Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2348: 2348

Chapter 2348: 2348

Kessler sits in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang and talks . Regel likes red wine . Kessler only likes cigars . Together with Zhang Xiaoqiang, they are two cigarette guns . The electronic sand table in the temporary command center presents the whole terrain of Australia . With their command sliding in their hands, the electronic sand table will be enlarged or narrowed, which will perfectly build the place they can see .

"This is a war, so we need to make clear whether the purpose of the war is to annihilate the effective forces of the Hai people, or to eliminate the root causes of the Hai people as far as possible . This must be made clear . Although we defeated the Hai people ash.o.r.e last time, we won a huge victory, but it did not have much impact on the Hai people, and the power of the Hai people all over the world did not lose much, However, we have lost one third of our ammunition reserves and weapons and equipment . If we go to war according to the previous plan, I think that if we go to war three to five more times with the same scale, our logistics will completely collapse .

Once the logistics collapses, then we have no means to guarantee the victory of the war . The situation between the enemy and ourselves is not proportional . Even if we try our best, we can"t win the war . "

Kesailer put down his data and frowned to tell Zhang Xiaoqiang the disadvantages of the sea war . He didn"t have too many personal emotions or any guiding opinions, but simply expressed his views .

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows what kesailer means . He is not optimistic about the prospect of the war . He just tells Zhang Xiaoqiang about the difficulties he will face in the future as a foreign affairs consultant .

"We need to fight this battle if we can fight it, and if we can"t fight it, we need to fight it . There is no reconciliation between us and the sea people, and there is no way for dialogue between them . They need to expand the ocean and the living environment, and we also need it . Therefore, as long as human beings and land are not destroyed, we have to fight it, even if we have to fight for a hundred or a thousand years, They never dare to go ash.o.r.e . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang mercilessly put down this pa.s.sage, and then threw an irregular meteorite fragment the size of a fist onto the electronic sand table . The gray black meteorite fragment is like a stone that can be seen everywhere on the roadside, which is not noticeable . Looking at this stone, keseler is puzzled, but Zhang Xiaoqiang said:

"We are not hopeless, Every time they s.n.a.t.c.h one of these stones from the sea people, they will destroy a tribe . This is their weakness . . . "

Meteorite debris is an absolute secret of China"s rejuvenation . At present, the only people who know about it are Zhang Xiaoqiang and xianghai"er . Xianghai"er won"t tell . If Zhang Xiaoqiang wasn"t fl.u.s.tered by kesailer"s prediction, he won"t take it out . It"s too important .

"What do you mean? The opportunity for human victory lies in these stones? " Keseler felt incredible . The two sides were fighting against logistics, forces, supply speed and potential . All of these things were not dominated by human beings . The sea people did not need logistics . When they went ash.o.r.e, they could eat mutant plants and dead sea people"s corpses . Not to mention the forces, when fighting against the sea people, the ratio of human beings to sea people was far more than one hundred or even one thousand . As for the supply speed, This is the biggest weakness of mankind . The machinery and equipment in the rear need time and raw materials to produce strategic materials, and a large number of vehicles and means of transportation are needed to deliver them to the army . Without logistics, a soldier may not be able to defeat a sea tribe . There is still potential . The sea is three times the area of land, and there are tens of billions of marine organisms, each of which has hundreds of thousands, A hundred dollars is worth tens of millions . Does the total number of human beings alive today add up to 100 million?

"Yes, red algae will not be born out of thin air . In the past, the whole world was digging for the reasons for the formation of algae . This is the reason . Tianwai meteorite is the culprit of the virus outbreak, and it is also the source of the birth of Haizu . You will not believe that meteorite falling from the sky has its own thinking, and it can dominate all Haizu born because of it . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to be telling a mythical story, but kesailer is sitting down and listening carefully . He knows that as long as what is said from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mouth, even if it is absurd, it is the most true . As a former intelligence officer of Asia branch, he knows what achievements Zhang Xiaoqiang has made in his rise in China .

"You mean, life from outer s.p.a.ce . . . " Keseler was surprised to pick up the meteorite fragments, opened his eyes and looked at them carefully, trying to find out some signs of life . Unfortunately, there was a slightly warm stone in his hand . The stone that can heat is not common, but it is not rare . Then he said uncertainly: "silicon-based life?"

