Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2395: 2395

Chapter 2395: 2395

Delia doesn"t like Kruger"s room in the middle of the mountain . Even if the room is full of priceless artworks, she hates the old and moldy smell of the room and the artworks . In her eyes, those artworks are not the elites of art, but the garbage collection place of all kinds of old things . Their biggest destination should be in the burial room of the cemetery, Buried with the old days .

So she built a dream castle in the highest peak of the Alps, planted the brightest flowers, laid the most gorgeous carpet, dug out a beautiful swimming pool like a lake, put lovely big dolls in all the rooms and corridors, pasted various giant cartoon portraits on the walls, and displayed countless fruits and fragrant plants, Let EOS, who was waiting by her side, always carry fragrance .

Delia, in her swimsuit, is lying lazily on the beach chair beside the swimming pool, looking at the dark sky outside the transparent barrier . The huge swimming pool with a radius of several kilometers is her private lake, on which are floating all kinds of lovely and unique boats and air cushions, with snacks and cartoons, as well as her favorite objects, This fully enclosed swimming pool always maintains a normal temperature of more than 30 degrees . The temperature in summer is adjusted by the central air conditioner . It"s not only the enclosed outdoor swimming pool, but also the whole castle . A transparent sh.e.l.l surrounds the top of the mountain . The temperature outside is close to zero, and the temperature here is kept at the most comfortable level .

Delia is a girl who likes to enjoy . She doesn"t want to know about human suffering . Her goal is just to achieve her ideal in her heart . It"s best to enjoy life while fulfilling her ideal . Delia, who only wears a three-point swimsuit, has amazing snow skin, smoother than milk, and her ruddy face is just like a washed apple, It"s tender and attractive, but if you only look at the back, it has a thrilling s.e.xy curve . Although it"s a little green, it"s definitely more mouth watering than the ripe fruit .

Delia"s boring listeners report information to her Qingli girl"s adjutant of the same age, but her eyes are fixed on the little lizard on her green finger . The little lizard honestly hugs her finger and pretends to be dead . A sweet dimple appears on Delia"s white cheek, which is more beautiful than a flower .

"So that son of a b.i.t.c.h has disappeared? After blowing up the nest, we can"t see it coming out . Seeing more than 100000 followers killed by the supernova bomb, do you think he is smart or stupid? Maybe he"s hiding in the corner watching jokes and thanking us for helping him clean up the opponents in the team . Maybe the people who were killed by the supernova are our sympathizers . In this way, no one will dare to speak for us any more . "

Delia a.n.a.lyzes so many things only through a few words of intelligence, but she is used to it in Qingli girl"s ears . Delia is almost a demon . She can often find the essence of things and make the following people admire her . Qingli girl doesn"t say her own opinion, so she skips the topic and reports another thing cleanly .

"Kessler has come back and asked us to increase the supply of supernova bombs and a full set of cracking gun technology . They are willing to exchange thunderstorm rifles . According to the a.n.a.lysis of the staff, the war in Australia has reached the most critical juncture . The combat casualty rate has surpa.s.sed that of the United States . Many soldiers can only hold stones as weapons and can only support for half a month at most, In half a month, Australia will collapse . . . "

"What a headache . . . " Delia scratched her messy medium and long curly hair in distress, staring at her big wet eyes like a depressed fawn, and said to Qingli girl, "I"m afraid the thunderstorm rifle is not the key, but the battery is the key? China will not give us batteries . They are trying to test our determination to deal with the sea people . If they don"t agree, they may stop supplying us with red algae . However, the survivors of Australia have nothing to do with us any more . They can"t help us any more . It should be no problem to send a batch of supernova bombs, but they have to transform 20 for us to send 10, Take revenge on the traps they set for us before . "

w.a.n.g Le once exchanged an optimized supernova bomb for a supernova production line . The purpose was to give the other party an illusion that China already had the technology to enhance the power of the supernova bomb, but Delia was not a fool . She set a trap when trading . The supernova bomb needed strange mutant plants from the Alps as raw materials, Without this material, it"s like a thunderstorm rifle without sun bamboo .

"In addition, the Chinese side wants to invite you to Australia . They have found the core of solving the problem of the sea people . Do you need me to reply and refuse?" Hearing the tone of Qingli girl"s disdain, Delia knew that Qingli girl didn"t want to go to Australia, but she didn"t agree . She bit her finger and thought of other places . Chinese people are always well-informed . Maybe they have found a way?

Wan Qiang feels that he has become stronger every day . Now he is no different from his height before the end of the world . His strong muscles are full of fierce and domineering power, and his hands can grasp the steel bar and iron stone . He enjoys the feeling of striving for strength and is addicted to it .

