Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2331: 2331

Chapter 2331: 2331

The black blood on the brown gravel ground is like old scars . Each scar has one or several incomplete corpses . These corpses include children, women, men and sea people . Looking around, the brown barren land where weeds can only grow is full of corpses . Dozens of meters or hundreds of meters, there must be corpses intertwined together, just like a cruel and b.l.o.o.d.y battlefield, Occasionally, we can see some corpses piled up like hills . Even at the last moment, the angry men still kept their fighting bravery . Broken rifles, sieve shields, curved steel spears, and broken knives stood like tombstones in the corpses . Surrounded by the corpses, there must be a fragmentary kraya .

In addition to the corpses, there are also some wounded people who have only one breath left . These wounded people are simply wrapped up and placed together . They sit on the mountain and look down at the endless corpses, more than 8000 human beings, More than 4000 sea people"s corpses embellish this eternal barren land .

The wounded people, regardless of race, sit close to each other with their country . They have yellow, white, black and brown skin, but they give up all their prejudices and enjoy the comfort after the war with arrogance and quiet . The disabled women and children send up precious food and water, and feed them little by little with hunger in their stomachs and thirst in their mouths, If these men had not blocked the pursuit of the Hai people with their flesh and blood, they would not have survived .

No one complains, no one grabs others for a little food, and everyone maintains order in a sad and dreary atmosphere . In the three days of killing, everyone here has experienced the transformation of the soul, grinding away all the weakness, leaving only strong, knowing how to protect, willing to pay, believing in hope and unity .

While they were waiting for rescue, the Harrier boat above the clouds stood like a G.o.d"s family on top of the people"s heads . Kessler"s three days had not been very good . The bloodshot of his eyes made him look particularly frightening . His messy hair and thin chin made him look like another person . Regel"s performance was relatively good, except that his hair was slightly scattered and his clothes were wrinkled, The mental outlook is not bad .

"More than 8600 people died, including more than 3000 men, more than 5000 women and children, all puppet soldiers, only 71 of the 500 garrison troops, and all b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers . It is estimated that 4200 Hai people will be killed, including about 20 higher Hai people . In addition, 47 Hai people will be captured, more than 90% of them seriously injured, The reinforcements killed more than 780 people, injured more than 1200 people, escaped and executed 150 people, and 27 others suffered from nervous disorders . The above is a rough calculation of three days . It will take more time to make an inventory if we want to have a detailed understanding . "

A shark hunt from afar only appears on the top of the survivors" heads through the clouds . Seeing the planes appear, the survivors hiding everywhere stand up and wave to the sky one after another . Looking at the survivors standing among countless corpses on the screen, Kessler"s face is very ugly, swallowing his saliva hard, staring at Regel with his tired eyes, as if questioning .

"I didn"t expect so many people left? I remember that there are only 7000 women and children, that is to say, more than half of the men are left . It seems that these guys are really lucky . "

Regel touched his chin, narrowed his eyes and stated his surprise . Then his eyes flashed and he said, "what"s the matter with the Chinese?"

Kesailer picked up the information collector in his hand and quickly looked through it . He quickly found Zhao Deyi"s intelligence . He read as he read: "the Chinese people have lost their small town and are retreating to the third line of defense . As of this morning, 390 Chinese people have been killed and more than 260 injured . The total number of troops has been reduced by 20% . It"s unbelievable, They have persisted . The first batch of reinforcements will arrive in the afternoon . If these teams are as strong as Zhao"s subordinates, it should be no problem to hold the last line of defense .

By the way, the material transfer center of the Chinese people is also rushing to repair fortifications . There used to be a lot of building materials there . It only takes two months for them to build a Maginot defense line . If there are enough materials, they may be able to defend it to the next century . In addition, our soldiers on that side are losing a lot, 50% more than the Chinese, If this battle continues, without the Chinese, our soldiers may collapse . "

Kesailer was very surprised that Zhao Deyi could resist three days . In these three days, the commanders stationed in front of him reported to them more than once that they could not hold fast to the front line and asked for all the materials and support they could get . These support far exceeded the rear"s ability, but the purpose was not to continue to hold fast, They wanted to take this opportunity to ask for a retreat to the rear . Thanks to the persistence of the Chinese, a large number of Australian soldiers also persisted

