MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 165

Looking at the fully decorated, brightly lit hall, Liu Yang and his group were feeling as if they were inside a royal hall.

At the end of the room, there was a large golden throne with a skeleton, it was wearing a leather cloak and leather pants, on the skull was a golden crown with the design of a snake biting its tail, on the right and left was a golden and silver scimitar. The skeleton looked majestic and powerful sitting on that golden throne.

Seconds after Liu Yang and his group appeared in the hall, two flames flashed in the eye"s skeleton holes, and it began to move.

"My dear guests, I congratulate you on coming to this hall, this is my royal hall, the Throne Room. My name is h.e.l.lmuth Graham, King of the Desert, nice to meet you. "The skeleton spoke in the language of the living. The skeleton"s HP bar was green, which showed it had no intention of attacking and was an NPC.

h.e.l.lmuth Graham, The Lost King Skeleton (Level ?????) (Legendary Tier)

"Nice to meet you, my name is Ward, they are Nina, Sophie, Little White, Little Blue, Horse 1 and Horse 2." Liu Yang spoke in the language of souls, he spoke that way because he was seeing the soul of h.e.l.lmuth Graham behind the skeleton. Liu Yang was surprised to find that the opponent in the last hall was an NPC, he thought it would also be another skeleton for them to fight.

Nina and Sophie didn"t understand what Liu Yang had said, they were curious to know what language Liu Yang was speaking.

"You…" The soul was startled when it heard the language of souls.

"Who are you ??" The soul calmed down after the shock it received, the soul asked Liu Yang using the language of souls.

"I"m just an adventurer who is trying to get stronger before I can return to the capital," Liu Yang said vaguely.

"I see ... Looks like you got kicked out or are being wanted by the government of the human kingdom." The soul vaguely understands what was going on, it seemed it was already used to it.

"Sir, do you have any method to help us?" Liu Yang asked he knew the bear couple didn"t send them here for no reason.

"Before I help you, I want you to answer a simple question."

"What question?"

"Who was the person who brought you here? My tomb is not something ordinary adventurers can find. "The soul spoke with a solemn tone, it knew that its tomb was secret and no one would be able to find it by normal means.

"A guardian sent us here," Liu Yang told the truth, he knew it was unless hiding it from the NPC, it could make things worse if he lied.

"Guardian… I haven"t heard that word for hundreds of years, it looks like the person I was waiting for finally showed up. Tell me, who is the one who will bring glory to the human kingdom? "The soul spoke in a nostalgic tone, it remembered a few moments from its past.

"She. Nina is the future human kingdom"s heiress. "Liu Yang pointed to Nina.

"This little girl?" The soul asked with a skeptical tone, it did not believe that Nina would be the future ruler of the kingdom of humans.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Yes, it"s her"

"I see…" A light shot from both holes in the skeleton"s eyes and hit Nina"s body, but before she could be hit, something amazing happens. The lightning struck an invisible barrier.

"Sir, what are you doing?" Liu Yang was startled when he saw this scene.

"Don"t worry, if this little girl is the heiress of the kingdom, she wouldn"t be hit by my attack. What I did was just a little test. "

"But that doesn"t give you the right to do that, didn"t you have another method to test?"

"I have, but it"s very tiring, and this is the fastest and most practical"

Liu Yang was speechless to hear the explanation of the soul, he did not know what to answer.

"As I verified the authenticity of your words, I will speak my part of the promise to the guardian and test the heiress, if she can pa.s.s my test, I will give her a gift, if she fails, consider that she has lost the chance to get stronger "

Ding… Ding…

Quest: Nina"s Challenge - h.e.l.lmuth Graham"s soul is challenging Nina to prove her worth, it wants to see if she deserves to be the future ruler of the human kingdom. Rank: S

Objective: Win h.e.l.lmuth Graham"s challenge.

Failure: Lose the treasures left by h.e.l.lmuth Graham.

Reward: ??? "

"Accept - Decline"

"Young master, what are we going to do?" Nina asked she understood that the soul would be giving her a test to prove her worth.

"We will accept this challenge, if we fail, we will delay our goal a little. This is not a bad thing. "Despite speaking these encouraging words, Liu Yang was very worried internally, as he knew that if they failed the quest, he would lose extremely rare treasures. Just thinking about it, Liu Yang"s heart was bleeding.


"Quest Accepted"

"Young people, how have you accepted my challenge, I will be pleased to begin" The soul spoke in a funny voice, it was speaking in the language of souls, so only Liu Yang could understand what he was talking about.

The glow of the flames in the skeleton"s eyes began to grow stronger, seconds later, the flame began to spread throughout the hall. The place turned into a large arena surrounded by flames.

The golden throne and decorations disappeared, what was left in the room were just the flames in the shape of a circle, the skeleton, Liu Yang, Little White, Nina, and Little Blue.

"Sophie, Nina can only take one more person with her, you don"t have to worry about that, the flames are part of the challenge, take care of the two horses." Before everything was covered in flames, Liu Yang shouted at Sophie and talked about the situation.

"Little girl, you have the right to bring one more person to fight by your side, and as this adventurer is your young master, he will be the chosen person, he and his contract animals, as they are part of his skills."

The challenge is easy enough, you only have to beat me or hold on for five minutes to win the challenge. But as it would be very unfair to you, if I fight with all my might, I will give you a little help. "The skeleton said, it was holding a two scimitar, the golden and the silver.



A timer appeared when the skeleton spoke those words, at the same time the skeleton information changed, it changed its tier to World Boss, and its level changed to. For it became a target that players could fight.

h.e.l.lmuth Graham, The Lost King Skeleton (Level 250) (Tier World Boss)

HP: 1.000.000

MP: 300.000

Strength: 10.000

Agility: 5000

Vitality: 10.000

Dexterity: 5000

Intelligence: 5000

Physical Attack: 15000

Magic Attack: 7500

Physical Defense: 10.000

Magic Defense: 7500


Double Cut - Each sword cuts once and each deals 100% physical damage.

Horizontal Sweep - Make a horizontal cut with a sword. Deals 200% of physical damage.

Skeleton Fury - Increases physical and magic damage by 400% and is resisted by all kinds of negative effects.

In New Earth, the NPCs and creatures had different ranks, the NPC tier was Common, Elite, Legendary, and G.o.d. The creatures were Common, Elite, Boss, World Boss, Super World Boss.

Although the creatures were one rated higher than the NPCs, that does not mean that the creatures were more powerful than the NPCs, both sides had the same power. The over rank was just to rank the last stage of creature power. The NPC"s Elite rating was equivalent to the creature"s Elite and Boss because the NPCs could level and use the equipment.

Since the last two Tiers were merely criterion for ranking the power of the NPC or creature, they also had their territories to rule, and each of these creatures had a low to high rating. The developers did this to improve stories and give players more challenges.