The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 15

After some time, Lloyd calmed down from fear. He looked to the corpses and with a wave of his hand, flame descended and burned all of it.

He turned his head and looked towards the top of the mountain while thinking. During regeneration, he felt a calling from his bloodline. It came from the top of the mountain.

He can"t see the top of the mountain. It was not high but covered with fog reducing visibility.

He started to climb the mountain. As he reached near the top, snow appeared. He looked to the fog. it was not moving and disappearing with wind and sun like regular fog.

He finally decided and entered the fog.

-Illusion formation entered-

-advised to leave immediately-

As he heard system, he wanted to leave but his vision blurred and he discovered that he was currently in a desert.

"so, this is an illusion created by the formation. It looks so real" he thought and picked up some sand and felt it.

"I need to escape"

Just as he was worried to find a way out of the formation. He felt his bloodline shake and the desert disappeared and he was once again in snow.

"what happened?" he thought. He only felt his bloodline and this happened.

-illusion formation dispersing-

"it turned off!!. Why?" he asked while feeling surprised.

-host"s bloodline disabled the formation-

He looked back and found the path he came from and thought, "since formation disabled, maybe I should find out what in here for building such illusion formation"

Lloyd moved forwards and snow started to increase. After a while, he also found skeletons buried in the snow.

"what the h.e.l.l"

"they must be stuck here because of the formation"

As he reached the top of the mountain he saw a figure.

As he came towards it, he found it was a stone statue. It was 15 meters tall. It was a statue of a phoenix. Its wings spanned all over the peak of the mountain.

"maybe something related to phoenix clan is present here" saying he came forward and touched it. He wanted to feel it.

Just as he touched it he again felt bloodline shake. The statue also trembled and moved to reveal a spiral stair under it.

"system what the h.e.l.l was that?" he asked system.

At first, he thought that since he was processing a unique bloodline, illusion formation didn"t work for him but now when he touched the phoenix statue he revealed a hidden pa.s.sage. If he had ice phoenix bloodline or fire phoenix bloodline he would have thought that it has become one of the clan build it and only revealed when certain bloodline user touched it but he has purple phoenix bloodline which was never present till now.

-the phoenix statue has a bloodline lock. The primary a.n.a.lysis shows that it was linked to open only for purple phoenix bloodline user-

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT" Lloyd froze and don"t know what to say.

He thought he was the first purple phoenix bloodline user but here there was a purple phoenix bloodline lock. Which means it already exists before.

"I need to find a clue about another user of purple phoenix" he thought and he enters the pa.s.sage. He climbed downstairs.

It was a long stairway. It continued for a while and temperature increased as he descended to the end.

it was a hallway. It was along with the light stone present at regular intervals to light up the hallway. He continued the hallway as he reached a big door. It was 3 times bigger than him.

He searched and couldn"t find a clue about who built it and where other purple bloodline users are. He placed his hands on the door to push it open.

He again felt a shake in his bloodline. He heard a click and door slowly opened.

It was a large room. It was a semi-circular dome reaching about 100 meters in diameters.

The room was empty without anything except for a coffin at the center. He also found out that this was the only door to the room. He stepped into the room.

Just as he dropped his feet. He felt a huge pressure coming at him. He almost kneeled.





-The system has run into an unexpected problem-

-System shutting down-

Lloyd heard it and feeling nervous. He can"t move forward. He wanted the system to scan but it didn"t reply.

Sweat started falling from his head and he can"t endure the pressure any longer. He stepped back and was out of the room. The pressure disappeared.

He felt relieved that the pressure disappeared. It can"t even move under that condition. Even when he felt the pressure of the demon wolf king, he can move.

He felt really scared.

-System rebooting-

-rebooting successful-

"system, what the h.e.l.l happened to you" Lloyd asked for the system

-sometimes is stopping the system from entering that room-

"can you scan that coffin from here" he asked

-something is interfering system"s functions. Can"t scan-

His mood fell when heard it. He wanted to find a clue about other purple bloodline user but something is stopping him and system from finding of the coffin.

The big door slowly closed as he was thinking what to do. He sighed.