MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 194

Wisdom Tree summoned the guild elders and asked them to release Rose"s money, but that was not as smooth as imagined. Many guild elders were afraid to give Rose such a large amount of gold, as the value was so great, even though she contributed twice as much money.

The scene was like someone saving money in the bank, but when that person wanted to take the money, the bank refused to give.

The meeting convened by Wisdom Tree would take place in the guild meeting room, the venue was already full, the elders were already seated in their chairs, each of them was looking at the middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the round table.

"I believe everyone knows why I called you, right?" Wisdom Tree looked at the seven members around the table and spoke.

"Guild master, how much money does the princess need?" Some had dreadful glances when this question was asked, as they didn"t want to give Rose the money, even if the money belongs to her.

"My daughter wants the money that belongs to her, at least the money she got from selling one of the Black Sh.e.l.l," Wisdom Tree said, the elders had figured it out, but the problem was: how much did she want to get?

"Guild master, how much does she want to withdraw? Even if half of it belongs to her, she should be left in the guild to be used to pay the lowest members. "One of the elders spoke fairly. The others agreed with him.

"I understand your thoughts, but you also know that we already get half the total amount received by the Black Sh.e.l.l, my daughter also has the right to receive her money, since the Black Sh.e.l.l belongs to her." Wisdom Tree said something no one at the place can deny, that Rose was the owner of the sold Black Bark. The elders were envious and jealous over this because their daughters couldn"t find someone like Rose"s boyfriend who did amazing things for them.

Some elders even considered taking tests to select candidates to be lovers of their children, as Wisdom Tree got a good wife that way, now, his daughter also got a good boyfriend that way. They began to wonder if to get one with a lover, they would have to test how determined the other side was to be with their children.

"Guild master, we understand the situation, but you should know that depending on the amount of gold or platinum coins it is impossible to give the princess." Another said he was in doubt about how much money Rose wanted.

"Don"t worry about it, my daughter doesn"t just want the money, materials can also be used in exchange for the money, if she gets the materials she wants, she won"t need all the money, just a small amount is enough for her. "Wisdom Tree"s words soothed the elders, for it was better to give materials that were dusting the vault than to give the money.

"What kind of material and how much does the princess need?" Another elder asked.

"You should know that my daughter is creating a female-only group, right?"

"Yes, I heard that the princess accepts only prominent members of the group, and no matter if she is famous or common, the princess will accept. At least that"s the rumor I heard. "

"That"s true, her group has three members for now, but I won"t merit it. My daughter has given me a list of materials she needs to set up a headquarter for her group. She said the guild can discount twice the auction house price for each unit. This is the list of items my daughter needs. "Wisdom Tree showed the list of items Rose needed to build the city.

Wisdom Tree"s first words had rea.s.sured the elders, but when they heard their last words, they realized that something was wrong when they heard that Rose let the guild charge twice the value of the item.

Thoughts came to fruition when the elders saw the materials on the list, which shocked and frightened them were not the materials themselves, as they were just ordinary materials and some were rare. But what scared everyone was the amount Rose was asking for, the amount was absurd and frighteningly high.

(What is the princess trying to build? A city for her group? Guild Master, you said she was trying to build a small place for her group, but with that amount of material, the small one was at least a small city.) That was everyone"s thought when they saw the list of items, and they began to curse Wisdom Tree for being shameless in saying that Rose was just creating a small place for her group.

"Guild master, did the princess buy some territory to build this" little "place?" Someone asked, even if no one asked, the answer was already obvious by the size of the city Rose wanted to build.

"My daughter did not get a territory, the territory belongs to the boyfriend of one of her group members. They are only using the territory, but they will have to pay some fees to use the territory. "Wisdom Tree said what Rose had said to him.

"Guild master, you"re not hiding the fact that your future son-in-law owns this territory, right?" The elders were not believing Wisdom Tree"s words.

"I"m not hiding the truth, besides, my daughter told me that the person who will manage the city is the lover of the owner."

"Guild master, why would the princess accept such a term? This list of items shows that the person who will build the city is the princess, but why will anyone else manage? "

"Because the territory belongs to the boyfriend of one of the members as I said before, and from what I understand. My daughter"s group only needs to pay an annual fee of ten percent of total earnings and nothing more and his girlfriend will be the person who will manage the city with my daughter"s help. This is the agreement between the two sides. "

"Guild master, if the princess wanted to build a city, she just needed to talk to the guild that we got a place for it." Some couldn"t understand why Rose was doing this.

"You still don"t understand? My daughter wants to do something for herself, she doesn"t want to depend on the guild. That"s why she wants to use her own money to build the city and have no connection with the guild. "

"Guild master, is this building worth it? We can supply all of this material in exchange for not giving in to gold and platinum coins. As the princess"s father, do you think this investment is worth it? "

"I don"t know, my daughter just told me this is something she and her group will do and nothing more. What happens in the future I don"t know. "

"Okay, as this is the princess"s decision and the money initially belongs to her, the board will approve it. But we can only give the materials and five percent more money, guild master, is that enough? "

"Yes, that"s enough." Wisdom Tree understood that the elders were whispering to each other, but he didn"t care as long as his daughter"s request was accepted.

"If there is nothing else, I will declare this meeting closed." Wisdom Tree was happy with the result, he already sent the message confirming the matter.

Everyone began to slowly leave the room before it was empty.