Loralle, Her Journey

Chapter 14

CHAPTER 12 (Part two)


Arculas, on the other hand, was having a tough time. His personalities were coming out fierce and strong, making him show many different kinds of faces...

At times like this, he immensely hated his father.

Being created the way he was, with different abilities and personalities, might seem fun...But Arculas was always in some kind of torment inside...

Being split up, the Elements hated it, but for Arculas...It was some kind of comfort or freedom. He openly went to cause mischief with the Elements willingly, to just get split up again in punishment.

His personalities often didn"t mould together and it was hard to endure. Normally, it would take longer for him to become tormented, after becoming one again. But, this time, Loralle had set them all off!

If he hadn"t have left when he did, she would have somehow perished to three or so of his personalities! He could only do so much to hold them off with his body! They could have used powers...

If the Elements were to lose their vessel, they would have to get another...Which takes time. Granted, it would be quicker then what Loralle took, but it would still take about a year to get them immune to all the elements and gain the power, so that they could become a vessel.

It was all just...Unnerving.

Arculas could not return to them until he...And his personalities, calmed down!

In the past, Arculas had tried to get a handle of them all, but never succeeded. He"d also lost one at some point, but never knew how.

Another two personalities had disappeared from him when he had gotten into trouble before, which had scared the rest of his personalities as they knew they were quite invincible. Arculas seems to literally have many lives!

They were all immortal and should be able to withstand against anything but there was something out there stronger then themselves! That galaxy...Gave them all the shivers...

After that happened, they tormented Arculas"s own personality to never get into that kind of trouble again!

Arculas might be in control of the body but he was trapped within himself.

And that was why he hated his father, who had created him this way. He felt caged and overthrown in his own s.p.a.ce.

But, there was a difference this time...Normally, several different conversations or feelings would circulate in his head. This time, quite a few of his personalities seem to have one target...And that was Loralle!

They seem to be on the same wave length all of a sudden.

One wanted her to bow, one wanted to teach her a lesson, one wanted to kill her and another wanted to slap her silly!

One was silently observing and another was mumbling...

Arculas was able to see a change...See that they could see eye to eye, but...They all seemed so angry!

All he could do...Was wait.

So, he climbed a tree, remembering that it was nice through Mahnu, and waited...



Arculas had still not returned but days had gone by. Loralle did get a bit upset and wondered if there was something she should do.

She honestly thought that she was the one that made him run away, so shouldn"t she bring him back!?

The Elements tried to talk her out of it but when that didn"t work they began to use force!

She would fly over the earth wall, push against the air with air and withstood the huge amount of water attacks with earth, all very easily!

They couldn"t defeat her because of her immunity to all of them! She continued to get closer to the figure far away in a tree...

Loralle fighting the Elements had gotten that intense that she reverted back to her animalistic ways of skittering about randomly. Earth continued to build walls in front of her and Air blocked her pa.s.sage to fly over but Loralle would harness the metal power and punch the earth wall.

Then Loralle scooted behind Earth, forgetting her original objective now, and took the ball into herself!

Then she flew out, as the rest of the Elements got angry and found themselves being dragged forcefully along because their vessel was too far away. While they were questioning what they should do, they stopped and seconds later, Loralle appeared in front of Air and absorbed the ball into herself. Which left Fire, Water and Metal shocked!

She was a beast! Putting them away, how nasty!

But Loralle wasn"t thinking much at all, she just knew that these little b.a.l.l.s were in her way!

Drenched in water and her clothes burnt, Loralle continued to scamper about!

She really had two adversaries, as Metal just watched and talked.

Knowing they were being targeted, Fire and Water started to panic!

"Wait! Wait!"

"I concede, I do not want to get absorbed."

Loralle straightened up, "Oh?"

"Yeah, it"s cool. Do what you want to do!"

Loralle smiled smugly, her friends were really nice!

But, her smile faded, they had got in my way! She rapidly went towards the fire and water b.a.l.l.s and took them in at the same time...

The Elements were flabbergasted! Even when they gave up, she still...How was this fair!

They wanted Arculas to make her a mindless slaved this instant!

Metal was laughing when Loralle absorbed him back into her body and Loralle smiled.

"Loralle..." Earth was normally quite nice but now was having troubles staying that way.

"Yes, Earth?" Loralle answered, she sat down and breathed out.

"Let us out!"

"How despicable, treating us like that!"

Laying down, putting her hands under her head, she replied, "You started it!"

"We were watching out for your safety!"

"Yes, honey, Arculas could kill you easily, your still human!"

Loralle sat up...That"s right, I was going to see pretty new friend!

Standing up, she said, "I let you back out soon."

Looking around, she saw the tree even further away than before...She flew off in Arculas"s direction, ignoring the Elements unhappiness.


Arculas had seen the shuffle between the Elements and Loralle and had been relatively impressed. She had held her own and won against them! How interesting!

Two other personalities thought the same, while another two were still angry at her...

Arculas was caught between disliking her and liking her...

Existing for so long, he was used to having trouble and when he needed to calm down, he calmed down. When he was angry, he waited. When things got intolerable, he encouraged the Elements into mischief.

Things would rotate into a boring routine and everything expected happened! Because they had done it before!

Being able to see the future made things worse, as the days became something more to feeling like weeks instead.

But...Arculas had trouble seeing Loralle"s future or thoughts...

Her actions were very instinctive and spontaneous. And when she was just fighting now, her thoughts had ceased to only think of one thing. The Elements had gotten in her way, so getting them out of her way became the only thing on her mind...But nothing else...

Normally you"d hear strategy"s or thinking things through...Unknowingly, he had been enraptured in her fight because he didn"t know what she was thinking and didn"t know how it was going to end!

A boring existence...Finding something that was exciting...Arculas no longer wanted to make her a slave.


Now, this new entertainment was looking up at him from the bottom of the tree.

"Pretty man. Sorry." Loralle sighed in her head, she"d said it. "Still mad?"

Arculas nearly laughed and cried! That"s it? That"s all the effort she"s going to use?

With his silence, Loralle pouted...She"d come and apologized, which was something she"s never done before, Shouldn"t he come down, smile and say, "It"s fine?" Maybe he could hug her and give her something to eat...

What if he"s still mad!? What do I do? How should I made him feel better!?

Arculas didn"t leave his post in the tree but heard her thoughts.

His personalities did as well, but anger was still there...

What was a little troubling was that she really had no idea! She didn"t know how close she had been to death days ago and she didn"t know "how to make him feel better".

It was such a difference to when she was fighting before that Arculas couldn"t keep up...

Suddenly, the tree started to sway and he was about to fall to the ground! Jumping down easily, away from the tree, he saw that power had been used to chop the tree at the base. He looked at Loralle, to see her smiling face and hear her say, "Better! Up there, no good!"

Sighing in his heart, Arculas shook his head, how had this girl lasted this long? Wasn"t she afraid...At all?

He believed that he and the rest of his personalities might have a couple of interesting days ahead of him...

"Said, sorry!" Loralle pouted and folded her arms. She liked the pretty man...But she wasn"t going to say it again!

"Ok, I heard you!" Was all Arculas could say...She can be impertinent too...

Smiling, Loralle put her hands down to her side, over the matter completely already. "Very good! Haha."

Arculas shook his head again.

