The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 27

Lloyd returned to his room. He can"t even move properly. He is too weak to return for his brother and Kalea.

He wrote a letter explaining about Derek and Kalea to Dixon. He came to the window and summoned spirits to deliver the message.

He saw Dixon receive the letter and rush towards the mansion through his spiritual vision.

A few moments ago

Dixon was currently on the roof looking for the Phoenix. Just then he saw a mini purple colored phoenix flying towards him and drop a letter.

"he"s back," he thought and saw the mini phoenix disappear.

He opened the letter and without rushed towards the mansion to save his daughter and Derek.

After seeing, Dixon leave. Lloyd went to the bed and slept like there is no tomorrow.

He woke up next morning feeling little better than yesterday.

He activated his spirit vision and saw Alder, Derek and Dixon in the other room and discussing. He went towards them.

"so, you don"t know anything about who kidnapped you," Alder said while looking at Derek.

"yes," Derek said while looking down.

Derek currently has bruises on his face. One could see the visible anger in his face. He was currently feeling weakness. He couldn"t help his woman when needed which almost got her killed.

Alder came to the capital last night and searched entire mansion but couldn"t find anything even bodies. From what he heard it can only be that person"s work.

"Dixon, are sure he didn"t come for you?" Alder said.

Just as Alder said Dixon, the door opened and Lloyd entered the room.

"brother, are you okay?" Lloyd went to Derek and asked.

"yes," Derek said but he was still feeling down.

Just as Derek answered the Lloyd, Alder turned and looked at Lloyd and his expression changed.

"Lloyd, what the h.e.l.l happened to you? You look pale like a ghost and yesterday I came to your room and tried to wake you but you couldn"t budge" Alder said while looking at Lloyd.


"what? Say it" Alder said seriously.

"yesterday, I injured myself during cultivation and fell unconscious and only wake up just now," Lloyd said while looking like he did something wrong.

Alder couldn"t believe what the h.e.l.l happened, he sent both of his sons to the capital for the experience. One of the got kidnapped while the other almost killed himself during cultivation.

"both of you, pack everything. We are going home" Alder said angrily.

"yes, father" Derek and Lloyd said at the same time and left the room.

"I didn"t know you, Alder could leave the clan and come to capital" a voice appeared from the void.

Hearing the voice, both Alder and Dixon was startled and looked around. They saw a lady in white clothes appear before them.

"your majesty" both Dixon and Alder greeted the lady.

"I told both of you many times. During private times call me Lucia" Lucia said while looking at them.

"yes, Lucia" both of replied.

"why shouldn"t I come. two major things happened. My son was kidnapped by someone and that b.a.s.t.a.r.d came back" Alder said answering the question.

"so, has he contacted any of you?" Lucia said.

"no, but from what we know he appeared to rescue my son and his daughter. He also sent a letter to Dixon mentioning about their location" Alder said.

"so, he finally returned," Lucia said. One could feel the excitement from her voice.

Lucia, Dixon, and Alder were friends while they were young. From what they know, the only person they know that could transform into purple phoenix was Alvin. who disappeared 15 years ago.

"n.o.body has seen where that he has gone after he burned entire forest outside the city," Dixon said.

"that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, disappearing for 15 years and showing off in front of the entire capital," Alder said looking like he was angry but Dixon and Lucia could feel his excitement.

"but now he came back from the shadows, the country will fall in tumble once again," Dixon said while thinking for a while.

"say, do you think he is married," Alder said while looking at Lucia with a smile.

"if he really got married. first thing I will do after seeing him will be killing him. leaving me worried for 15 years and secretly getting married" Lucia said. Alder and Dixon shivered to hear her words.

After leaving his father and Dixon, Lloyd turned to Derek and asked, "so, how are really felling?"

"I really don"t know. I can"t even protect the woman I love. So tell me how should I feel?" Derek said while looking that Lloyd.

Lloyd thought for a while and said, "if I were you, I would feel like s.h.i.t"

"yeah, you are right about that" Derek said.

"then there is the only way. To get stronger so that it never happens again." Lloyd said while looking at Derek.