When he was standing in the tallest building of Guangxi"s largest city, holding the head of Z3 zombie and looking at the scattered zombies roaring below, he could not help but flash the figure of Xuefeng . He knew that the growth of strength had reached the bottleneck . If he wanted to continue to become stronger, maybe Xuefeng was the key . After devouring the brain of Z3, Wanqiang stamped the skull of zombie, Looking at the roar in a certain direction, the high sound waves reverberated within a kilometer diameter . One kilometer away from him, all the zombies were blasted into plasma in the roar, and the residual gla.s.s in the building was shattered . The fragments of flowers and rain rose and fell with the blasted flesh and blood, forming a b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l in a kilometer radius . After venting, Wan Qiang always feels better . When he turns around to leave, he suddenly feels that another high-level zombie is approaching quickly . He decides to solve this zombie and goes to find Xuefeng . After swallowing Xuefeng, he will be the king of zombies . At that time, no one in the whole world will be his opponent . He doesn"t understand what loneliness is like snow, He just wanted the whole world to tremble in his anger .

Suddenly, he stopped to look at the sky, only to see a zombie falling at a high speed crashing down on his head . The zombie weighing hundreds of kilograms twisted his body and roared wildly . Wan Qiang"s blood red eyes looked over the zombie to see the shadow in the sky . It was a fast falling high-speed empty boat, in the cab of the empty boat, Xuefeng"s cold eyes look at Wanqiang behind the porthole gla.s.s .

"You want to kill me, just as I want to kill you, we are destined to live only one . . . " The surging blood waves are around Xuefeng . The wings of blood color are flapping and brushing . The wind sounds like an angel floating in the air . The whole body armor made of black crystal tightly wraps Xuefeng . Only half of her face is exposed from head to foot . Facing the ten meter high Wanqiang Xuefeng, she talks and lets Wanqiang roar . She grabs the 20 story high building around her, and the bricks and stones in the middle of the building crumble, Tens of millions of pieces are scattered, and the scattered pieces are still turning in the air . The building is like a fallen building block, slowly tilting, until the dust blocking the sky is put out . The next second, Xuefeng leaves the original position, leaving a huge claw that comes out of the dust .

"But you can"t kill me, just as I can"t kill you . . . " Xuefeng flapped his wings and listened to the roar and sneer in the dust . His voice was not big, and the exit was submerged in the roar of the collapse of the building . But he knew that Wan Qiang must have heard it . Sure enough, Wan Qiang roared angrily: "are you coming to laugh at me? Even if I can"t kill you, someone can kill you . . . "

"You mean c.o.c.kroach? Mr . Wan Qiang . . . " Xuefeng"s sneer turned into sarcasm . The huge figure blurred in the dust broke out a high-frequency roar again . Hundreds of millions of flying dust lined out in perfect circles, revealing the extremely irascible Wanqiang . His scarlet eyes stared at Xuefeng in surprise, with some fear on his face . He thought that Xuefeng"s high-speed airship could fly freely in the sky of China, He should have thought of it .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, please go to Australia to deal with the most powerful enemy . I will join in . If I die, you will eat me . Of course, if you die, I will eat you too . Let"s see who dies first . . . " Xuefeng tells his intention . Wanqiang is not happy when he hears this . He crashes into buildings around him . He doesn"t want to hear the three words "brother c.o.c.kroach", which makes him feel despised . Xuefeng belongs to Zhang Xiaoqiang, which makes him have a more intuitive understanding of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s power and more angry .

"What the h.e.l.l are you . . . " After crashing down dozens of buildings, Wan Qiang stood in the ruins and looked at Xuefeng, who was still flapping his wings . Xuefeng"s mouth was slightly tilted and her eyes flashed the same scarlet color .

"I"m the master of Xiang yu"er . If you want to continue to evolve, you must eat me . Those stupid people who have no wisdom and soul will never grow to the highest point . The more you eat, the greater the shackles . I"m your only chance to become the king of zombies . . . "

In the cold wind, hundreds of evolutionists besieged the giant mutant beast . This mutant beast, which looks like a walrus, has 24 sharp tusks, and the longest two are like giant pillars . The mound like body vibrates slightly under the impact of innumerable fire points, bounces innumerable bullets, and shakes its head every time, Every time you flick your tail, you can smash layers of hard ice . The evolutioners around the monster are as persistent as ants, but they have no choice . Just as the mutant beast chases humans into the huge basin, all the evolutioners disperse in a crowd and disappear into an oil barrel size hole under the ice .

