Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2371: 2371

Chapter 2371: 2371

After five hours, the backup forces of the eastern defense line arrived one after another, and a large number of the wounded were evacuated to the cities in the rear . Zhang Xiaoqiang left Yang Ke"er to give early warning in the eastern defense line, and took Zhuo Mingyue, Fei and meow back by plane . As soon as he got home, Zhang Xiaoqiang communicated with keseler, who came to the room after hearing the news .

The fighting in the eastern defense line was short and fierce, and the casualties were no less than those in the northern defense line before . According to later reports, in addition to human losses, the loss of zombies was even greater . Tens of thousands of zombies above type 2 were frozen into ice sculptures, almost all of type 3 zombies were destroyed, only type s zombies were left in type 4 zombies, and type D zombies were still waiting to be thawed, although they were not broken, Can we live or not?

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw meow squatting on the coffee table, and then he held his chin and looked at the scattered multi faceted crystal in a daze . He turned on the TV and watched the cartoons he hadn"t finished before . In his hand, he was holding a pile of potato chips made from mutated potatoes and enjoyed them happily . His two snow-white feet were shaking playfully, and Zhuo Mingyue didn"t see them, It should be in my own room .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t go to see Zhuo Mingyue . He knew that what Zhuo Mingyue needed most at the moment was to be alone . He walked up to Feifei, declined the potato chips that Feifei handed him, picked up a multi faceted crystal and looked at it carefully . He didn"t have time to see it clearly before, but now he wanted to understand the use of it . Soon he separated it from the nucleus of the mutant beast, The lightning sculpture squats on the tea table with a big tail like a stick . It is staring at these crystals curiously with meow, but it doesn"t mean to move its claws to grab them . The mutant animals have no immunity to the crystal nucleus . Whether they are high-level or low-level, they will put it in their mouth when they see it . The big water snake is no exception, and the lightning sculpture is no exception, It only shows that polygonal crystal has no effect on the mutant beast .

"Isn"t Xiang Hai"er awake yet?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked casually with the multi faceted crystal, and said, "I"m still soaking in the bath . It"s just trouble . I got up last night to go to the toilet and just sat on the toilet . I was shocked to see someone in the pool . Please move her away quickly . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to laugh, but he can"t laugh . Today"s bad luck is too much, which makes him feel depressed . He says casually, "I"ll go and have a look . You"ll accompany her . If you"re sleepy, you"ll sleep with her . Don"t come to my room . I don"t believe you"ll get lost when you go to the toilet in the middle of the night . . . "

"Don"t do it . Sophie"s sleeping is dishonest and energetic . I don"t want to be black and blue tomorrow morning . " Miaomiao throws away the crystal in his hand and shouts bitterly . His cunning eyes fluctuate constantly . It is obvious that after Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attempt to break it, he does not give up and is thinking of other ways .

"Feifei and I have slept together . She is always dishonest . I know best . I"m afraid you are dishonest . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang seriously despises meow"s abacus . As long as Yang Ke"er is away, meow will use all kinds of excuses to get under his bed . Every time he refuses to leave, which makes him sleep with one eye open . It"s really annoying .

"Well, you and Yang Ke"er, who sleep with Fei, just don"t sleep with me, I don"t care . . . " Meow"s anger was ignored by Zhang Xiaoqiang . When he met meow, he was only 12 years old, and now he is only 16 years old . Although he looks pure and beautiful, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t have any feelings for her . Since he doesn"t have feelings, he doesn"t want to harm her .

Walking into the bathroom, Zhang Xiaoqiang sees xianghai"er lying in the bath like a sleeping beauty . She is really a gorgeous Mermaid . However, he hopes that xianghai"er can become a four armed Snake Girl . The war situation is difficult and dangerous . He only hates that the high-level forces around him are not enough . The last time he radiated xianghai"er with two meteorites, xianghai"er fell asleep, There"s no hope of advancement . He also makes Zhuo Mingyue lose the maid who combs her hair . He guesses that it"s not that the meteorite doesn"t work, but that there are not enough meteorite fragments . But it"s not easy to get more fragments . Now Zhang Xiaoqiang hopes that the crystal nucleus of the Snake Girl can work .

Waving his hand, he threw eight four armed Snake Girl crystals into the pool and silently watched the changes of xianghai"er . In the clear pool, eight multi faceted crystals were shining like diamonds in the small light . As time went by, xianghai"er didn"t wake up and the crystals didn"t change . Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little puzzled that these crystals were the size of his thumb, It"s from the Snake Girl with four arms . It doesn"t seem to work?

