediately . Brother c.o.c.kroach, please go to the bridge immediately . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was walking along the road, suddenly heard Huang Tingwei"s call on the communicator . The call was very anxious . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart immediately raised up and said aloud, "what"s the situation?"

"We have found the sea people . We have found the sea people . The sky is 1000 meters in front of us . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang speeded up at once . At the same time, the battle alarm of the whole frigate was buzzing . One by one, the crew and weapon operators rushed out of the room and ran to their posts . The sound of stepping on the corridor was like the sound of frogs . The corridor with flashing red lights was dark and unknown, and the crowd was jostling and mumbling, Zhang Xiaoqiang is like a fish swimming in the water, quickly pa.s.sing through the crowd . Whenever someone finds that he is about to collide with Zhang Xiaoqiang, he will lose his body shape .

In the fierce running, Zhang Xiaoqiang controls his body perfectly . He never feels so good . He doesn"t need to waste any strength . He always completes all kinds of actions just right, or even doesn"t need to think . His body will reflexively move first . The bigger the action, the clearer the feeling . He doesn"t need to give too complicated instructions to his body, As long as he moves forward, he doesn"t need to worry about anything . He can even accurately remember the bust and bust of every woman he meets in the process of high-speed progress . That is to say, he can do two things at this time .

It took less than ten seconds for Zhang Xiaoqiang to rush through the tens of meters long pa.s.sageway and the chaotic running pa.s.sageway of dozens of people . During this period, he didn"t even touch the corner of his clothes . If he wanted, he could touch the chest of every woman who pa.s.sed by unconsciously . When he entered the bridge, besides Yang Ke"er and Huang Fei, there was Zhuo Mingyue, No one else noticed him . He was as silent as a ghost .

"The main gun has 50% energy storage, the target is at 9 o"clock, the air-to-air missile No . 1 to No . 3 systems are ready, the short-range defense system is ready, and the cracker gun No . 2 is ready . . . "

The sky outside is already dark . It"s nine o"clock in the night . There are only bright stars and huge shadows on the screen . The giant lotus leaf is like a dark cloud . On the satellite auxiliary terminal, it can show the structure of lotus leaf and the dense sea tribes on it . The sea tribes crowded together are just like rice grains in a rice bowl . When the frigate deflects in the air, the sea tribes will pile up, After the bow of the ship aimed at the lotus leaf, Huang Tingwei cheered: "the main gun is fired . . . "

The dazzling laser is like a dragon penetrating through the darkness, like a giant lightsaber sweeping across the lotus leaf . The huge lotus leaf is thousands of meters wide, and the laser deflects slightly, just like a knife cutting cream, cutting off one third of the lotus leaf area . In an instant, the huge lotus leaf is divided into two parts, slowly broken, and then swings violently and falls down, which is like a overturned dinner plate, falling countless sesame seeds, You know, they are thousands of meters high at the moment . Let alone Haizu has no wings, even if they have wings, they may not be able to escape . Everyone in the bridge immediately cheered . At this time, the two split lotus leaves began to rotate and fall down . But Huang Tingwei was not ready to let the remaining Haizu go . In his heart, even if he left some seriously injured Haizu, he was a failure .

"Crack gun two fired, one ready . . . "

"120 gun fire, short range defense system fire . . . "

A series of instructions made the night sky in Guangdong colorful . The green spherical light, the scarlet high-speed bullet like a red snake, and the burst fire . The falling lotus leaves were scattered like dandelions in a strong wind . In less than five minutes, the night sky fell back into darkness, and everyone looked at the sky, At this time, Huang Tingwei saw Zhang Xiaoqiang and said humbly, "brother c.o.c.kroach, there are three leading sea tribes entering China, and the other two are in Fujian . If we speed up, we can intercept them in the second half of the night . Do you see?"

"Order, you are the captain . . . " Huang Tingwei grows up very fast, and Zhang Xiaoqiang is more and more satisfied . Now the first Hai nationality is easily solved . Although he has the feeling of killing chickens with a bull"s knife, it gives the following people the greatest encouragement . Zhang Xiaoqiang is willing to retreat to the second line and give the light to Huang Tingwei, so that he can build new achievements .