At the next moment, more than a thousand flying machines with metal wings flashing like bowling b.a.l.l.s fly out of the snow, quickly flash over a short distance, and climb to every corner of the monster"s body . When these small b.a.l.l.s flash green light together, the huge magnetism limits the monster to the original place, and the monster"s strength is huge and unmatched, and it twists its body madly, After three or five seconds, the monster can break free . At this moment, Sophia appears like a G.o.ddess of ice and snow on the top of the monster . In the roaring wind and snow, the invisible air blade excites layers of snowflakes, just like a la.s.so covering the monster"s head . Suddenly, the monster"s body shape is determined to die, and it can"t escape . Sophia"s great move is like a meat grinder, When an orange red colloid flew from the monster"s brain to Sophia"s hand, the huge mountain like body could no longer support it and slowly fell on the hard ice .

Countless survivors screamed and swarmed out from all over the place . Soldiers holding chainsaws on snowmobiles were like ants swarming around the monster"s body . Sofia didn"t take a look at it, and her whole body was covered with snow again .

The intense gasping and shrieking send out the breath of blushing and heartbeat . Byron and Sophia are all taut and groan together . After a long time, they hug each other naked . Sophia"s face is flushed and has a unique charm at this moment . Byron caresses Sophia"s proud mountain slowly and enjoys the peace of this moment, After a long time, he asked in a dry voice:"Decided? Must we go? " Sophia"s bright eyes were staring at the warm flame beating in the fireplace . After a long time, she nodded slowly . Her flowing hair pa.s.sed Byron"s nose mischievously, which made him take a deep breath . She wanted to inhale the smell of her hair into his lungs and integrate with herself . She loved this strong and weak woman deeply and said, "I"ll go with you, even if they turn over, With my delay, you have a chance to come back . . . "

Salt Lake City is full of twists and turns . If they are not lucky, they may not be able to come back . As a result, they no longer believe in others . Even the Chinese people don"t believe it . If they can"t achieve their goal, it"s OK . But once they have achieved their goal, the next goal may be them . Human beings will always be like this . They can kill each other at any time for their interests, With foreign enemies, they can fight for internal rights as soon as they are solved .

"No, you stay here . If I die, you can lead them to live . You are more suitable to be a leader than me . " Sophia"s gentle smile, soft voice has unquestionable perseverance, Byron tightly held her in his arms, neck intersection, feel Sophia also hard to embrace himself, Byron calmly said: "since there is danger, why force yourself, although the Arctic is hard, but we can still live, at least 20 years, the sea people have no time to worry about . . . "

"Twenty years later, we will be doomed . It is difficult for the Arctic to survive . There is no room for our development . I will use my life and soul to find the only chance for the people . Even if I fail, I will die 20 years earlier . At least I don"t have to worry about the same choice and destiny for my future generations . "

It"s still the soft, sticky and tender words, but Byron hears a bit of sharpness in the middle, and his heart is filled with a little sadness . Sophia still puts the future of the British people above everything, beyond life, love and Byron .

The South American jungle has become the last barrier since the end of the world . It has blocked the attack of zombies and the invasion of mutant animals . At the moment, it is blocking millions of sea people . Compared with the United States and Australia, there is no lack of water here . Sea people like to fight in such an environment, but there are countless trees and vines that limit the speed of sea people"s propulsion, Thousands of mutant animals try their best to devour these mutant plants, but new vegetation grows every day . South America is the best in all battlefields . Not to mention one million sea people, even one hundred million sea people may not be able to capture them .

The temple of darkness is the only force in South America . All the survivors who disobey the temple of darkness turn into dead bones . Millions of survivors live the most primitive life around the temple of darkness . In the jungle, they can live like Indians and gradually transform into Maya civilization . Here, the highest center of power is theocracy, and all of them are servants of the son of the temple, Every day, ten purest babies are presented to the son of the temple as waiters, but no one has ever seen these babies as pure as angels .

The Holy Son of the temple is like the most cultured n.o.bleman sitting at the dining table, wearing a snow-white napkin, holding a knife and fork, elegantly cutting in the dining plate . Even the most strict etiquette teacher can"t pick out his dining defects . When he puts a piece of tender meat with crispy bones into his mouth to chew, his delicate cheek rarely appears a look of intoxication, It"s like tasting the best fish seed truffle .

In his hand, there are ten pocket hearts in a huge bottle, beating slowly under the operation of a low-frequency pulse transmitter . Countless small transparent pipes are like blood vessels, running through blood . You can clearly see the heart sucking in blood and then erupting it . If you ignore this real fear, people who don"t know it think it"s an alternative set of high-tech toys .