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought that these crystals would release radiation from the outside like meteorite fragments, which obviously didn"t work . He picked up a walnut sized crystal from the six armed Snake Girl, went to the pool, leaned over and held Xiang Hai"er"s smooth chin . When she opened her mouth, he put the crystal into Xiang Hai"er"s mouth, making her cheeks bulge and Xiang Hai"er sleep, Breathing is very even . Standing in the distance, it is no different from ordinary human women . At the moment, something is put into her mouth, which makes her breathing difficult . After a short time, xianghai"er stops breathing . Zhang Xiaoqiang is worried . He is afraid that xianghai"er will suffocate, so he quickly reaches out his finger to pick out the crystal .

When his finger touched the crystal, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that the crystal almost slipped into xianghai"er"s throat, but he couldn"t get it out for a moment . In a hurry, he hugged xianghai"er and slapped her face down on her back . Every time he slapped, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fingers could feel xianghai"er"s soft body, smooth, delicate and full of elasticity, Zhang Xiaoqiang anxiously looks at xianghai"er"s face, and at the same time sees her trembling and undulating chest, and feels a little angry for a moment . At the same time, xianghai"er coughed, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel relieved . Fortunately, he didn"t kill xianghai"er, but he didn"t expect that xianghai"er woke up in the process of coughing . He opened his hazy eyes and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that he was half immersed in the water and hugged xianghai"er . He immediately felt a little strange . Then he found that his hands were swimming on xianghai"er"s delicate skin . He couldn"t help but feel embarra.s.sed . He took back his hands and let xianghai"er fall into the water .

The next moment, xianghai"er sat up, holding a few crystals in her hands, shaking all over . She asked Zhang Xiaoqiang in disbelief, "this is for me?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang pretended to be calm and nodded and said: "these are yours, as long as you feel useful . . . " He was too embarra.s.sed to say that he wanted to help xianghai"er . He almost killed xianghai"er . In addition, he also had some shame . It seemed that some things could not be used casually . Xianghai"er cheered . He put his arms around Zhang Xiaoqiang and nearly strangled him . Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang could feel xianghai"er"s joy . Before, he thought xianghai"er wanted to attack him .

Obviously, this thing is very useful for Xiang Hai"er . When Zhang Xiaoqiang feels the softness of her chest painfully and happily, Xiang Hai"er releases her hand and says incoherently: "w.a.n.g, the mark of the royal family . With them, I can also become a royal family . . . "

Xiang Hai"er doesn"t express clearly . Zhang Xiaoqiang can still hear about it . The cla.s.s of Hai people is more complicated than people think . To be exact, Hai people are like primitive tribes . Because of the existence of meteorites, they have strict cla.s.ses . Ordinary Hai people are slaves and can be killed by kraya at will . Kraya is the cornerstone of Hai people . Every kraya is a born aristocrat, All of them were born around the meteorite . Only after being eliminated by internal compet.i.tion can they become recognized aristocrats . Xianghai"er"s tribe is a failed group . Naturally, it can"t go any further . Only kelaya, the most powerful group in the winning group, has a chance to get the inexplicable material secreted by the meteorite, bio source sand .

This biogenic sand is not the crystal of the Snake Girl, but a kind of original material . After being absorbed, it will be converted into kraya"s own energy with the acc.u.mulation of time, so as to break through the shackles of rank and evolve to a higher level . That is to say, if kraya can"t get this kind of original material, he will die in kraya"s cla.s.s all his life and become a higher kraya at most, Never grow up to be a snake girl .

So not every tribe has snake girls, and snake girls are not everywhere . A large number of snake girls will not leave the Hawaiian meteorite . Only there will they have the opportunity to continue to grow, and at the same time, they will have the opportunity to give birth to more kraya from the same tribe and increase their status in the holy land, This kind of original organizational structure makes the Haizu jump from the stratum formed by human development for countless years, and gradually transform into higher intelligent animals .

The crystal in xianghai"er"s hand can not become a Snake Girl by eating it . Every crystal is the energy core after the source has been transformed . This core has no effect on kelaya, because it is someone else"s thing . What xianghai"er needs is a part of the source in the crystal that has not yet been transformed . It is only to extract this source and integrate it into itself, Only then has the opportunity to transform belongs to her origin, only after the origin is transformed by the Snake Girl, ten does not exist one, if only one, can only give Xianghai er a thought at most, Zhang Xiaoqiang throws more than one in the pool, let Xianghai Er excited .

"Do you have limbs and arms when you continue to evolve?" Zhang Xiaoqiang threw more than ten crystals on xianghai"er . He asked curiously, but he didn"t expect xianghai"er to shake his head and say, "that can only be transformed in the holy land . I can have the power of royal command, but I can"t have their bodies . . . "

Xiang Hai"er"s appearance is somewhat low, but it"s hard for Zhang Xiaoqiang to get it . Compared with the mysterious creatures around him, it"s better to maintain the image of human beings . However, he"s not sure whether it"s because the snake girl has only tail but no thighs< br>