Cloud City Cook-Book

Chapter 9


One quart milk, three squares Baker"s chocolate melted in the milk, two eggs, four large spoons cornstarch, three large spoons sugar.

Beat sugar, eggs and cornstarch together, add small teaspoon salt.

Cool in a mould. Serve with whipped cream.--Mrs. F. G. Barker.


One quart milk, one cup white meal or gold dust, one cup sugar, two eggs. Salt. Scald the meal in milk, and bake about two hours slowly.


One pint bread crumbs, one quart of new milk, one cup sugar, yolks of four eggs. Bake in slow oven; when done spread with jelly. Whip whites of eggs to stiff froth, add four tablespoons pulverized sugar, spread on top, return to oven and brown. Serve with whipped cream.

--Mrs. H. C. Dimick.


One-half package gelatine, soak two hours in one pint cold water; heat without boiling until it is all dissolved; when nearly cold, beat thoroughly with an egg beater, then add the whites of four eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one cup powdered sugar, the juice and grated rind of one lemon. Let it cool. Use the yolks for a soft custard to put around each dish when served.--Mrs. T. Kyle.


Half a teacup of rice steamed in one quart of milk two hours. Take the yolks of three eggs, grated rind of one lemon, a little salt, sweeten to taste. This is to be stirred into the rice. b.u.t.ter the pudding dish. Bake. Beat the whites stiff, sweeten with pulverized sugar, flavor with the juice of the lemon. Set in oven and brown lightly.--Mrs. H. D. Leonard.


Pour half a pint boiling water over half a box gelatine; stir until dissolved. Into this squeeze the juice of three lemons, add two cups sugar; beat whites of four eggs to a stiff froth, add gradually to the dissolved gelatine, etc. Beat constantly thirty minutes, until it has the appearance of snow. Dip moulds in cold water, and put the mixture on ice to cool.

CUSTARD FOR THE ABOVE--Three cups milk, three-fourths cup sugar, yolks of four eggs. Flavor with vanilla. Boil the milk and stir in the eggs gradually, being careful not to let it lump.--Mrs. H. C.



Scald one quart of milk, then add four well-beaten eggs; sweeten and flavor to taste. Pour into a pudding dish, and set in a pan of hot water in the oven.


Peel four oranges, slice very thin, lay in a deep dish with one cup white sugar strewn over it; set it away for an hour.

CREAM FOR SAME--One-half cup flour, three-fourths cup sugar, small piece of b.u.t.ter, yolks three eggs, one half teaspoon essence lemon.

Beat these together and pour into one pint boiling water; let it boil a few minutes; pour over the oranges while hot. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add two teaspoons sugar, spread over the top, place in the oven to brown a few minutes. Serve cold.--Mrs. W.

H. Nash.


Beat the yolks of four eggs half an hour; add five ounces pulverized sugar, then one quart cold, new milk; add a teaspoon lemon extract, fill the cups and set them in a pan half filled with warm water.

Place the pan in a rather cool oven and gradually increase the heat.

In about twenty minutes dip a teaspoon in one of the custards to see if it is firm. Great care is needed in baking custards, for if left in the oven a minute too long, or if the fire is too hot, the milk will certainly whey.--Mrs. Wm. Morris.


One quart sweet milk, two tablespoons cornstarch, five tablespoons sugar, yolks of four eggs. Beat the cornstarch and sugar together, and stir into the milk when boiling; stir until it thickens and is smooth. Flavor with a teaspoon vanilla. b.u.t.ter the pudding dish. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth with a little pulverized sugar, pour on the top, put in the oven and bake.--Mrs. H. D.




Pare and stew a few apples just as you would for sauce; take two or three slices of bread, b.u.t.ter them well. Line a bread pan with pie crust, cover with a layer of the apple sauce well sweetened with sugar, next a layer of bread, then of apples. Bake till done. Beat the white of an egg for meringue, spread on top and brown in the oven. Serve with cream or sauce of any kind.--Mrs. Hugh Parry.


One quart milk, one-half box gelatine, two-thirds cup sugar, three eggs. Put gelatine in milk, scald the same, then add the yolks of eggs with the sugar, and salt. Let it come to a boil; when a little cool stir in the whites. Set it in a basin of cold water and stir thoroughly, adding flavoring when quite cool.


One-half box gelatine dissolved in one-half pint cold water half an hour; then add half a pint boiling water, place over the steam of a tea-kettle. When thoroughly dissolved add one cup sugar, the juice of five oranges and two lemons, and put in a mould in a cool place.


Soak in water one-half a box of gelatine. Stew half a pound of prunes until tender, then remove the stones. To liquid add gelatine and one cup of sugar, and enough hot water to make a pint and a gill of liquid. Return prunes to liquid and let boil. Serve with whipped cream.