"Only the flowing blood is the most delicious, and only the purest blood is the most delicious . Life is meaningful if you can enjoy it every day, don"t you think? My father . . . "

He drank the blood from the goblet and gracefully wiped the blood stains on his mouth . The reserved and shy son smiles at the elder like a girl next door . His obedient eyes are shining with pure l.u.s.ter, which is more transparent than the purest ice and snow . He can"t see that he gracefully ate the most delicious parts of the three babies a few seconds ago .

The elder squints his eyes to enjoy the Cuban cigar in his hand . He doesn"t care about the son"s eating human flesh and drinking human blood at all . The shimmering light in his eyes occasionally shows that he is not immersed in the fragrance of the cigar, but thinking about something . Hearing the son"s inquiry, he smiles and nods, saying: "human beings are the lambs of G.o.d, and the destiny of lambs is to provide blood for shepherds, The shepherd"s responsibility is to take care of the lamb, not to be taken away by the wolves . You are the son of the temple, and your will is the lamb"s will . But you should not identify yourself as a human being, so don"t use the bad word life . "

"Ha, father is so interesting . Isn"t father human? Yes, my father needs my genes to break through human limitations and become a more advanced life body . Unfortunately, my growth is not provided by human flesh and blood . I need the most top evolutioners, the most powerful variants and the highest level of Hai nationality . Thinking of the flesh and blood of those top progressors last time, I want to drool . Unfortunately, all the evolutioners in the territory have been eaten up, Otherwise, it can relieve the craving . "The tone of the conversation between them is gentle and warm, just like two fathers and sons talking about their ideals of life, but the topic is chilling . The son of the temple is still as a virgin, and his contempt and greed for human beings are even more chilling . As a human elder, he has obviously abandoned his human status and is willing to go with cannibals, The poor millions of South American survivors sheltered under the temple never imagined that they were just the food of the revered son of the temple .

"Last time you went too far . You shouldn"t do it face to face . At least you shouldn"t do it before you"re sure that fland was killed . Now we have to face fland"s revenge . Peru and Chile have been occupied . The jungle is disappearing with an area of 30 hectares a day . With the collapse of the United States, more and more sea people are concentrated in South America, Next month, the jungle may disappear at a rate of 300 hectares . We have no evolutors, no army, or even any ability to resist . Once South America is occupied, we will have nowhere to hide, and the ten lambs you need every day will be cut off . "

The elder"s tone was serious, but the son didn"t care . His beautiful eyebrows were lightly picked, his blue red eyes were shining with a playful l.u.s.ter . He raised his chin and said, "isn"t it better for us to hide in the red algae and enjoy the flesh and blood of the high sea people every day? My strength has been so strong that I ignore the high-level Haizu . It"s no problem to protect tens of thousands of people to survive in akashiga . As long as my servants and I can suck the blood like parasites, what does it matter if the earth is destroyed? The purpose of killing Flanders last time was to kill the flesh and blood of the top evolutionists . I won"t be a failure if I get it . When I can devour Delia and EOS, I believe I will be more powerful, as powerful as G.o.d . . . "

The elder bowed his head helplessly . The son was born against human beings . He knew this for a long time, but he knew that he had to cooperate with the son if he wanted to get immortality and power . So he betrayed the whole human race and joined in the evil with the son . But he didn"t expect that the son was out of control, which made him feel a little afraid, South America is not without an evolutor . Perhaps when the son loses his last patience, he, once the first apostle, will become the blood food of the son .

"Then you have a chance . The Chinese are ready to raid the waters of Hawaii . They have a way to break the air blockade . Delia and EOS have decided to go out . The Chinese also have top evolutors who are no worse than them to go out . . . " Maybe it"s because of fear, maybe it"s because the son is beyond his control, and the elder finally tells the news .

"Trap?" Sheng Zi picks up the knife with his fingers and turns it in the red and white meat on the plate . His sensitive and pure eyes are secretly scanning Da Yuanlao .

"Delia won"t know your ident.i.ty, which the Chinese have promised . Besides, there will be saints . . . "

"When . . . " The knife made a crisp sound when it was hanging from the plate . Shengzi was stunned . He looked at the elder in doubt . His pure eyes were a bit more humanized . The elder continued: "there are two variants, one is you, in the biological experimental base in South America, and the other is a girl . In the core laboratory in Australia, Kluger tried to turn her into a biological weapon, But they were abducted by the Chinese . You are the only two allogeneic variants . "

"That is to say, the key to my becoming G.o.d lies in the saint . G.o.d is unique, and we are not compatible? As long as I eat her? " Sheng Zi"s red tongue lightly licks his lips, and his eyes are filled with greedy madness . The elder doesn"t speak any more . If Sheng Zi really regards him as his father and is willing to respect him wholeheartedly, he will explain some things with the aid of yin and Yang of Chinese Taoism . But now, he wishes Sheng Zi to think of the jungle law< br>