"I"m not sure . There should be a preliminary biological awareness . The source of the naval war should be the nuclear bomb that exploded in Hawaii . . . "

There was a nuclear bomb in Hawaii . Zhang Xiaoqiang had a general understanding of this through Nuwa"s satellite monitoring, but he didn"t know any other details . Kesailer added for Zhang Xiaoqiang: "it"s not a nuclear bomb, In the past, nuclear bombs were used to clean up Hawaii, but the effect was not very good . After the destruction of red algae on the sea surface, the red algae under the sea would grow in retaliation . In the past, the scale of development was not fast, until after the nuclear bomb exploded . . . "

After the end of the world, people used nuclear bombs many times, but no matter for the zombies or the sea people, the effect of nuclear bombs is not great . The main lethality of nuclear bombs is radiation . To destroy a large city with nuclear bombs, it takes dozens of nuclear bombs to flatten the whole city, but it is impossible . The resulting nuclear radiation will be more cruel to the surviving human beings, water, air, And growing crops can do harm to humans . "I think it was something that caused damage to the Hawaiian meteorites . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang conjectured the view of the outbreak of the Hai nationality, but kesailer thought of other places .

"You mean every red alga is caused by this meteorite fragment?" Seeing kesailer"s unnatural expression, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of his conjecture . His face was also unnatural . He thought of a terrible fact .

"Red fox calls eagle"s nest, red fox calls eagle"s nest, find target, quant.i.ty three, height 3600 meters, wind force seven, location . . . "

Two high-speed fighters flew across the sky and flew to the front three lotus leaves . The pilot reported the discovery to the headquarters with the communicator and then rushed straight to the red algae . The two planes didn"t fly too many patterns . They carried out the combat preparation in strict accordance with the flight manual . As the control system of airborne weapons was turned on, the command"s reply arrived: "eagle nest, copy, The target is flying to the California coastline . Please intercept and destroy these dog shreds . "

"Order confirmed, destroy target 3, appetizer dessert arrived, target 1, target 2 by red fox, target 3 cheap you, black wolf . "

As the pilot eagerly confirmed the order, the black wolf wingman complained a few words . Two fighters launched three missiles . These three missiles flew across the sky and smashed on the giant lotus leaf and the force point of the petiole . The Americans who had shot down the lotus leaf knew that the key of the lotus leaf was there, and they would never blow it down for a long time as before .

The missile went through the giant hose and exploded in the center, swelling the root of the petiole like a pregnant woman"s belly . Countless flames pierced the petiole, forming a huge fire cloud . The three giant lotus leaves separated from the petiole at almost the same time and rotated at the same time . The broken petiole was burning and slowly rolled down to the ground, Countless sea people fell like sesame seeds from the port of the petiole, which caused the pilots to give a strange cheer . The three leaves fell like a frisbee to the sea . The lower they fell, the faster their acceleration . One minute later, the three leaves fell heavily on the sea and fell apart .

Just as the two planes crossed the beautiful arc and were ready to return, more than ten huge black spots suddenly appeared in the clouds . With the distance getting closer, each black spot was bigger than the F22 fighter, and its speed was no less than that of the fighter . Just when the pilots were fantasizing about the hot food of the beautiful women in the base, what the radar showed made them panic .

"What is it . . . , black wolf, pay attention to the back . . . "

"Oh, my G.o.d, is that an alien s.p.a.ceship? It"s so fast . We"re going to be overtaken . . . "

"Break away, break away . . . Whatever it is, don"t let it stand behind us . . . "

"Red fox . . . I"m eagle nest, what happened . . . Report immediately . . . "

"I don"t know, I don"t know, number 17, faster than us, faster than us . . . "

During the short and intense conversation, a fireball explodes not far from red fox . He can hear the scream of the black wolf before he dies . His sweating cheek is terrified and exclaims: "the black wolf has been shot down, the black wolf has been shot down, my G.o.d, what is it . . . , ah!!"

At the same time, countless people in the U . S . Air Force Command Center were frantically a.n.a.lyzing the location of the accident . The Major General Commander grabbed the communicator and yelled hysterically: "red fox, red fox, where are you? Do you receive it? What attacked you . . . " With a call, all the staff stopped the things in their hands and looked at the blank big screen together . The two flashing light spots had disappeared .

"Send out the dawn G.o.ddess, I want to know what happened . . . " The commander of the major general threw down his communicator and yelled at the adjutants around him . For a moment, the quiet command center was busy again, but everyone"s heart was covered with a shadow . The destruction of the fighter plane means that the most powerful weapon of the United States has lost its function . What is lost is not only the fighter plane, but also the more valuable pilots and hope for the future< br>