"Well, let"s go down . For the time being, we"ve pa.s.sed the first hurdle . At least we"ve made a good start . " Regel was not surprised by the achievements of the Chinese people . The soldiers on both sides are not at the same level, but he believes that Australia"s military strength will catch up soon . "The casualties of the supported ground forces are very large, and it will take a lot of time to repair them . Some scattered troops need to be reorganized, and some scattered Haizu are scattered in the field, posing a threat to the traffic lines . Many soldiers need to protect the vehicles along the way . Well, there are at least 40000 Haizu in the western and central regions, although they have all fallen into no man"s land, It also requires a lot of energy to monitor and collect the bodies below . "

Keseler, a perfect adjutant, began to arrange the next task . Regel sat by the side of the window and gazed at the countless corpses walking on the enlarged and rugged ground below . After a long time, he suddenly asked, "how much blood do we have from j.a.pan?"

In the new era, a large number of j.a.panese were slaughtered in Hokkaido to plant blood seeds, and hundreds of thousands of people were eliminated . In the process of this ma.s.sacre, more than 100000 blood seeds were planted . Although Wan Qiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang robbed nearly 10000 blood seeds, there were still 100000 blood seeds left . For blood species, Regel was quite conservative, except for giving part of Genesis, Most of the others are in his hands . In the new era, he only thought that Naga had robbed most of the blood, but he didn"t care too much about it . Until Australia split from the new era, regor dared to take it out .

"There are about 30000 more, which are in the safe of Yaoying empty boat . If they are used by the surviving men, it will take about 12000 . . . " Kessler immediately reported the long-standing number in his heart . Regel crossed his hands on his chin and gazed at the empty s.p.a.ce in front of him as if thinking about something . After a while, he shook his head and said, "don"t rush to upgrade the evolutionists . The battlefield ground has been watered with blood . He ordered us to bury the corpses in the place where they died . . . "

"What do you want?" Kesailer was surprised . He looked at Regel"s indifferent eyes and took a breath immediately . Regel nodded and said: "this is a knockout match and an opportunity . The blood of the sea people is red, and the blood of human beings is red . The place where the blood flower first appeared is the burial place of the corpse, which is called reincarnation flower in j.a.pan, It means that every blood flower is the reincarnation of the soul after the death of the dead . The cycle of the reincarnation flower is 12 months and 8 days, and the fruit is called jinghun fruit . The jinghun fruit of each reincarnation flower just makes ordinary people become evolutors, which is known as the shelter of the dead and the salvation of the living . Later, it was found that blood can ripen the reincarnation flower and get jinghun fruit in a very short time, So the reincarnation flower becomes the blood flower, the jinghunguo becomes the blood seed, and the way of salvation becomes the way of destruction . This is the secret of the blood flower . . . "

"In twelve months and eight days, we"ll have 12000 new evolutionists?" Kessler immediately forgot the desecration of the dead and asked Regel excitedly . Regel sighed a long time and said, "I like to study history and pursue the source . That"s why I understand these things . The funny thing is that several major forces only know the blood flower, but they don"t know the reincarnation flower . Reincarnation flower is the real hope of mankind, One man"s flesh and soul makes another man want to . . . "

"Where do we land, sir?" The captain of the empty boat reported to them through the internal communication device . At this time, he had reached the height of 100 meters on the ground . Looking at countless corpses on the ground, Kessler seemed to see countless reincarnation flowers growing in this barren land, and immediately ordered: "land where there are most corpses . . . "

"Well, let"s go and meet our heroes . Everyone who can live to the present is the elite of the future . I see the hope of mankind in them . I hope this is just the beginning . In the future, there will be many people who can overcome their fear and become brave fighters . . . " Kessler forgot his tiredness and depression, and he got up alive . But when he saw the corpses piled up outside the side of the window, he became depressed again and said, "it"s a pity that many brave people died in battle, and most of them who survived were good at looking for opportunities . . . "

"Don"t be too demanding . The soldiers who can survive on the battlefield are good soldiers . On the battlefield, cowards and rash people die the fastest . Only the soldiers who are neither cowardly nor rash are the best soldiers . For soldiers, the real victory of every battle is that they can survive . . . "

Regel doesn"t want to be strict with the men after the fierce battle . He is very satisfied with these men . For the superior, the condition to win is to achieve the predetermined goal, while for the soldiers, to live is to win .

When they went to the pa.s.sage together, the communication officer reported again: "Mr . Qiang has arrived in Australia and is supporting the northern battlefield . He asked the two officers to meet . . . "< br>