The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 81

Campora, Francesco, della Polcevera, in the Genovese, d. 1763. _Ratti._ v.


Ca.n.a.l, Antonio, a Venetian, called Il Ca.n.a.letto, d. 1768, aged 71.

_Zanetti._ iii. 386.

---- Fabio, a Venetian, b. 1703. _Longhi._ d. 1767. _Zanetti._ iii. 363.

Cane, Carlo, of Trino, painted in 1600, as we learn from Gio. Andrea Irico, in his account of Trino, who cites two altar-pieces dated the said year with the name of _Trinensis_. Orlandi mistakes in saying he was born in the Milanese, 1618, d. aged 70. iv. 316, 329.

Caneti, F. Francescantonio, da Cremona, a Cappuchin, b. 1652, d. 1721.

_Zaist._ iv. 197.

Canneri, Anselmo, a Veronese, flourished in 1575. _Guarienti._ iii. 239.

Canini, Gio. Angelo, a Roman, d. 1666, aged 49. _Pascoli_ and _Pa.s.seri_.

ii. 209.

Canozio, _see_ da Lendinara.

Cantarini, Simone, or Simone da Pesaro, b. 1612, d. 1648. _Orlandi._ v.


Canti, Gio., of Parma, d. 1716. _Volta._ iv. 29.

Cantona, Caterina, a Milanese, lived in 1591. _Lomazzo._ She is called by _Morigia_ Barbara, and died young in 1595. iv. 282.

Canuti, Domenico Maria, a Bolognese, d. 1684, aged 64, _see_ Crespi.

_Felsina Pittrice_, p. 117, where he corrects _Orlandi_; and also _La Certosa di Bologna_, p. 14, where he again alludes to him. v. 153.

Canziani, Gio. Batista, a Veronese, lived about 1712. _Orlandi._ iii. 383.

Capanna, Puccio, a Florentine, painted in 1334. _Vasari._ Died early in life. _Vasari._ _Manni_ and others read _Campana_. ii. 15.

---- il, a Sienese, flourished about 1500. _Bottari._ i. 407.

Capitani, de, Giuliano, or Giulio di Lodi, pupil of Bernardino Campi.

_Lamo._ iv. 288.

Capitelli, Bernardino, a Sienese, lived in 1626. _Lett. Pittoriche_, vol.

i. i. 449.

Capodiferro, Gianfrancesco, a Bergamese, d. about 1533. iii. 90.

---- Pietro, brother of Gianfranc. Zinino, his son, _ib._

Caporali, Bartol. da Perugia. His works from 1442 to 1487. _Mariotti._ ii.


---- Giambatista, or Bitti, his son, a painter and architect, b. about 1476; made his will in 1553. _Mariotti._ d. about 1560. _Pascoli._ ii. 38.

---- Giulio, son of Giambatista, lived in 1582. _Mariotti._ _ib._

Cappella, Scipione, a Neapolitan, lived in 1743. _Dominici._ ii. 440.

Cappelli, Franc. di Sa.s.suolo, once a fief of the house of Pio, lived in 1568. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 114.

Cappelli, Gio. Ant., a Brescian, b. 1669, d. 1741. _Flor. Dict._ iii. 328.

Cappellini, _see_ Zupelli, _see_ Il Caligarino.

Cappellino, Gio. Domenico, a Genoese, b. 1580, 1651. _Soprani._ v. 401.

Caprioli, Francesco, di Reggio, painted in 1482, d. 1505. _Tiraboschi._ iv.


Capugnano, da, in the Bolognese, Gio. or Zuannino, lived in the times of the Caracci. _Malvasia._ v. 215.

Capuro, Francesco, of the district of Genoa, pupil to Fiasella. _Soprani._ v. 398.

Caracca, Isidoro, painted in 1595. _MS._ v. 457.

Caracci, (more properly Carracci) Lodovico, a Bolognese, b. 1555, d. 1619.

_Malvasia._ i. 291, ii. 179, iv. 292, v. 106.

---- Paolo, his brother. _Malvasia._ v. 112.

---- Agostino, his cousin, b. 1558, d. 1601. _See_ Inscrip. in the cathedral at Parma. i. 125, ii. 179, iv. 137, v. 111.

---- Annibal, brother of Agostino, d. 1609, aged 49. _Bellori._ ii. 179, iv. 137, v. 112.

---- Francesco, their brother, d. 1622, aged 27. _Malvasia._ v. 123.

---- Antonio, son of Agostino, d. 1618, aged 35. _Malvasia._ _ib._

Caraccino, _see_ Mulinari.

Caracciolo, Gio. Batista, called Batistiello, a Neapolitan, d. 1641.

_Dominici._ ii. 395.

Caradosso, a Milanese, worker in niello. _Vasari._ Or perhaps Caradosso Foppa da Pavia, otherwise called a Milanese. _Morell. Notiz._ Flourished about 1500. i. 112.

Caravaggio, da, _see_ Amerighi, _see_ Secchi, _see_ Caldara.

Caravoglia, Bartolommeo, a Piedmontese, lived in 1673. _N. Guida di Torino._ v. 749.

Carboncino, Gio., a Venetian knight. His records up to 1680; when he went to Rome. _MS. Melchiori._ He afterwards returned and painted much in his native place. _Guarienti._ iii. 266.

Carbone, Gio. di S. Severino, Acad. of S. Luca in 1666. _Pascoli._ ii. 208.