"Mark the position, inform Guangdong base, let them search for the remains of the sea people here tomorrow, the frigate turns to Fujian, the staff section evaluates the fighting process, summarizes the fighting experience, the logistics section replenishes the ammunition consumption, estimates the fighting time, and the Liaison Office informs the c.o.c.kroach base to prepare for replenishment . . . "

One by one, Huang Tingwei was like a veteran general . The crew flushed with excitement and tried their best to finish their work . Even if the shift personnel came to take over, they would not move their positions . They would rather give up their rest and also want to take part in the fight behind . Yang Ke"er and meow meow seem to be fascinated with driving frigates and always hover around the helmsman, Zhuo Mingyue is not very interesting . She says h.e.l.lo to Zhang Xiaoqiang and goes back to bed . As for Fei, she jumps to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s strange power, yawns, sleeps on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s shoulder and squints her eyes .

This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang became a spectator from the beginning to the end, and he was not upset . He walked around the bridge with a smile, looked around, and secretly observed the crew . Zhang Xiaoqiang, whose five senses had been strengthened, could say that he was insightful . He could see from each other"s faces what everyone was thinking, no matter how subtle the expression or subconscious action was, Even the changes that they don"t know themselves are in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . He can know their psychology through their changes, which makes him have a kind of peeping stimulation . When the boat began to turn, the image of Nu Wa appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . The image of Nu Wa in front of ordinary people was not fixed . If it was for military affairs, Nu Wa would appear in military uniform . If it was anything else, Nu Wa"s clothes were ordinary clothes . This time, wearing Nu Wa was wearing military uniform, At the moment of her appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked, "is there something wrong with Australia?"

Nu Wa didn"t answer at the first time . She forced a military salute to Zhang Xiao first, and then solemnly said: "Blizzard moss of Russia took the initiative to contact me and asked China to dispatch support forces to rescue the last Russian . For this reason, Blizzard moss will pay the underground army fire depot and weapons and equipment depot of the whole Far East Military Region of China as a reward . . . "

"Blizzard moss? I seem to have heard of this name . Is it a super brain like you? " In the morning, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t remember the name, but now, even the most trivial things in the past can be recalled by Zhang Xiaoqiang . The name reminds him of the innocent old man, Elson .

"It"s Wanqiang . Wanqiang is going to kill the Russians . The Moscow subway, the final gathering place, has been defeated by Wanqiang . Zombies are also pouring into the subway because of the b.l.o.o.d.y smell . There are also the sea people who appear in Moscow . Once the Moscow subway falls down, the Russians will no longer have an organized army and strength, and the scattered Russians will not survive the invasion of the sea people . "

"What"s our business? Do we need the Russian weapon? The efficiency of weapons before the end of the world is getting lower and lower, which is no longer enough to face the future crisis . Besides, in the end of the world, there are a lot of dead families and exterminations . j.a.pan alone, even its hometown is sinking . Blizzard moss only wants us to get involved in the chaos in Moscow . It"s really mean to give us such things . Do you think we are fools? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang won"t take risks for the weapons and materials of the Far East military region . The Russian weapons are very powerful, but they are only weapons developed for human beings . Whether it"s zombies or sea people, the role of light weapons is getting smaller and smaller . Even heavy weapons are not so good, unless they are installed on a mobile and flexible frigate . But so far, there is only one frigate in the world, There"s no need to take on unnecessary trouble for something out of date .

"Then we directly refuse" Nu Wa didn"t give any advice . Her virtual eyes flashed a wave of numbers and followed Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders directly, which surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang . All the time, Nu Wa gave him a very bad feeling . She always felt that the digital life had an invisible depth . If it wasn"t for Nu Wa, the underground city couldn"t do without Nu Wa, Satellite communication and intelligence reconnaissance are inseparable . Zhang Xiaoqiang is willing to turn off Nu Wa permanently, so he has been lazy to pay attention to Nu Wa . But now, he finds that Nu Wa has put down her inexplicable arrogance and obeys him like her subordinates, which causes his doubts .

"By the way, what about Maribo"s research? Have you made any progress in the study of the underground city? " Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of it and asked .

"Maribo destroyed all the serum samples . Originally, he wanted to collect the serum samples from his body . For the time being, he was in a bottleneck stage . He is conducting a large number of experiments . It is preliminarily estimated that it will take three to ten years to complete the 100% progress . . . "

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a little depressed . He thought that Ma Ruibo"s achievements were like hairy crabs with crab sh.e.l.ls open, waiting for him to taste them at will . However, she did not expect that there was such a thing . After observing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s displeasure, Nu Wa took the initiative to suggest: "the abnormal creatures in your arms can be used as research samples . I deduced from the experimental data in Australia, Get information about the limits of human vitality . . . "< br>